9. Fors-majeure.9.1.Neither party is liable to the other party for partial or full failure in fulfilling any obligations, losses, or damages resulting from or connected to acts of war, riots, civil disturbances, extremely dangerous weather, flood, fire, explosion, strikes, and priorities or allocations of governments, or other circumstances beyond the control of the
9.2. If the force-majeure circumstances described above, prevent any Party from fulfilling its obligations under the present Contract for more
than 30 (thirty) days, each party shall have the right to refuse partially or completely from further fulfillment of its obligations under the present Contract, and in this case, neither Party is responsible for any possible losses connected to such delays. The Party who fails in fulfilling its obligations under the present Contract due to force-majuere circumstances, should inform the other Party without delay about the date of such elimination within 14 days. In case such circumstances last for more than 30 days, each of the Parties has the right to reject the further execution of the obligations under the present Contract; and in this case neither of the Parties will have the right to get compensation for any possible losses from the other Party.
[ 本帖最后由 patty-chu 于 2011-10-13 15:47 编辑 ]
9.2 , 如果由于上述因素导致合同中断30天以上,双方有权取消或者部分取消该合同,并且双方承担一切由此导致的损失。 任何一方由于上述因素导致不能履行合同,应当在14天内通知合同另一方, 如果上述因素持续30填以上,双方有权拒绝继续履行合同,并且无权要求赔偿。
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