加拿大进出口外贸I am tired


I  am really tired .

So many things make me feel unhappy

I dislike the environment of my job

I miss my families and friends so much

But they are so far away from me and I don't wanna to disturb them or let them know I am so weak

In fact sometimes I just wanna there is someone to talk to  

I am alone in a strange place and have to do these things I dislike

I wanna make some changes and make myself happier  

But the more I tried  At last  the more I tired  in my heart

I don't know where to go and stay

I lost my directions and dreams

[ 本帖最后由 yuanlulu70126 于 2011-6-24 17:28 编辑 ]

This is a growth process and essential process, keep a low profile, modest , carefully observe and absorb properly, then we will be able to make progress, improvement and development

Low-key, Low-key .....ing

Many thanks for your nice words. I will try my best to find my way and create a better future by myself .

I am youny So I shouln't be down and afraid of these bad situations in my life    . Those will all pass by .


the same with you,now i also fell vey tired,sometimes i couldnt do anything to avoid my oneliness

i wana fight and earn much money then go back to my hometwon

The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the determination to attain it.
Who says?

After finish this order I will resign and go to somewhere to relax myself .  I feel  I am a bird in a samll cage .  I just wanna be free and fly away

you say it now  .@-@  Wish you can be successfuly and happy everyday   ... come on

a song, you are not alone. wish you like it.

I  am not alone . For now you are my friends , you are all by by side and give me courage and power to go on my journey


Be confident,all bad things will pass by,and tomorrow will be beautiful

Yes  , There is always a way out. And these bad situations  won't always just stay by my side . After all tomorrow is another day . I should believe I can make my life more beautiful

Learn to be more strong and confidence . Learn to deal with many things all by myself .Learn to smile when I am a little down .......

I understand your feeling, i am in trouble too ,the same as you ...I should change new place..,...good luck!!

Yes sometimes id we can change a new direction    maybe there is something new and we can have a better feeling . Best wishes to you and good luck all the way
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