

Cherish what you have got!

When one door of happiness closes,another opens,but sometimes we look so long at the closed door that we don't see the one which has been opened for us.It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it,but it's also true that we don't know what we've been mising until it arrives.

Giving someone all your love is never an assurance that they'll love you back! Don't expect love in return; just wait for it grow in their heart. But if it doesn't ,be contented it grew in yours. It takes only a minute to get a ceush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone, Don't go for looks; they can deceive.Don't go for wealth; even that facts fades away.

Go for someone who makes you smile,becuse it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright.Find the one that makes your heart smile.There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real! Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.

[ 本帖最后由 Lucky_gril 于 2011-7-12 23:33 编辑 ]

The Unclocked Door

In Glasgow,Scotland,a young lady,like a lot of teens today,got tired of home and the restrains of her parents.The daughter rejected her family’s religious lifestyle and said, “I don’t want you God. I give up. I’m leaving!”

She left home,deciding to become a woman of the world.Before long, however,she was dejected and unable to find a job, so she went to the streets to sell her body as a prostitute. The years passed by, her father died, her mother grew older, and the dughter became more and more stuck to her way of life.
No cantact was made between mother and daughter during these years.The mother, having heard of her daughter’s whereabours, made her way to the skid row section of the city in search of her daughter. She stopped at each of the rescue missions with a simple request, “Would you allow me to put up this picture?” It was a picture of the smiling, gray-haired mother with a hand-wirtten message at the bottom: “I love you still…Come home!”

Some more months went by, and nothing happened. Then one day,the daughter wandered into a rescue mission for a needed meal. She absentmindedly listening to the service, all the while letting her eyes wander over to the bulletin borad. There she saw the picture and thought,”Could that be my mother?”
She couldn’t wait until the service was over. She stood and went to look .It was her mother, and there were those words, “I love you still…Come home!”As she stood in front of the picture, she wept.It too good to be ture.

By this time it was night, but she sp touched by the message that she stared walking home. By the time she arrived, it was early in the moring. She was afraid and made her wat timidly, not really knowing what to do. As she knocked, the door flew open on its own. She thought someone must have broken into the house.Concerned for her mother’s safety, the young woman ran to bedroom and found her still sleeping. She shook her mother awake and said, “It’s me! I’m home!”

The mother couldn't beieve her eyes.She wiped her tears and they fell into each other's arms.The daughter said,"I was so worried!The door was open and I thought someone had broken in!"

The mother replied gently, "No, dear. From the day you left, that door has never been locked."

[ 本帖最后由 Lucky_gril 于 2011-7-12 11:32 编辑 ]


Hold fast to dreams
For it dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.

Hold fast to dreams
For then dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow.




Once I overhead a father and daughter in their last moments together.He said,"I love you,I wish you enough."She in turn said,"Daddy, our life together has been more than enough.Your love is all I needed. I wish you enough, too,Daddy."

I said to the old man,"When you were saying goodbye, I heard you say,'I wish you enough.'May I ask that means?"

He began to smile, "That's a wish that has been handed down from other generations. My parents used to say it to everyone."

He paused for a moment and looked up ad if trying to remember it in detail, he smiled even more.

"When we said'I wish you enough'.  wewere wanting the other person to have a life filled with just enough good things to sustain them," he continued.Then , turning toword me, he shared the following as if he were reciting it from memory.

I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright.
I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more.
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive.
I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joy in life appears much bigger.
I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.
I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.


A Fable of Joy

There is a wonderful fable about a young orphan girl who had no family and no one to love her.One day, feeling exceptionally sa and lonely,she was walking through a meadow when she noticed a samll butterfly caught unmercifully in a thornbush.The more the butterfly struggled to free itself, the deeper the thorns cut into its body. The young orphan girl carefully released the butterfly form its captivity. Instead of flying away, the little butterfly changed into a beautiful fairy. The youny girl rubbed hwe eyes in disbelief.

