These are the values of part of westerners, you might agree with some of them, check it out,ignore them if you think it's wrong, but I suggest you think twice before you really do it. Purple is my comments.
1. People that would fuck anyone, will more than probably step on your head to fuck anyone...keep them away from your life.
Mark: 可是在这里, 我们必须接近这种人, 甚至变成这种人.
2. Work as slowly as you can and pretend it's impossible to work any faster.
慢...慢...拖...拉地做事, 并假装本来就没法做快.
Mark: 人有时候很需要懒惰.
3. Some people think it's ok to judge you, try not to be like them and ignore them.
有人觉得对他人品头论足是正常的, 别学他们, 忽略这些人.
Mark: 评论差不多等同于照镜子
4. The prettiest things in life are useless.
Mark: 比如你老婆, 而不是我老婆
5. Don't push your friends into your stuff, let them find it and like it if they want to.
别强迫别人欣赏你喜欢的东西, 让他们自己去找寻所爱吧.
Mark: 如果你把你的钱包硬塞给我, 我也会很喜欢的.
6. No one cares about the 2 weeks you "lived" in Europe/America/Asia, stop bragging about it.
没人有兴趣听你的炫耀, 管你在哪呆过2星期, 省省吧.
Mark: 人们闭嘴了, 可是微博成了他们炫耀的第二张大嘴. 谁在乎你每天都干了什么?
7. Porn movies and Disney are responsible for the most frustrated human beings I know.
大多数我认识的不快乐的人, AV和迪士尼动画是罪魁祸首.
Mark: 你是太纯真还是太淫邪?
8. It's ok to change your mind about people and things in your life, just make sense.
对身外人事看法改变很正常, 只要心安理得.
Mark: 同样的菜, 吃不回小时候的味道, 理得了, 心不安
9. Don't spread your anger all over the internet, it's stupid and everyone can tell you do it because you have a small dick.
在网上撒气是最白痴的, 那样只会让人觉得你天生欠本钱.
Mark: 撒可以, 别来真的就是, 虚拟世界还不是你调戏我来, 我调戏你
10. It's good to have big hopes and expectations but keep it logical.
胸怀大志是好事, 但请尊重现实.
Mark: 现实就是"胸怀大志是坏事"
in my opinion it's good for me.
Interesting words and more interesting comments.
It is very useful .
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