

Please, send me urgently 48 baby smaller cones and 1Kg. of each one of these 3 styles Indigo French Terry, I have to check with my Market asap, also I hope you can to help me with these costs for the first time, because here I will have to pay taxes and courier service to get the samples from Customs.

Finally also maybe some customer will ask us to send directly to them cones for test about 48 normal cones or 96 baby smaller cones, please confirm me the total Kg. weight for this quantity, total FOB Price and Air Freight Cost to be paid for them.

48 baby smaller cones 是什么呀? 48 normal cones是什么呀?

[ 本帖最后由 Namiko-zs 于 2011-9-14 17:33 编辑 ]


Please, send me urgently 48 baby smaller cones and 1Kg. of each one of these 3 styles Indigo French Terry, I have to check with my Market asap, also I hope you can to help me with these costs for the first time, because here I will have to pay taxes and courier service to get the samples from Customs.
第一段客人急著要調樣,48baby smaller cones應該是小粒的紗線,另外3款靛蓝法國魚鱗布各寄1公斤給他。這是第一次調樣,請你不要收取樣品費,因為客人自己要付運費及繳稅。
Finally also maybe some customer will ask us to send directly to them cones for test about 48 normal cones or 96 baby smaller cones, please confirm me the total Kg. weight for this quantity, total FOB Price and Air Freight Cost to be paid for them.

Please, send me urgently 48 baby smaller cones and 1Kg. of each one of these 3 styles Indigo French Terry, I have to check with my Market asap, also I hope you can to help me with these costs for the first time, because here I will have to pay taxes and courier service to get the samples from Customs.

Finally also maybe some customer will ask us to send directly to them cones for test about 48 normal cones or 96 baby smaller cones, please confirm me the total Kg. weight for this quantity, total FOB Price and Air Freight Cost to be paid for them.

baby smaller cones和normal cones 是什么意思呢?
第一段是让我给他48个baby smaller cones,和1KG的各种布。然后希望我承担这个费用。这个费用是说样品费呢,还是顺便连运费什么的也一起付了?
第二段是什么意思呢?是只要我告诉他48normal cones和96 baby smaller cones的重量,价格之类的呢还是也要我送过去给他呢?

Please, send me urgently 48 baby smaller cones and 1Kg. of each one of these 3 styles Indigo French Terry, I have to check with my Market asap, also I hope you can to help me with these costs for the first time, because here I will have to pay taxes and courier service to get the samples from Customs.
第一段客人急著要調樣,48baby smaller cones應該是小粒的紗線,另外3款靛蓝法國魚鱗布各寄1公斤給他。這是第一次調樣,請你不要收取樣品費,因為客人自己要付運費及繳稅。
Finally also maybe some customer will ask us to send directly to them cones for test about 48 normal cones or 96 baby smaller cones, please confirm me the total Kg. weight for this quantity, total FOB Price and Air Freight Cost to be paid for them.

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