

These days I am at ease due to the gloomy global economy, orders under my charge are getting less day by day, much less the amount and volume of orders. Under this condition I am free to d\help some ones to translate files covering scope as sales/purchase contract, terms regarding to shoes making including material, mold, trims, package and shipment, terms of payment including L/C, DP draft, DA draft, ceramic making issues.

By the way I major was international trading under foreign language colleague, specialized at English and Japanese, I could also help you at papers translating (graduation papers) on English majors.

If you need my help at above mentioned points, you could contact with me by mail [email protected]. I will try to deal with your enquiry as soon as possible.

嘿嘿 免费么?我有篇十万字的市场调查报告 日文滴。。。


10万字? 光读懂就需要几个月了, 你还真不见外。

No 是一篇文细分市场电器产品的调查报告。。。


I. The Vendor assumes full and exclusive liability for payment (which shall not be directly passed to Buyer) of all taxes, duties, levies and charges as imposed by any local and/or national government of or any country on the Vendor, its subcontractors, and the officers, employees and agents of the Vendor and the subcontractor in connection with the Materials under the Order and shall report and pay such taxes and contributions directly in a timely and correct manner and otherwise comply with the law. The Vendor indemnifies the Buyer and will fully compensate it in respect of any and all claims brought by the tax and/or social security authorities with respect to taxes and contributions, any penalties that are imposed, interest and/or costs incurred by it or by third parties, including costs that are reasonably incurred in connection with legal representation and advice required in order to defend itself against such claims in connection with
the work performed by its personnel or by third parties that it engages (or the employees of such third parties) within the context of the Order.

II. The Vendor assumes full and exclusive liability for payment of all taxes including but not limited to turnover, value added, capital gains, corporation or income taxes now or hereafter levied or imposed by any local and/or national fiscal authority of any country relating to or assessed upon the profits or gains or assumed profits or gains of the Vendor in connection with the Materials under the Order and of the respective obligations of the Vendor under the Order. The Vendor agrees, covenants and undertakes to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Buyer and any End User from any claims, suits, costs (including legal costs), expenses, liabilities, judgements, fines, penalties and demands for loss or damage, including any and all expenses, disbursements, costs, legal fees and sums and amounts as may be incurred in the investigations, handling and defence thereof, resulting from or in any way connected with any such tax assessment or imposition both on its own behalf and on behalf of any of its personnel.
III. If the Buyer is required to pay any taxes of the type referred to in I. or II. above whether with respect to the Vendor, the Buyer may recover from the Vendor such sums and all costs as aforesaid incurred by Buyer in connection therewith and the same shall be a debt due from the Vendor to Buyer and shall forthwith be recoverable by action, provided always that Buyer may deduct such payments and cost as aforesaid from any monies then due or thereafter becoming due to the Vendor in accordance with the Order.
IV. The Buyer may withhold from payments to Vendor any amounts as are required under law and remit the same to the appropriate taxing authorities. The Buyer will furnish Vendor all receipts or evidence substantiating remittance to the taxing authorities for all taxes withheld.
加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards ......................................... 加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光
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