




Guangzhou suyan bag CO.,LTD. is located in Chigang Yuexin Square near from the Guangzhou TV tower in Zhujiang Guangzhou. Company as before is a sales booth in the famous wholesale market – Wanling Square, and now is a trading company. The company has its own exploitation system and factory in Huadu Guangzhou. The factory was founded in 2003, it is professional at ladies purse, tote bag, cell phone case, key chain purse, cosmetic bag, shoulder bag, backpack, chest pack, diaper bag, cartoon bag, shopping bag std. We adhere to “customer first, forge ahead and quality first” to supply customer best products with good quality, exquisite works and fashion style. And the products are saled all over the sea. We have more that 200 designs, ful-blown sales platform. The foundation of the company means the growing of developing ability. We exchange the passive booth sales to forwardly company trade. We develop the oversea maket, and make our own brand. We are now studying at a new type of sports health care products, we will put them into market after registered patent. And this is going to give our company new vitality and good development prospect.

单肩皮包                 香醇女人味
单肩手提包               从漫画走出来的女孩,走进漫画的心情放松与闲适。  
单肩斜跨包               时尚浪漫,青春活泼的风格搭配,使整个人看起来与众不同,闪耀亮丽的光芒
单肩斜跨皮包             喜欢不需要理由,给你全新的视觉感受
环保袋                   让时尚随着绿色购物动起来
钱包                     简约干练,演绎复古风潮
三链小单肩斜挎包         唯细节  动人心  三链拉扣  与包身完美结合
三用途包                  一包多用,简约时尚
时尚钱包                 清爽色调   淡雅 小巧时尚钱包
手机包                   让手机徜徉在童话的世界
手提包                   民族风覆盖  使主人凸显神秘意味
手提斜跨皮包             女人也有她狂野,激情的一面
双肩包                   love   style   这就是你的风格
相机包                   相机也可以活出不一样的姿态
小手提                   什么是新潮,拥有它,让它告诉你
小斜挎包                 让你拥有时尚简约欧美范儿
斜肩包                   包包上的图案就好比一个个故事,通过包包传达给人们
腰包                     时尚的外在,实用的内在
化妆包                   喜欢那一刻得性感与妖娆
零钱包                   百变风情,由你主宰
旅行包                   旅行就是要生动
手提包2                  简约 精致  打造不一样的效果

Shoulder Leather Bag              Mellow feminine
Shoulder Handbag                    Walk out from comics, girls walk into the relax and lasure of comics
Shoulder Messenger Bag             Fashion, romantic, yong and lively, you look different, shining and bright
Shoulder Messenger Leather Bag      You don’t need any reason to like it, it will bring you a new visual experience
Green Bag                                   Geen shopping, fashion follows
Wallet                                            Simple and capable deduce retro wave
Three zippers shoulder messenger bag    Details move you, three zippers match the main pocket perfectly
Three uses bag                                  One bag, three uses, simple and fashion
Fashion purse                                   Fashion purse with fresh elegant color
Cell phone case                                Let your cell phone stroll in fairy tale
Tote bag                                         It makes you mystery with SalvatoreFerragamo
Tote messenger leather bag             Women have the side of wild and passion
Backpack                                            Love style is your style
Camera bag                                   Camera also has its different attitude life
Small Tote                                   What is the fashion, have it, and it will tell you
Small messenger bag                  Fashion and simple Europe fan
Oblique pack                               The patterns on the bag are stories to tell you are different
Waist pack                               Fashion outside, applied inside
Cosmetic bag                             Like the sexy and enchanting at that moment
Change pocket                          You control variety style
Travel bag                            Traveling needs vivid
Tote bag 2                           Simple and exquisite make you different

[ 本帖最后由 clerry 于 2011-10-8 10:21 编辑 ]

    厄    不会是有打广告嫌疑吧       因为公司招了我进来后才打算开始做外贸, 现在外贸部也就我一个,所有的都必须从零开始,这些初步的东西一定要做好的。。。。真不是打广告



located in Chigang Yuexin Square next to the Guangzhou TV tower in Zhujiang, Guangzhou city , Guangzhou shuyan bags CO.,LTD has inherited the former sales pattern as a sales booth in the famous wholesale market - Wanling Square, and now is developed into a trading company. owning its R&D department and factory in Huadu Guangzhou. The factory was founded in 2003 and specialized in the production of lady purse, tote bag, cell phone case, key chain purse, cosmetic bag, shoulder bag, backpack, chest pack, diaper bag, cartoon bag and shopping bag std etc. Guided by the business policy of “customer first, forge ahead and the principle of ” quality first”we are determined to to supply quality goods. Thanks to the superior quality, exquisite workmanship and fashionable style, our products have gained more and more market shares internationally. currently, we have more than 200 designs and mature sales platform have already been established. The foundation of the company will further promote the R&D of our products and transform the passive booth sales into an active and enterprising sales pattern.More efforts has also been made by our company to build our own brand to further open up the international market. We are now developing a new type of sports health-oriented products, which we believe will add new vitality and sound development prospect to our company when they are put into market after register in   patent office



加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光 加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards .........................................
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