Dear Sir/Ms:
I have received only part of the commission paid by A company, and a balance of 35 US dollars was not paid. I guess the deducted 35 US dolloars was charged for bank handling between banks' money transfer. With regard to this, shall we reach an agreement with A company that the bank handling charges should be paid by A company itself next time?
In addition, the "Commission Agent Contract" has been received. I am awaiting you to come back and affix your signature.
I made a commission invoice by myself. However, I am not sure whether or not it works for bank settlement. If you do need a tax invoice, A company has to provide us the original file of "Proof of Payment" as well.
If you are worried about that changes of exchange rate may lead to changes of exchange settlement, I'll go for exchange settlement tomorrow. And yet, the signature can only be signed in my name on behalf of you.
Your usual prompt reply is highly appreciated!
Warm Regards,
Mr/Ms lujianlan76
P/S:文无定法。这貌似一封下属寄给领导的工作汇报邮件。楼主如有任何文法方面的问题,不妨加我的MSN:[email protected],愿意与你共同交流与探讨。
[ 本帖最后由 yeeher 于 2011-6-10 00:31 编辑 ]
谢谢回复,已经加MSN了,也希望能向大家请教外贸和翻译方面的问题. MSN:[email protected]
[ 本帖最后由 lujianlan76 于 2011-6-10 08:37 编辑 ]
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