


  ① May introduce myself?
  ② Hello,I am Tom.
  ③ Excuse me,I don’t think we have met.My name is Tom.
  ④ How do you do?I am Tom.
  ⑤ First,Let me introduce myself.I am Tom,Production Manager.
  ① I am glad to meet you.
  ② Nice meeting you.(or: Nice to meet you.)
  ③ How nice to meet you.
  ④ I have heart so much about you.
  ⑤ Someone has told me all about you.
  ⑥ I have been wanting to meet you for some time.
  ⑦ I am delighted to make your acquaintance.
  ⑧ It is a privilege to know you.
  ⑨ It is a pleasure to know you.
  ① Can I talk to you?
  ② Can we talk?
  ③ Let’s talk.
  ④ Excuse me,you got a minute?
  ⑤ May I have a word with you?
  ⑥ If you don’t mind my asking,where did you come from?
  ① Thanks for asking!Miss you and all the best.I like you forever!Wish you happy everyday.
  ② Sending you a little sunshine.Friends forever.
  ④ Miss you and all the best.I like you forever!Wish you happy everyday.
  ⑤ A joke a day keeps the doctor away!please remember,you happy so I happy.
  ⑥ Wherever you go, I will go with you.
  ⑦ Thank for your help.I’ll remember you forever.
  ⑧ You are a real friend.Miss you much,wiss you happy everyday!
  ⑨ You made me happy.I like you just like you like me.
  ⑩ I miss you.Friendship is continuous.
  ⑾ yes! thanks for remember me! are u busy,now?
  ⑿ sending a melody to you with morning’s sunshine.
  ⒀ no matter how far you go away, I will be always be here loving you!
  ⒁ Thanks for always being there.you are so sweet.
  ⒂ Friends are people who care,people who miss you where you’re not there.
  ⒃ Perfect friend.are you right?bless your heart
  ⒄ Friends are people who know,and warn you of harmful foes.

  ⒅ it is great to have you guys as my friends.Thanks!
  ⒆ Good to hear from u.Thank you for the hospitality.
  ⒇ friendship is a love without wings.
  ① I has received your E-mail, Thanks!
  ② You are so kind.Thank you for the hospitality
  ③ Thank your present for my birthday.Many thanks.
  ④ thanks for giving me a hand when i was in trouble!
  ⑤ Thank You Very Much,It’s very nice of you!
  ⑥ thanks for your understanding!Thank you and wish you happy everyday!
  ⑦ thanks for your understanding!My dear friend,thank you!
  ⑧ God bless you.
  ⑨ Great thanks for you.just for you.
  ⑩ luky for you


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