

you are a liar and a cheater!  I left my husband and Singapore for you,
thinking I can finally find happiness.  Last August when we got
intimate during our Nanjing project, you promised to abandon your
second fiancée for me.  But it's been seven months and you're still
telling me to stay hidden because you don't want our coworkers, your
friends and family to know you're living with a married woman who is
not your wife.  Well, I  just found out that the real reason you want
everyone to think you're single is because you're secretly whoring
around with at least two other 情妇 at the same time!  One is a married
client of SC and the other one is a 21-year-old high school dropout
from the 峰尚 project where we worked together!  I can’t believe you are
screwing around with so many women on company time. Did being on the
Board of Directors at 峰尚 help you to score?  No wonder it always took
you so long to get work done!  And I finally understand why you carried
around three separate boxes of condoms in your brown travel bag.  I
always wondered why you bought so many since it’s not like we were able
to use a lot anyway.

You explained that you were using the
married woman to curry favors from her husband’s business.  How does
that explain the intimate exchanges you continue to have after you've
gone to CICC and why would she offer to buy you expensive gifts?  What
“services” do you perform for her? Don’t you feel ashamed that your
ex-fiancée subsidized your housing for the last two years and to keep
you happy, had to buy you expensive things like the USD$300 shoes
you’re wearing on your feet and the USD$500 flashlight you keep in your
car, only to have you turn around and cheat on her?  

telling everyone at SC and CICC you are a 卑鄙小人and not to trust you
without adult supervision on company projects, because you will surely
take advantage of company resources to cheat, lie, and sleep around
with anyone from the office.

Shame on you, WL!  Go back to your mommy.

仅供围观 感觉好的句子 大家可以扒走 备用

呵                                      呵





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