有一个印度的客户,我给他报完价以后,他给我回了这么一段话,请各位走过的、路过的英语好点的帮我看看,这到底是神马意思啊?We are happy to have a quick response from your side but i would like to have the price being Quoted for STPP for CIF Kandlya or mundra (Gujarat-India) and please do provide me according as you might be aware that anti dumping duty has been imposed on the import of STPP from china and is increasing our cost of procurement of the material as is also making it costlier then the material available in the local market。
同意楼上,叫你报CIF Kandlya or mundra (Gujarat-India)价格
We are happy to have a quick response from your side but i would like to have the price being Quoted for STPP for CIF Kandlya or mundra (Gujarat-India) and please do provide me according as you might be aware that anti dumping duty has been imposed on the import of STPP from china and is increasing our cost of procurement of the material as is also making it costlier then the material available in the local market。
我们很高兴收到贵方的快速回复,但是我希望贵方的报价是按CIF条款到蒙德拉(印度城市),因为贵方可能也注意到反倾销税是强加给我们从中国进口的STPP产品,并且随着我们地方市场上能用的材料更加昂贵,我们生产这种材料的成本也在增加。(估计是在讨价还价,是不是用按CFI印度的划算些啊? )
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