Concerning your cushion, I guess that´s what your question is for?We really like it. But some comments and suggestions.
- The sound box, is it the final one? Because the Bluetooth quality is kinda bad, especially if you turn down the volume, it starts to make noise.
- Concerning the color. Enclosed you may find a picture. Could you try to get these colors? For plain color, it is pantone rhodamine red U.
- For the square color, could you use the square color in the picture and style. The square is a little smaller, the color is some kind of red.
- For the border, would be great in this kind of green style
Concerning your cushion, I guess that´s what your question is for?
We really like it. But some comments and suggestions.
- The sound box, is it the final one? Because the Bluetooth quality is kinda bad, especially if you turn down the volume, it starts to make noise.音箱最终就只能做成这样吗?因为蓝牙的品质有点烂,特别是当你把音量调低时,音箱就开始发出燥音。
- Concerning the color. Enclosed you may find a picture. Could you try to get these colors? For plain color, it is pantone rhodamine red U.有关颜色,附件中你可以找到一张图片。你能够试着做成这些颜色吗?有关本色,是潘通色(rhodamine red U),桃红色U。
- For the square color, could you use the square color in the picture and style. The square is a little smaller, the color is some kind of red.有关正方体的颜色,你能够使用图片中正方体的颜色和样式吗?正方体有点小了,颜色有点偏红了。
- For the border, would be great in this kind of green style
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