一直是把英语笔记记在一个word文档里面,但是有时候在公司和家里同时有笔记,麻烦。关注行走的鱼的帖很久了,觉得这个方法不错。最近急需突破英语,脑袋瓜子又不记事,只好在这开一贴,方便记录。只为记录。暂时把以前记得都先贴着。太懒了,好久没有更新了。希望能坚持。[ 本帖最后由 yuliy 于 2010-6-21 11:23 编辑 ]
1>I’m a fifth-generation journalist. 第五代
Japan's ministry of international trade and industry will spend $46 million on its fifth generation computer project this year.
2>My parents had relocated to Brazil, and in 1970 I visited them and decided to stay.
3>Six months later I became editor in chief, at age 20.
4>A military junta was in power, and the censors would call in the morning and tell me what topics we couldn’t publish.
in power: 当权的,当政的
power 这个词还是很常见,比如电力这块,我经常会想到electric, electricity….没电了power is off, power is gone, the power of battery is dead….来电了呢?Power is back on…..电快要用完了The power is running low, we are running out of water……被静电电到了呢?I was shocked.
How much do you pay for the utilities every month?
通常我們說 utilities 就是包括了水、電、瓦斯這些生活上的必須品,當然以現代人而言,可能還要再加上上網的撥接費用這一項.通常你若要去租房子千萬不要忘了先問好,"What kinds of utilities are included?" (房租裏包含了那些水電和其它的費用?)
5>When I returned, we started a weekly section about computers that I decided to spin off as a separate publication for Brazilians.
spin off: to happen or to produce sth as a new or unexpected result of sth that already exists
6>so in one fell swoop we lost our advertisers, all of which were foreign-based. My backers pulled out, too.
At/in one fell swoop: all at the same time; in a single action, especially a sudden or violent one
pull out:这里都是撤资的意思
7>Today’s technology allows people to engage with the news, to write comments, to blog about events and to share on social Web sites.
8>My career has taught me that you have to go through life with your eyes wide open and be curious. If you do this, you’ll find incredible opportunities.
Just jump on them and follow your instincts.
9>I told him that there was no way Brazil could stick by its ban on foreign computers, given the country’s need to modernize, but that I needed help to get through this rough patch.
Stick by sb: to be loyal to a person and support them, especially in a difficult situation
Stick by sth: to do what you promised or planned to do
看了几遍这句话,还是不是很明白这个given的含义,前面有一句The Brazilian government, however, decided that computers were a matter of national security and had to be manufactured in Brazil,或许有点帮助,很多时候,心里明明知道这句话的意思,但要翻译成文本的时候,觉得还是表达不够好,看来离翻译的距离还是很远的,好在我也没那个要求.
10>Thus, orders with firm shipment and date at the soonest must be granted the priority due to our tight production schedule.
11>2 L's message arrest my attention, I must make it clear
to make sb notice sth and pay attention to it: An unusual noise arrested his attention.
[ 本帖最后由 yuliy 于 2010-6-18 15:56 编辑 ]
1>mung bean 绿豆
green bean 四季豆
Carouse 木马?
lady bug 瓢虫
suction cup火罐
2>I want it to be 4", double prints.
我想要洗 4 英寸 (4 x 6), 双份的照片.
在美国洗照片一般都是自己把底片装在袋子里, 上面填你的基本数据, 丢到一个大箱子里, 过两三天再来取.
当然也有像台湾那种 1 hour photo, 但价钱上可能就会贵上许多.
许多人不知道 3 x 5 和 4 x 6 的相片英文要怎么说, 其实老美不说 3 x 5 而说, 3 inches, 不说 4 x 6 而说 4 inches. 这是一个很大的不同之处.
另外, 在美国加洗 (extra prints) 相片很贵, 因为美国的人工很贵, 所以他们没有那个闲工夫去一张一张帮你加洗.
变通之道就是一次就洗二份, 这叫 double prints, 如果只洗一份则叫 single print.
例如我洗 4", double prints 只要 $4.99, 同样 4" 但是 single print 也要 $3.99 所以当然是 double prints 划算多了.
3>You are very photogenic.
4>另外在英国报纸的广告中,有关「婚丧喜庆」的一栏叫 hatches(出生), catches(订婚), matches(结婚), and dispatches(死亡),刚好是四个押尾韵的字! 蛮有意思的, 给大家参考一下.
5>新郎 groom
新娘 bride groom
伴郎 best man
伴娘 maid of honor
已婚的伴娘matron of honor
男傧相 groomsman
女傧相 bridesmaid
6>bachelor party单身汉派对
wedding shower, bridal shower单身女子派对
baby shower婴儿洗礼
kitchen shower, house worming party 乔迁派对
7>shotgun wedding, military wedding 奉子成婚
1>Give him a boot.
Boot the goddamned newbie.
the space at the back of a car that you put bags, cases, etc. in: I’ll put the luggage in the boot.
