purchase card是什么意思如不需外箱, 彩盒必須採用加強芯紙, 否則過不了壓力測試, 但彩盒尺寸需在原来的基礎上, 長、寬、高分別加, 4mm, 4mm, 6mm. 即加大少許, 否則包裝後很難取出產品.
為了提高搬運效率, 建議: 每兩個彩盒用一個膠袋包封, 然後再打一條尼龍帶, 概方便、省錢, 又實用, 可否接受? 待覆.
If you no need carton, In order to protect cargo, gift box must made by strengthening core, and gift box should changed size (add L4MM, w4MM,h6MM) , otherwise goods will difficult to take out from gift box.
By the way, In order to make cargo easy to carry, our design department advised us each poly bag should package two gift box, and will use a Nylon cable ties to wrap the poly bag.
If a carton is not required, the gift box shall be made of paper harder and thicker with its measurements extend by 4mm, 4mm and 6mm separately in length, width and height to ensure that the products can be easily taken out from the box.
Suggestion to packaging: 2 boxes in a poly bag hot sealed then strengthened by a nylon strip.
We are looking forward to your comments.
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