加拿大进出口外贸Epidemic Failure 有没人知道什么意思啊



(a)        Except with respect to an Epidemic Failure, service, repair or replacement of defective Products purchased pursuant to this Agreement shall be performed by Buyer or its authorized service facilities.  In any event and notwithstanding any other provision in this Agreement, Buyer may elect at any time during this Agreement that: (i) Supplier reimburse such costs; or (ii) Buyer may take such costs as a full and direct credit against the purchase from Supplier of future orders for Products or against the purchase of any other product which is the subject of an agreement between the parties.  This Section 7(a) shall apply regardless of whether Buyer has accepted the shipment from which the defective Product originated and shall be in addition to any other rights that Buyer may have.

(b)        An “Epidemic Failure” shall mean: If the Products or any particular model line of the Products become subject to an epidemic or broad series of product failures, in excess of five (5) percent of the relevant Product(s) delivered to Buyer as reasonably determined by Buyer, Supplier shall at its own cost and expense, including necessary shipping charges, provide Buyer, Buyer’s customers or consumers with a new, unused and properly functioning Product for each and every Product (all Products, not simply defective Products) manufactured during the period of time which is relevant to the defect or Epidemic Failure.  Supplier shall indemnify, defend and hold Buyer and its customers harmless from any and all costs and expenses, including claims, suits or other manner of governmental or private actions relating to or arising from an Epidemic Failure, including, without limitation, the costs of performing a recall and penalties assessed by customers of Buyer.  For the purpose of this Section 7(c), the terms “fail” or “failure” refer to any Product or mechanical part thereof which is not of good and merchantable quality and free from defects in material and workmanship and the term “failure rate” refers to the ratio of the number of Products which failed compared to the total number of Products which at any time during the term of this Agreement have been sold at the retail level.  At Buyer’s discretion, an Epidemic Failure shall also be deemed to exist if any Products shall: (1) contain one or more defects which create a substantial product hazard, [within the meaning of the law of any county or subdivision thereof in which Products are used,] (2) fail to comply with the requirements of the Agreement.


[ 本帖最后由 shirllypeng 于 2007-8-28 08:24 编辑 ]

just FYI


又在这里看到你了, 缘分啊......

(b)   An “Epidemic Failure” shall mean: If the Products or any particular model line of the Products become subject to an epidemic or broad series of product failures...

谢谢大家,可是  还是不知道怎么翻译呢  因为 老板要翻译成中文,不知道应该怎么说。。。  谢谢





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