

“由于500cd/m2的LCD Panel工业规格的,这种高端的LCD PANEL我们没有常规备料,而且这种规格的货源现在市场也非常难找,但经过我们采购人员的努力,终于找到了,因为不是常规的LCD PANEL,所以交期比较长,贵公司订购的这台样品预计最快在7月23日之前可以发货。另外72寸的更新已基本完成,目前在做详细的测试,批量出货时间还没有确定。其他的产品都已做好了,随时可以发货。”


As LCD panel of 500cd/m2 is a kind of high-ending LCD panel in industrial specifications, we have no stock of it and it’s source is very limited in current market. Good news is our purchasing staff final get it with great effort, but the lead time of this LED panel a little bit longer for it’s speciality, so the sample you ordered only could be sent out at 23th July as earliest time per our forecast. Sorry for the inconvenience caused by this.

By the way, the update of 72” LED is almost finished and it is in detialed inspection now. The exact shipping date will settled soon since inspection resulit come out. Other products are now finished and ready for shipping at any time.


[ 本帖最后由 四色依米 于 2011-7-11 23:29 编辑 ]

The goods are ready, can be send out at anytime except 500cd/m2 LCD pannel.

Because the raw material for 500cd/m2 LCD Panel is hard to get right now, even we finally found one supplier, the delivery time for the material is a little bit long, the sample can be send out at 23th of July. The updation of 72 inches already finished, it`s under specific test now, will inform you about the test result and delivery time.


As the LCD panel of 500cd/m2 is a high-end LCD panel, and we donot have it in-stock. Also it is rare in our market. But good news is we find it through great effort. Due to the speciality of this LCD panel, it will take time to produce. Guess it will not be finished until 23th July.
In addition, the update of 72 inch LCD is almost finished, which now is in testing process, so we cannot tell the exact shipping date right now. But the rest of them are ready for shipment, we can arrange them anytime.


As LCD panel of 500cd/m2 is a kind of high-end LCD panel in industrial specifications, we have no stock of it and its availability is very limited in current market. Good news is our purchasing staff just got some with great effort. But, the lead time for this LED panel is a little bit longer because of its speciality.  Thersfore, the sample you have ordered only could be sent out around July 23rd as earliest time per our forecast. Sorry for the inconvenience caused by this.

By the way, the update of 72” LED is almost finished and it is in detialed inspection now. The exact shipping date will be settled soon after inspection. Other products are now finished and ready for shipping at any time.
[just my 2 cents]


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