The cup we want you to produce is one that can be used to drink out of but the actual purpose for the mug is to amplify music from an iphone. That is the reason why we want that specific cup because we have tested cups and bowls of all different materials and that is the best one.The reason the handle converts to a stand is to project the sound into a specific direction.The way it works is you put your phone speaker side to the bottom of the cup and the sound reflects off the bottom, the shape of the cup then acts as a megaphone which doesn't make the phone louder it just directs all the sound in the same direction which ultimately does make the sound louder because the sound waves are not escaping into the air. The sound is increased significantly by the cup.
The handle also has a carabiner clip which is most commonly used in camping and mountain climbing but will allow the cup to easily be clipped onto a bag or bucket or anything really making it practical to bring along outdoors whether your going camping a picnic, fishing anything that involves not having electricity handy.
I hope I answered your question.
他要cup 既能当IPHONE的扩音器用 把手要适合野营使用及吸纳
要你生产的杯子是既能当一般杯子用来喝水,但更重要的用途是做Iphone的扩音器。 俺们测过不同材质的各种杯子啊碗啊,但杯子的效果应该是最好所以俺们想要这种特殊的杯子。
这玩意生产出来能不能送俺一个 ?? :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
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