



Thank you for your calling. As I told you on the phone. Logo on approved sample was made by digital printing. But later we encounter unexpected color inconsistent on printed items now and then in production course. Also this printing method brought other problem in mass production which didn’t come up in small volume sample production.  So we had to find other solutions…

Now method we use on newly made sample is screen printing to avoid previous accrued problems. In reality, the printed color couldn't be 100% same as Pantone code. Even same color formula will look slightly different when it's printed on different material or by different printing process. Environment humidity and temperature also affect the final color appearance. Hope you understand.

Since defective products is over than 50%, to keep whole batch products in same quality. We would like to re-work all products once you confirm the printing by new method acceptable. Factory need at least one week to finish the production. Please see blow timeline we can meet now.

Occasion A: you confirm new sample within today, we arrange re-work without delay; We can work on late today & 28th April & 2th-4th May to finish this order( Labor Day lasts from 29th April to 1th May). It only left 4.5 days for us, the time is very very tight. But still will do our best to meet inspection date on 5th no matter work over time or work on Sunday. Correspondingly we’ll meet closing date on 7th and sailing date on 14 May and arrival date on 16th June at BASEL.  

Occasion B: you send new sample to XX for confirmation, it may cause at least 2-3 days for sending and confirmation, then we only can get confirmation on 2th May, only another 2 days left on previously agreed inspection date. It is NO chance to meet XX agreed arrive date on 16th June….. Then the shipment has to be delay for another week. Then inspection date we can meet is 12th, and corresponding closing date is 14th May and sailing date is 21th June and arrival date at BASEL is 23th June.

Urgently need you confirmation, thank you in advance.

[ 本帖最后由 四色依米 于 2012-4-27 22:04 编辑 ]

版主 你这邮件太长了


Occasion A: ......But still will do our best to meet inspection date.....
......But we will still do our best to meet inspection date.....

Occasion B: ...... chance to meet XX agreed arrive date on 16th June….. Then the shipment has to be delay for another week...... and arrival date at BASEL is 23th June.
标识成红色的,表达有点不统一."Then the shipment has to be delay for another week"应该是"Then the shipment has to be delayed for another week"



呵呵, 我想起自己曾把主语we写成了us,检查了几遍都没发现,发出去以后才意识到犯了这么白痴的错

因为是自己写的,有时候固定思维了,无法意识到自己的错误,所以希望借别人的眼睛及时发现问题。thanks again

Thank you for your calling.
As I mentioned on the phone, logo on approved sample was digital printed.
However, color inconsistent occurred sometimes in mass production with some other problems, so we had to find other solutions…

这里我还有个疑问,样品是digital printed,批量生产的生产的时候不是这种方式吗?


Thank you for your calling.

As I mentioned on the phone, logo on approved sample was digital printed.
However, color inconsistent occurred sometimes in mass production with some other problems, so we changed to another printing processes, and the newly sample is screen printed to avoid previous problems.

PS: 色差的表达我不确定

As you know, actually the printed color couldn't be completely same with the Pantone. Even same color formula might be slightly different when it is printed on different materials or by different printing processes. The final color appearance could also be affected by humidity and temperature.

Since defective products are over 50%, we would like to re-make all products if you confirm the new sample. At least 7 days is required to finish the production. Please check the following situation we might meet:

Occasion A:
If the sample could be confirmed today, we can restart production immediately, Production is planned be finished on May 4 ( Labor’s Day lasts from April 29 to May 1). Although the time is very very tight, we will do our best to meet inspection date on May 5 at all cost. Then we can make delivery on May 14 and you can get the goods on June 16.

PS: closing date 是截港日期吗?sailing date是船期吗?

Occasion B:
If you send new sample to XX for confirmation, it may take 2-3 days, that means production cannot be finished before the inspection date(May 5) and delivery cannot be made on May 14, then the shipment has to be delayed for one more week……

Please let us know your advice, thank you in advance.




Thank you for your calling.
We apologize for the delay! (不管咱有任何理由,产品延误是事实。赶快正式道歉以软化客户的心,让他有耐心看完你的邮件)
(As I told you on the phone.)As we talked/discussed over the phone: (这里用"告诉"不好,口气有点硬,耐心不足。9楼改为mention稍好,但如将客户也参与进来,有客户已默认理解目前的处境之意,哥们:“同舟共济”了!)
Logo on approved sample was digital printed, there was no any problem in small batch sample production.
However, some unexpected color inconsistent appeared on printed items now and then during the mass production.
Therefore, better printing method has to be applied. (以上应该是你们电话讨论的内容)

The new sample is screen printed to avoid previous problems.
In reality, as you know, the printed color couldn't be 100% the same as Pantone code.
Even a same color formula will looks slightly different when printed on different materials or by different printing processes.
The final color appearance could also be affected by humidity and temperature of environment.

Since the defective products was over 50%, we will re-work all products once the new mothod is accepted and confirmed to keep whole batch products  in the same quality.
At least 7 days is required to finish the production.
Please check following timetable.

A: You confirm new sample today, we restart right away.  We will work over times and on weekends( Labor Day off from 29th April to 1th May) to meet inspection date on 5th, closing date 7th, sailing date 14 May and arrival date 16th June at BASEL.  (#9楼的思路很好,简洁、明了。俺就直接借用了,多谢!)

B: You send new sample to XX for confirmation(may take 2-3 days), we may get confirmation on 2th May, only 2 days left for  previously agreed inspection date.
There will be NO chance to meet XX agreed arrival date on 16th June…..   
The earliest inspection date we may meet is 12th May, closing date 14th May, sailing date 21th June and arrival date 23th June at BASEL. (楼主原句口气好像很不愿意客户采用B方案。俺认为应该尊重客户的选择,咱只将实际情况摆在客户面前,请他考虑,不需要随便下结论。)
Thank you for your understanding and consideration!(客户应该知道情况紧急,不需要你提醒了。谢谢就是谢谢,为啥要提前谢谢呢?难道客户不同意你的方案你就不谢了?)
We are looking forward to hearing from you soon!(经典商务函结束语)



very fluently translated.

[ 本帖最后由 jackie541 于 2012-4-28 16:58 编辑 ]

mark先  慢慢看

too long , keep patient .
加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards ......................................... 加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光
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