自从您提出需要MCP22.7%,我们一直和工厂在攻克这个难关。经过几年的努力,我可以郑重地告诉您,我们已经生产出这种产品。请见附件。而且对于MCP22.7%,我们有充分地把握生产以欧盟为标准的MCP 22.7%。
[ 本帖最后由 可可西里818 于 2012-4-6 15:58 编辑 ]
It has been a long time since we contacted last time. Hope you and your family are all doing well.
Since you mentioned ‘European MCP is 22.7 % P Min. ours is 22% min’ in 2009, we and our factory keep trying to overcome this difficulty. With the efforts for several years, we can seriously inform you that we have developed this product So we have sufficient assurance, we can produce MCP 22.7% as per EU standard. Please find its specification in attachment.
We hope we can have more cooperation with you on the phosphoric chemical products in this new year, and also expect you can put forward more new products .We will try our best to take service with you.
Look forward to your reply.
Best regards,
Hope everything with you doing well.
You requested ‘European MCP was 22.7 % P Min. in year 2009, but ours was 22% min’ at that time. I’m now very glad to informed that we successfully produced this product after making long-term effort. It’s meets EU standard. Please find its specification in attachment.
We hope to have more cooperation with you on phosphoric chemical products. Also looking forward to make new products per your special request. We will do our best to serve you.
[ 本帖最后由 四色依米 于 2012-4-6 22:14 编辑 ]
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