请问gear box的牙齿怎么说英文?GOOGLE了一下有gear dogs,不知道这个gear dogs 是什么意思,,,
还是用tooth finish?
[ 本帖最后由 follifollie 于 2012-6-17 22:51 编辑 ]
cut teeth 或者cogs。不是dogs.
在某BBS上看到的,在最下面的一个答复里提到了 GEAR DOGS:
RE:Yz 125... Metal Shavings In Gearbox Oil!
04-24-2007, 08:06 PM
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 9
Yz 125... Metal Shavings In Gearbox Oil!
Hey guys,
I know that i've already posted this a few days ago, but for those who haven't seen it yet: i need some advice!!
I own a 2001 model YZ 125, and last weekend before going for a hard ride i drained my gearbox oil to fill it with new oil...
After draining out all of the old transmission oil and then disposing of it, i noticed that on the bottom of the dish i had drained it into.. there were heaps of metal shavings! Like literally fine peices of metal in there.
After showing my stepdad who knows a hell of a lot about bikes, he just says "yup, that would be bits of your gearbox" So after hearing that, i definately DIDN'T go for a ride on it in that condition. They were only fine, silver shavings... but there were a LOT of them.
But the thing that gets me is that last time i changed my gearbox oil, the oil was perfectly smooth and there was nothing abnormal about it, except the colour... nor did it have anything foreign in it whatsoever.
So for you people who ride 2 strokes, what would your advice be? Do you think i might need a bottom-end rebuild, or.. (this might sound stupid) could this be a common thing with these bikes? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Cheers
04-25-2007, 12:38 PM
Sandman 2.0
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 148
Gears and gear dogs are pretty hard and not likely that they would file away leaving shavings........ A dog will round off or break sometimes. Most likely it is bits of your clutch basket which I believe is aluminum (Someone correct me if I'm wrong) As you fan the clutch, the clutch plate wear away the basket. Does the clutch work alright? Does the bike shift smoothely? You could pull the clutch side cover off and check the basket for wear. Or you could ride it and change the fluid again after and see what comes out.........do this for a few rides and take it from there........I'm assuming there is no other weird noises coming from the engine and everything is functioning correctly.
[ 本帖最后由 follifollie 于 2012-6-17 22:20 编辑 ]
你搜索GEAR DOGS和GEAR COGS的图像,就可以看到所指的不同了。
Before the trial operation, user must check whether the thickness of adjusting shimming in spline hub between the screws and gear box is proper or not as following:
To loose the locking cap of spline hub, and pull out the spline coupling from one side of gear box, then find the adjusting shimming.
To check if the two shimming are tight....
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