Did you lock the boot?
the boot is on the other foot: used to say that a situation has changed so that sb now has power or authority over the person who used to have power or authority over them
2>a remote and mountainous area sparsely populated
3>The region is pocked with copper, tin and coal mines and rich in natural gas.
找了一下,都没发现pock的适合解释,应该是”富含”的意思。。需要考证 pock的本身解释是麻子skin disease,或者可以解释为”零星分布”?像脸上的麻子一样O(∩_∩)O哈哈~
4>magnitude 地震级数
epicenter 震中
buried alive 活埋
aftershock 余震
5>that the quake had sent people running into the streets.
The new CFO was sent to bring the company out of the red.
6>said that the road to the airport was impassable and that soldiers were digging out people from collapsed homes by hand.
7>I feel like the number of dead and injured will keep going up
Keep going down
On top of that…除此之外
in addition to, except, besides
Back to back连续
in a row, consecutively
I have another class right after this.
There is another bus right behind this one." (下一辆公车随后就到.)
Knock it off. Cut it off. It means stop.
Kick back 放松,报复,给回扣
I really need to kick back during the holiday season.
The United States decided to kick back after the incident.
The company had to kick back a lot to the corrupt officer.腐败的官员
Cold shoulder
cold /warm reception 冰冷/温暖的接待
Check out my figures.
Round figure 整数
Round off: to finish an activity or complete sth in a good or suitable way: She rounded off the tour with a concert at Carnegie Hall.
round sb/sth up
1 to find and gather together people, animals or things: I rounded up a few friends for a party.
The cattle are rounded up in the evenings.
2 if police or soldiers round up a group of people, they find them and arrest or capture them: A number of suspects were rounded up and questioned.
There is nothing between me and my jeans.
牛仔裤十分贴身, 或是
Feeling 感觉 I have the same feeling as you.
Feelings 感情 I still have feelings for her.
How did it go? 感情有什么进展没?
It didn’t go anywhere. 没什么。
Sneeze at 轻视,蔑视
You shouldn't sneeze at your boss.
If you want to sneeze, do it after I leave. 喷嚏
cotton swab 挖耳勺
pick one’e nose/ear 挖鼻、耳
booger 鼻屎
Twitching on the left eye forecasts fortune but twitching on the right eye forecasts disaster."
My eye is twitching. 我眼皮在跳。
Eye discharge 眼屎
Pop the pimple挤痘痘
In the middle of something?
What are you up to?
Three shift 三班倒 day shift 白班 night shift 晚班graveyard shift夜班
double time 双倍工资time and one-half 1.5倍工资
The staple dish of Chinese take-out restaurants.
1 pound beef牛肉
1 celery stalk芹菜
1 carrot胡萝卜
3 hot chili peppers红辣椒
2 Tbsp fresh ginger, minced 新鲜切碎的生姜
2 cloves garlic, minced 切碎的香蒜
1 tsp sesame oil 一勺香油
2 Tbsp dark soy sauce 老抽酱油
1 Tbsp cooking wine 料酒
1 tsp sugar 糖
2 Tbsp ginger juice 姜汁
1 egg white, lightly beaten
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup flour 面粉
1/4 cup cornstarch 淀粉
1 Tbsp hot chili oil (optional)
1 Tbsp wine 酒
2 Tbsp light soy sauce 生抽酱油
1 Tbsp vinegar 醋
4 Tbsp sugar (can substitute brown sugar or honey, if desired)红糖或蜂蜜
1/2 tsp sesame oil芝麻香油
2 Tbsp water
chili oil or chili powder to taste辣椒油或辣椒粉
4 to 5 cups oil for deep-frying 油炸
1 Tbsp oil for stir-frying 清炒
Pride and prejudice
You want to tell me, and I have no objection to hearing it.
I see no occasion for that
It is more than I engage for, I assure you
You take delight in vexing me. You have no compassion on my poor nerves.
take delight in doing sth.意思是“以...为乐事”,have compassion on sth.对...报以同情之心。
May I jump in for two pages?
jump the gun: to do sth too soon, before the right time.
demanding, tough都是形容一个人要求属下很严格的意思
He is completely retarded.
It's very creepy to walk alone after 9pm.
The house is spooky.
haunted house鬼屋
Play hard to get欲擒故纵
Make a move on someone 或是 put the moves on someone 这样的用法就是指对某人「展开追求」的意思
morning glory牵牛花,昙花一现 a flash in the pan
Take a gap year.
GAP YEAR是指中学毕业生在上大学前去旅游,做义工或者做临时工的一段时间。
You may have a hunch about what’s happening or what’s going on. But you really have to take the time to talk to people and find out. And oftentimes your hunch is wrong.
Hunch 预感
As a freshman, I played on the freshman football team, but as a sophomore it didn’t look as if I would have much chance to play.
He gave me so much rope that I could hang myself and sometimes I did. After a while, your neck gets stronger and you also learn not to hang yourself.
