C.5.5. Shoulder Straps.肩章a. The shoulder straps shall be manufactured from double ply of material
as referenced in Para C.2.5 and securely caught into the sleeve head
b. The shoulder strap shall be measured 5 ± 0.2 cm wide at the sleeve
end and 4.5 ± 0.2 cm wide at the base of the mitre;
c. The mitred point shall be 1.5 cm in length;
d. The length of the shoulder strap shall be adjusted so that when held in
place by the hook and pile fabric and laying smooth and flat, the
mitred point shall lie on the shoulder seam, 1.5 cm from the collar
e. The shoulder strap shall be positioned centrally over the shoulder
seam, securely caught in with the sleeve seam;
f. The straps shall have a row of top stitching 0.5 ± 0.1 cm in from the
edge; and
g. A patch of hook fabric 2.5 cm by 2.5 cm shall be securely sewn to the
collar end of the shoulder straps, 1 cm back from the end to
correspond with a matching patch of loop fabric attached to the neck
edge of the shoulder.
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