德国的一客户,让偶有点疑惑了,求大家帮忙翻译一下。邮件 1. Please read what our agent from Hamburg has written to us, this is the
way you are supposed to send goods from China to us.
Thank you in advance.
Thank you for your commercial invoice, well noted. Could you please send me the commercial invoice with Incoterm CFR Hamburg?
Additional please inform your shipping agent to inform their delivery agent in Hamburg that I don’t accept any further charges as standard local charges like LCL charges, quay charges, GSC, Anti Terror Compliance, ERS.
Other charges like CISF, release fee, service fee and so on are not accepted from my side.
Please confirm it.
邮件2. hello mike,
I have this geld transfered.see atachement
please the product sends as fast as possible.
please my agent from Hamburg written follows what has.
I wish you all good and hope we
good shops make together throw.
best of all regards,
邮件 3. Nice day to you.
pleace smart ones please everything packs as well as always.
best of all regards
邮件1 中 CRF 不就是 FOB价格+ 海运费么, 邮件 2 follows what has ...这封邮件实在翻译得很痛苦,它说的是要我回头看邮件1 呢还是就 I wish ...throw 这句而已? 邮件3 是我问他关于包装的事,这个smart ones 是 聪明的人???现在笨极了。。求正解
[ 本帖最后由 四色依米 于 2011-12-27 11:35 编辑 ]
:( 求解答。。。。
1. CRF那个 你是对的
3.最后那句话不用去深究 又不是让你考英语等级 总之 把包装给人家做的跟以前一样好就行了
1. Please read what our agent from Hamburg has written to us, this is the
way you are supposed to send goods from China to us.
Thank you in advance.
Thank you for your commercial invoice, well noted. Could you please send me the commercial invoice with Incoterm CFR Hamburg?
Additional please inform your shipping agent to inform their delivery agent in Hamburg that I don’t accept any further charges as standard local charges like LCL charges, quay charges, GSC, Anti Terror Compliance, ERS.
Other charges like CISF, release fee, service fee and so on are not accepted from my side.
Please confirm it.
客人叫你另报CNF HAMBURG的价格,重新发一份商业发票,的确是FOB价格+运输就OK了。但特别注意的是后面,你的货是拼箱货吧,Other charges like CISF, release fee, service fee and so on are not accepted from my side,货代的目的港收费你一定要问清楚,客人不会接受的。即是你报价的时间要含在里面。
邮件2. hello mike,
I have this geld transfered.see atachement
please the product sends as fast as possible.
please my agent from Hamburg written follows what has.这句是比较难明。我认为:please the product sends as fast as prossible,我代理所写的。
I wish you all good and hope we
good shops make together throw.
best of all regards,
邮件 3. Nice day to you.
pleace smart ones please everything packs as well as always.这里就是如以往一样的包装就可以了。
best of all regards
thank you very much . 。非常感谢四楼的详细解答。。。也感谢3楼的回复。
加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光 加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards .........................................
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