10. Good Faith10.1. The Parties hereto acknowledge that further agreements between the Parties may be necessary to implement details and various phases of their collaboration from time to time.
10.2. The Parties agree to negotiate and work in good faith with respect to the collaboration of their alliance hereof. In entering into this Agreement, the Parties recognize that it is impracticable to make provisions for every contingency that may arise in the course of the performance hereof and accordingly, declare it to be the intention that this Agreement shall operate between them with fairness without detriment to the interest of any of them and without prejudice to any of the express provisions herein. If in the course of performance hereof, unfairness to any Party is disclosed or anticipated then the Parties shall use their best endeavours to agree upon such action as may be necessary and equitable to remove the cause(s) of unfairness.
双方一致赞成秉着真诚与联盟协商合作。双方为了达成这一协议,都认为在合作期间, 制定每个紧急的条款是切实可行的,并宣称了它的目的,即这个协议必须在不损害任何一方的利益也不对任何明确条款有特殊的前提下执行。 在条款生效期间,任何对双方有不公的行为都会公示, 而且为了避免不公行为的滋生,政党们也对竭尽全力达成这一协议。
[ 本帖最后由 jerry2001 于 2013-2-23 14:09 编辑 ]
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