加拿大进出口外贸Introduction of the tax refund mechanism


Introduction of the tax refund mechanism
The measures for Chinese Export tax exemption, offset and refund have been issued for enforcement by Chinese state council since Feb. 25, 1997, which mainly govern export trade transactions conducted by entities in P. R. China.

Circular of the State Council Concerning Measures for Tax "Exemption, Offset and Refund" of Export Goods Managed by Production Enterprises or Agencies by Agreement
To further invigorate the state-owned large- and medium-size enterprises, expand foreign trade and export and push ahead the agency system, the State Council hereby decides on the measures for tax "exemption, offset and refund” of export goods managed by production enterprises authorized to engage in import-export operations or entrusted to foreign trade enterprises as agencies.
The relevant questions are notified as follows:
1. Range for tax "exemption, offset and refund". Export goods managed by all categories of production enterprises with import-export operational rights or entrusted to foreign trade enterprises as agencies, unless otherwise provided for, shall all implement the measures for tax "exemption, offset and refund".
Implementation of measures for tax exemption for export goods by enterprises with foreign business investment the establishment of which was approved before December 31, 1993 shall continue up to December 31, 1998. Measures for tax "exemption, offset and refund" shall likewise be carried out on expiry.

2. "Exemption" of tax in measures for tax "exemption, offset and refund” means goods the export of which managed by production enterprises or entrusted to foreign trade enterprises as agencies shall be exempted from the valued added tax in the marketing link of the production enterprises.
“Offset" of tax means goods the export of which managed by production enterprises or entrusted to foreign trade enterprises as agencies shall be exempted from or refunded of the tax payment already made for raw materials, parts and components offsetting the payable tax payment of goods marketed domestically.
"Refund" of tax means goods the export of which managed by production enterprises or entrusted to foreign trade enterprises as agencies account for more than 50% of the total sales of goods of the enterprises in the corresponding period, the amount of tax which should be offset is greater than the payable taxation and has not been completely offset in one quarter, the portion of tax amount which has not been completely offset shall be refunded upon approval by the competent tax office for export refund.

3. In carrying out measures for tax "exemption, offset and refund”, the refund rate prescribed in the

4. These Measures enter into force as of January 1, 1997.
Specific measures for implementation shall be formulated by the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation Administration. Measures for tax "exemption, offset and refund" for goods the export of which managed by production enterprises with import-export operational rights or entrusted to foreign trade enterprises as agencies constitute an important reform of export refund control measures. People's Governments at all levels should proceed from the overall interest of the country, strengthen leadership and actively support this reform.

Adjustments of the tax refund measure
China applies a VAT export refund system to manufacturing enterprises that is unique compared to other VAT systems around the world. This system has two primary features:
•        No output VAT is levied on export sales;
•        Ability for manufacturing exporters to reclaim VAT paid on materials and other inputs may be limited.
China is unlike many countries that operate a VAT system in which export transactions are zero-rated so that export sales are not subject to VAT and all input VAT incurred by a company on its purchases may be credited against other VAT liabilities, or refunded. China's VAT system, however, imposes additional tax costs on exporters whose goods are granted a VAT refund rate lower than the applicable VAT rate. The export refund system works as follows:
•        Every commodity is assigned with a VAT refund rate. The VAT refund rate may or may not equal the VAT rate (normally 17 per cent standard rate, 13 per cent favorable rate for some commodities) applicable to the commodity.
•        While producers of goods in China that export such goods generally incur input VAT, no output VAT is levied on export sales. If the VAT refund rate equals the VAT rate, all the related input VAT may be refunded. If not, at least part of the input VAT cannot be refunded which comprises a tax cost for export.
•        Essentially, the export refund system operates by refunding the VAT incurred in the process prior to export by the exporting company on certain parts and supplies and taxable services related to the exported product after the product has been exported. Certain goods do not qualify for the export VAT refund, however.
Where the right to an export VAT refund is limited, the producer is subject to an effective “export VAT cost” on export sales that can be very significant, as illustrated in the following formula.
The formula defines the “irrecoverable export VAT cost”:
Irrecoverable export VAT cost = (export sales – purchase value of the bonded materials used in production) x (VAT rate - VAT refund rate)
This formula makes clear that:
•        The higher the proportion of bonded materials, the lower the export VAT cost;
•        The lower the VAT refund rate, the higher the export VAT cost.
The July 2007 adjustments were designed to substantially reduce the VAT refund rate and to restrict processing trade relief.
Substantial Reduction of VAT Refund Rate
In July 2007, the export refund rate schedule was reduced from 17, 13, 11, 8 and 5 per cent to, respectively, 17, 13, 11, 9 and 5 per cent. Reductions of the VAT refund rate, as indicated in the above formula, directly lead to increases in the export VAT cost. For example, the VAT refund rate for plastics, rubber, base metal and their products was reduced from 13 per cent to 5 per cent. The difference of 8 per cent implies a significant increase in the export VAT cost.
This increase is particularly acute under the “general trade” model, under which all input materials are domestic with input VAT paid thereon (i.e. bonded materials are not used). Under the formula, with no bonded materials, the export VAT cost rises by 8 per cent of the FOB price of the exported goods. Figure 1 is illustrative.

It is clear that a manufacturer must have:
A large margin that can absorb the additional cost;
A strong position allowing increased costs to be passed on to overseas customers;
Or both of the above.


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