加拿大进出口外贸My international trade dairy


26th August 2011
      It's a sunny day today, thanks to the heavy rain the day before yesterday, it's become a little cool now. But still hot. It's the fortieth day since i become an international sales. I
learned a lot. But since there is no one come and buy my products, work becomes a little boring for me. Yesterday my boss hired a new international sales and offered her 900yuan
more than me. It's a shock for me. Just like she tell me indirectly that i am useless and i am weaker than her. Even though the new comer has one year's work experience in this
field and i am totally new, i still feel uncomfortable.
      This morning an excited mail was sent. Someone who sent inquiry to me few days ago give me the second letter, and ask for another quote. Though the price didn't satisfied
her i will never let her go easily. Even though she may buy nothing in the end she can let me learn much. I will be much happier if she buy something from me of course. Then maybe i can ask for a raise on my salary. My salary is indeed too low.
     My ideal job is being a writer, i like fiction when i was still very young, and deeply wish to write a wonderful novel all by myself one day. But now i have to be a good
international sales. English and learning different culture around the world are my hobby, so it doesn't supposed to be hard.
     Tomorrow is anther day and don't dream away today. Work harder and be happier!

And see you tomorrow

LZ,在武汉做外贸吗? 底薪如此的低啊

so ture to me .i am also green hand in this feild .which city are you working now ?,you mentioned the salary of your new colleague is 900RMB,which is unacceptable .beyond my torlerance totally
Any way ,hope you have bright future in this ,ane the same to myself .lol

阳江新毅南五金制品有限公司Brian Q183504767  BBQ PRODUTCS

If things worth to do,it also worth to be done with our best.
Look forward to our future with a long-term sight.
Just stick by yourself however diffucult the future it is.
Come on~~Let's fight together!

How poor English you guys have! I siad "900yuan MORE than me". How can you misunderstand it to i have 900yuan for my basic salary. I am speechless

27th August 2011
     Only half a day's working for Saturday. Reply the client as soon as possible, and realize that my English is still not good enough. So  
work harder in English and looking forward to the early reply.
     Wish me good luck!

so   interesting  ,and  i   wish   you   can   do   something   you   like

thank you

29th August 2011
       There are 2 hours left for work time. Blue Monday indeed makes me blue. The new sales came this morning. To be frank i don't
like her. Her higher salary is one point and she has a bad voice. When she talks, it sounds like there is something jam in her throat. I
am sure she doesn't like me either because of my bad attitude on her. I won't blame it on her. Sometimes i am not so kind. Anyway
she is new here and she didn't do anything to me ,the boss did. So i decide to try to be kind to her. Anyway we have only three  
girls in this office, she must be the better choice to make friends with than the boss.
       I am sleepy all day long. I have a very hot room, it's the last floor of the building and daytime the sun heat my ceiling directly
and at night, i always wonder i am food in a heat box and keep me there till morning then i can be put in the dining table. God!
what a stupid choice i have made! Why did i choose this room and put myself in! I just want to cry and hope my tears can down the
temperature。 T T
       And the client has no reply yet.
       Today is another sunny day, what should i do

[ 本帖最后由 Jenny1987China 于 2011-8-30 09:15 编辑 ]

pls dont sad,my dear,it's difficult for green hand to be international sales.for your situation/problem.pls allow me to give you some suggest

first:new comer is your colleague,you should be communicate with her in warm heart, as you are partner, whatever how much salary she get, that's the agreement that she and your boss.

second: try your best to study about discussion/negotiation with customers,and work hard. your first job will be the biggest treasure during your whole lifeeeee.

Third:  keep your mood balance, your aim should be bonus not just basic salary, so try your best to work and study to get high bonus.

What should i say, so thank you about your suggestion. It would be perfect with ............i mean , ,,, less language mistakes

There is a trained meeting orgnized by made in china and i find out that my new colleague is easy to get along with.
        But it's a third sunny day

Since it's just a begining of this habit's develop, i forgot about it this day. So just let's pass it.

Thank God it's a cool day today, seems like the autumn finally comes. And it means i don't have to sleep in balcony any more.
      What should i say in this first school day, it's the students' day. For them ,may not be so pleased, then for me it really makes me
happy. No doubt it's a gloat, but i really pleased that i am not trapped there. To be frank, schools bring joy and friends to me but
whenever i think about that i can only think about a jail, maybe not so terrible, but it indeed stopped me for many things. That
gives me a bad impress for schools. But let's stop judging it, or i am afraid i would be criticized by some good babies.
      I have a headach now, Work too hard i guess. Sent so many mails but not even one reply. Damm it! And the previous client   from
Iran has no words back. Now i am sure she or he  just want a price of my products to compare with her or his suppliers. God bless her.
      where is my first order?

[ 本帖最后由 Jenny1987China 于 2011-9-1 17:07 编辑 ]

It's a rainy day today, and cloudy the whole day. I guess i miss the sun although it hurted me so hard these days.

        I got a new inquiry from India, it's the good news, and the bad news is we don't have that kind of product,

only a familar one. I replied at once but i am afraid he won't contact me any more, just like the first one. I

will keep waiting. In the process of replying i found out that i have so much to learn, cause i asked my new

colleague who has one year's experience in this field, and she taught  

me a lot, i have to say sorry for my bad attitud few days ago.

        To be frank, this job always makes me depressed, for my boss apparently don't want me and feel regret about

the decision for hired  me. But this inquiry saved me and my job. Anyway i will keep on till the next depressed come .

[ 本帖最后由 Jenny1987China 于 2011-9-2 17:31 编辑 ]And want to  many than to do

My eyes ached for this whole day, i have eye drops, but it doesn't work well. I feel uncomfortable, i use my eyes too much, 8
hours stare at the computer and read novels from the very time i reach home to falling asleep. i deserve this pain. But if i don't read
novels at all, then i would feel boring and it's absolutely impossible if i don't stare at the computer at the work time, what a bad
situation  i am facing.
      No good news about the job only dissatisfaction about my boss.
     I guess i have to do something to protect my eyes from being blind.

Nothing special, my phone filnnaly back on line, maybe i will call david and practice my spoken English.
加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards ......................................... 加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光
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