加拿大进出口外贸Build Your Vocabulary Everyday.


Admittedly, it's hard to persist memorizing vocabulary. As a salesman,  extensive vocabulary is requested. I write this post, today to show my determination to improve my vocabulary. Any sharing from ers are welcomed and we can day day up together.

1. deductible [di'dʌktəbl] 抵扣。In an insurance policy, the deductible is the amount of expenses that must be paid out of pocket before an insurer will pay any expenses.
2. vise versa /ˈvaɪsɪ ˈvɜːsə/ 反之亦然 If you work hard, you can learn something, vise versa.
3. splice [splais] 拼接,接合 SLCD(Splice Liquid Crystal Display拼接专用液晶显示屏)

[ 本帖最后由 JoyZhousz 于 2011-12-7 11:55 编辑 ]

    I really got a suggestion ,could you put the pronunciation on ,if that's new vocabulary,we won't always guess right how to read it,so,if you put the pronunciation on ,I think it will be better.

I have a suggestion for you,I have a sense that your expressions are pretty formal on the one hand,but on the other,informal.
I don't think it's good to use 'day day up' here..Maybe some foreigners can understand it,but not all of them.of course you may just want to just make yourself undersood,but it's better to use right expression.
I hope to make your acquaintace if possible,we can learn from each other..I don't know how is your oral English,if you can help me a little bit,I will really appreciate it.My QQ:121778168,as I myself was used to be a sales person,so we may build up some connection if this suits you.
Honestly,your vocabulary is quite formal and not used frequently...I hope this doesn't offend you.it just represents my own opinion that you can ignore.

Really thanks for your suggestion.

ha. your suggestion is appreciated.
actually, I don't know how to say"天天向上". Maybe I'll express it in this way "study hard to make ourselves more confident"
I'll be glad to make friends with you, but sorry that I don't speak English well, coz not much chance to practice. We communicate with clients by Email and seldom call them directly.
Anyway, still a long way to go to master English.

I really want to improve my English, expecially when I come to Singapore, I realize that my vocabulary is poor. Sometime I would like to open the television and turn the channel to CCTV News, but I can't follow them.


what do you do?
speaking English as much as possible is the best way to learn English well.
Singapore is an English-speaking country, right?
you can practice your English easily.

   Study hard and make progress everyday.好好学习,天天向上。

strapless ['stræplis] adj. 无带的;无背带的;无肩带的 strapless gown 露肩长衣
amputate ['æmpjuteit] vt. 截肢;切断;删除 It's horrible that the doctor must amputate Tom's arm to save his life.
seal the deal 搞定  You'r wasting time, seal the deal as soon as possible.
orthodoxy ['ɔ:θədɔksi]  n. 正统;正教;正统说法 There are feuds between orthodoxy and heresy.
capricious [kə'priʃəs] adj. 反复无常的;任性的 I think Chinese officials are capricious and corrupt.

I don't like to wear strapless dress.
   Tom had been amputated,hadn't he?
If you can't seal the deal ASAP,you will be fired!
  The orthodoxy way to say tie the knot is marry.
After the amputated of his arm,Tom was capricious.
I'm not sure if my sentences are right,guys help me find out if any error revealed.

haha, I think we can deepen our impression by making a story.


Once upon a time,there was an amputated man,saw an old woman wearing a strapless dress,he was shocked,he can't believe an old woman would wearing like that,so he was on a capricious condition after that,but later,his friend tied the knot with a girl,orthodoxy way to say is marry,he sealed the deal of the problem about saw the old woman wearing a strapless dress. How's this?

[ 本帖最后由 xdl1384 于 2011-12-8 11:27 编辑 ]

great story that make us laugh, after all this is a good way to remember vacabulary
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