Time and again
In a perfect world, you would take pride in the fact that you hired someone who is better than you. Hardly anybody has that attitude, though.
Insecure people would rather see the company fail without them than succeed. It’s because their ego is so large that the thought of a company succeeding without them is incomprehensible. They would rather see it fail.
If they just taught every student that, American business would be much better off.
What you learn in school is the opposite of what happens in the real world.
Jobs for college graduates should make them gain knowledge in at least one of these three areas: how to make something, how to sell something or how to support something.
1> Avoid people that are constantly complaining or miserable. Stress can be contagious, so avoid transmitters. Understand that there is always a solution to a problem.
1> a long way 可以维持很长时间
I’ve always been very positive and confident, and I guess that goes back a long way.
What I tell them is there’s no shortcuts ever — that hard work and being polite and being connected really get you a long way.
2> It’s a belief, a conviction and confidence in the future prospects of what you’re trying to do, and just keeping the flag flying no matter what’s going on around you.
A Modern Mentor Is a Listener, Too
Q. You have heard that it’s important for your career development to have a mentor. What, exactly, is mentoring and how can it help you?
A. Traditionally, a mentor has been someone senior to you who helps you build skills and make connections. Although that definition generally still holds, the boundaries have changed somewhat, says Lois J. Zachary, president of Leadership Development Services in Phoenix and author of “The Mentee’s Guide: Making Mentoring Work for You.”
“The mentee or protégé has gone from being a passive learner — where the mentoring is done to you as you sit at the foot of the master — to an active learner who directs the process,” Ms. Zachary says. “It’s much more collaborative now; there is more precision and structure.”
The most common model is still the senior employee individually mentoring the junior employee. But other possibilities include reverse mentoring, in which a junior person mentors someone senior for a specific reason — maybe to teach a technical skill. Other forms are mentoring within groups or among peers.
Mentors can provide training and open the door to on-the-job experiences, says Lorraine Stomski, a senior vice president at Aon Consulting in New York who specializes in leadership education and coaching. “They also help you navigate political land mines, identify influential people at the company and provide useful information about where the business is going,” she says.
Q. What makes a good mentor, and how do you look for one?
A. People can have trouble finding an effective mentor, says Holly Tompson, a senior research analyst and executive coach at i4cp, the Institute for Corporate Productivity, a human capital research firm in St. Petersburg, Fla.
First, identify what you want to achieve through the relationship. “Once you know that, you ask yourself, ‘Who is really good at this and who do I admire in this area?’” Ms. Tompson says. “If you don’t already know, talk to your former supervisors — or others at the company you know well — and ask who they would recommend.”
Not everyone with experience or power in an organization makes a good mentor. People who are very egotistical, love to hear themselves talk or seem to have no spare time are probably not good choices, says Stephen Xavier, an executive coach and president of the Cornerstone Executive Development Group in Chapel Hill, N.C.
“Good mentors,” he says, “set goals with their protégés, ask questions, do a lot of listening and create informal situations that allow them to introduce their protégé to other, high-visibility people in the company.”
Q. What are your responsibilities as a protégé, and what can you expect of your mentor?
A. Set parameters at the start. Include when, where and how often you will meet, and whether you will take notes. And always establish confidentiality guidelines. You should also define your goals — for example, developing a skill, learning about different aspects of a business or gaining exposure to new experiences on the job, Ms. Zachary says.
Then prepare for the sessions. Set up an agenda and be ready to ask questions and to describe your work since the last session, says Debra Benton, an executive coach in Fort Collins, Colo., and author of “C.E.O. Material: How to Be a Leader in Any Organization.”
“Don’t be so in awe of your mentor that you don’t push back or question his thinking,” she says. “You need to consider his advice, but ultimately you have to decide what you want to do.”
Expect your mentor to guide you by asking questions that help you come to your own conclusions, rather than lecturing. Your mentor should also be fairly candid with you about the organization and its politics, Ms. Stomski says.
Q. Could you be involved in something that seems like mentoring, but has another purpose?
A. People often confuse coaching with mentoring. Coaching, which provides specific feedback, can be used within mentoring, Ms. Stomski says. “But mentoring is more holistic than coaching, in that it develops the whole individual — through guidance, coaching and development opportunities.”
Q. Why would people agree to spend time and energy mentoring? What’s in it for them?
A. For one thing, it’s good professional karma to help others, although there are other, more concrete benefits. Mentoring someone younger offers valuable insight into a generation of up-and-coming professionals, Ms. Tompson says. It also allows the protégé to share her own expertise — maybe teaching her mentor about a new software program or discussing concepts she recently studied in business school.
Senior people are interested in their legacy, Ms. Tompson says. “These are people who have spent decades in a particular industry and are now in a position to help shape what the future will look like, both within their organization and in the industry,” she says. “That can be a very rewarding experience.”
[ 本帖最后由 yuliy 于 2010-6-18 16:23 编辑 ]
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