"For your wonderful kindness," the good fairy said to the girl,"I will grant you any wish of yours."
The little gil thought for a moment and then replied,"I want to be happy!"
The fairy said,"Very well," and leaned toward her and whispered in her ear. Then the goog fairy vanished.
As the little girl grew up, there was no one in the land as happy as she.Everyone asked her the secret of her happiness.She would only smile and answer,"The secret of my happiness is that I listened to a good fairy when I was a little girl."
When she was very old and on her deathbed, the neighbors all gathered around her, afraid that her secret of happiness would die with her." Tell us , pls."they begged."Tell us what the goog fairy said."

The lovely old woman simply smiled and said, "She told me that everyone , no matter how secure they seemed, no matter how old or young, how rich or poor, had need of me."

[ 本帖最后由 Lucky_gril 于 2011-7-27 07:38 编辑 ]

Good article!  LZ, keep moving!

Good article!  LZ, keep moving!

Life to be continued

A long time ago in India there lived a young couple.The young couple had wanted a child very much, and when they had a baby, they loved him with their hearts.However, before the baby was one year old, he became sick and soon died.The young couple cried and could not stop.They would not ley anyone bury the child and asked everyone to help them find the medicine that would make their son come back to life again.

The people in the village did not know what to do.They thought the young couple had gone crazy over the death of the baby.The villagers were worried that the young couple would not be able to return to their normal life if they continued to focus on the death of the baby.One day, a wise man from another village came to the young couple and told them that perhaps they could seek help from the Buddha.

The couple rushed to pay the Buddha a visit.After they explained their reason for visiting, the Buddha nodded and said,"I have waht you are looking for.But the medicine is missing one ingredient.""What is the ingredient?"asked the couple anxiously ."We will find it for you."

"All I need is a handful of mustard seeds."said the Buddha slowly,"but it must cone from a familly where no one has died.That means ni child, no spouse, and no parent has died in the family."The young couple were so anxious to bring thr baby back to life that thay didn't think about the Buddha's words, and set out to look for the mustard seeds.However, after months and months of searching, thay came to realize that the Buddha's request was impossible to fulfill

However, the young couple learned something important during their search for the mustard seeds. They saw that every family that visited had lost someone, be it a child,a parent, or a spouse.All of these famillies learned to go on with their lives after the loved one's death.The couple saw that death was a part of the life cycle.And as painful as it was for them, it was part of life.The families' stories and talks helped the young couple feel better,and they realied thay were not alone.But most importantly, they learned that they could continue to live a normal life after the death of their child.

Something about life

In the sea of life, every man is a pilot.
But all sunshine withour shade, all pleasure without pain, is not life at all .
Life makes us sad and blessed by turns.Even death itself makes life more loving.Men come closest to their true sleves un tha sober moments of life, under the shadows of sorrow and loss.
In the affairs of life or of business, it is not intellect that tells so much as character, not brains so much sa heart, not genius so much as self-control, patience, and discipline , regulated by judgment.
I have always believed that the man whi lives more seriously within lives more simply without. In an age of extravagance and waste, I wish I could show to the world how few the real wants of humanuty are.

To regret one's errors to the ponit of not repeating them is true repentance.There is nothing noble in being superior to some other man.The true nobility is in being superior to your previous self.


Great. i like these beautiful articles.

I think these articles are very good ! thank you !

I think you are wonderful !

The following true story captured our heart.It happened several years ago in Paris opera house.A famous singer had been contractedto sing and the ticket sales were booming.In fact , the night of the concert found the house packed and every ticket sold.The feeling of anticipation and excitement was in the air th house manager took the stage and said,"Ladies and gentlmen, thank you for your enthusiastic support.I am afraid that due to illness, the man whom you've all come to hear will not be performing tonight.However,we have found a suitable substitute .We hope he will provide you with comparable entertainment."The crowed groaned in disappointment and failed to hear the announcer mention the stand-in's name.The enviroment turned from excitement to frustration.

The stand-in performer gave the performance everything he had.When he had finished,there was nothing but an uncomforable silence.No one applauded.Suddenly, from the balcony,a little boy stood up and shouted."Daddy,I think you are wonderful !"The crowd broke into thunderous applause.

We all need people in our lives who are willing ro stand up once in a while and say."I think you are wonderful !"

It is so great , i love it very much ,i think you are kindly and wonderful .( who offer so many nice aticles).
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