


so why would you now want to spend so much time with me developing a remote control which in my mind would only be 5 units to start for samples, but then later in the year perhaps a few hundred or 1-2000 at the most, if I can fully develop my AC systems by then.

At the moment I am dealing with a factory which is only producing the indoor unit of the AC system for me and they recommended me to buy the electronic controller boards from the outdoor unit supplier, but I am also now thinking that the remote control needs to be paired and programmed with the electronic control boards, so maybe it is best to find a separate electronic control board supplier who may also have a better relationship with the remote control supplier? Do you think that is a good idea?

[ 本帖最后由 patty-chu 于 2013-3-4 16:32 编辑 ]


so why would you now want to spend so much time with me developing a remote control which in my mind would only be 5 units to start for samples, 为什么打样5个样品要这么长时间
but then later in the year perhaps a few hundred or 1-2000 at the most, if I can fully develop my AC systems by then. 按计划,如果样品顺利的话,在一年之内,我会下几百个的订单。

At the moment I am dealing with a factory which is only producing the indoor unit of the AC system for me and they recommended me to buy the electronic controller boards from the outdoor unit supplier 那个时候,我正在跟一家为我的AC系统提供室内配件的工厂谈,他们推荐我去室外配件的厂家那边买电控板?(产品方面不懂)
but I am also now thinking that the remote control needs to be paired and programmed with the electronic control boards 我考虑到电控板需要匹配的程序
so maybe it is best to find a separate electronic control board supplier who may also have a better relationship with the remote control supplier? Do you think that is a good idea? 所以我想再另外找一家(跟我的系统)更匹配的电控板供应商,你觉得怎么样?

以上翻译,客户大体有两个问题:1 样品为何这么慢
                              2 是否可以换一家电控板(electronic controller board)的供应商

她现在正在和一个做室内自动控制系统的厂家联系,那个厂家建议他向供应室外AC system的厂家购买电子控制面板,但是他想 遥控装置应高是成对的吧,也就是配套的吧。他问你是不是应该找一家可以提供电子控制面板的厂家,这个厂家又和做遥控器的厂家又很好关系的。以便于遥控器和控制面板是配套的。。。

so why would you now want to spend so much time with me developing a remote control which in my mind would only be 5 units to start for samples, but then later in the year perhaps a few hundred or 1-2000 at the most, if I can fully develop my AC systems by then.

如果我自己能设计AC systems的话,为什么现在你还要花这么长的时间跟我谈遥控设计呢?因为我只想在初期做5个样品,之后也许是在年底,样品确认后也可能只做几百个或者最多就2000个。。。

At the moment I am dealing with a factory which is only producing the indoor unit of the AC system for me and they recommended me to buy the electronic controller boards from the outdoor unit supplier, but I am also now thinking that the remote control needs to be paired and programmed with the electronic control boards, so maybe it is best to find a separate electronic control board supplier who may also have a better relationship with the remote control supplier? Do you think that is a good idea?

现在向我供货的厂家只能提供AC systems的室内部件,他们建议我去那些室外控件供货商购买电子控板(electronic controller boards),但是遥控部件需要跟电子控板程序配对的,所以我在想,如果分开找这两种控件的供应商的话,为什么不直接去问遥控部件供货商的合作厂家呢?

[ 本帖最后由 笑笑而过 于 2013-3-4 11:07 编辑 ]
加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光 加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards .........................................
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