After graduated from college, I left my home and come to my boyfriend's home--Shandong province.Then I found a job as a international trade sales in a manufacture and trade company. This company is located in a town of his county. Most of the staffs in the company are local people. So they talk in dialect during work time, which is a big challenge for me. In the first week, I usually cannot hear clear what my manager say, and I often ask him to repeat many times. It's my first work and I have been work here only one month. Most of people under a heavy pressure when start the first work, so do I. I know sometimes I have a bad tamper and my boy friend always is magnanimous to my little weakness. But these days I feel that he doesn't behave like before any more. Sometimes we quarrel over a small thing. I just feel he is too childish and can not understand me. I don't know how things going like this, am I wrong? I wonder I have made a wrong decision to come to his place. What's more, my work didn't go smoothly these days. Now I am so upset and helpless! What should I do? Who can help me ?
I think you should stick to it.一开始工作肯定会遇到很多问题,特别像刚接触外贸,我也是新人,我也遇到各种问题,不过慢慢来,慢慢积累和学习。和男友也要加强沟通哦,想想清楚。
LZ 刚开始到一个新环境在加上大伙都说方言,所以会觉得很压抑,这些都很正常,或许习惯了就好,觉得你还是很有潜力的,
dear I think u lost ur position,cos u come to a unfamiliar city which is far away with ur family。。。u lost the support of family。。sometime u have to pins urdestiny to other person。。。。this guy is just ur boyfriend but not ur family person。。The harsh reality is that nobody is irreplaceable。。if u lost the love ,,it seems that some very unhappy things will happen。。。
So young gril,before u make a decisiton pls condiser all the things special for a girl,,if somebody couldnt supply u a stable life ...why u need to waste ur time and emotion
除了自己外,其他人都说方言,那样的环境有点难 沟通方面不怎么流畅,除非LZ也学会那里的方言咯
Can't agree more!U'd better consider a lot,including the past,now and future.I just can't understand why u came to ur boyfriend place,U gays have engaged or marriage?If neither,I think it is the worst decision u've made.
楼主你男朋友是山东哪的 我是山东人 如果是一个地方的 说不定我在方言这一块可以帮助你 其实一个女孩离开自己的家 离开自己熟悉的朋友 熟悉的人 到一个陌生的地方 初次进入社会 第一份工作 你需要舍弃的东西很多 我能体会 我也经历过 你的男朋友应该意思到这一点 慢慢的理解你 帮助你 希望你开心 幸福
我同意 lfsophy 的观点 我也曾毕业就跟随前男友到他的家乡工作 我也听不懂他们家乡的方言 最后 由于很多很多其他的原因 分手了 还有 如果你们没有订婚 没有结婚 千万别和男友住在一起 更不要住在他的家里
thank for your reply. your suggestion is considerate and I will consider it carefully.
亲爱的 我知道你做什么了 钢卷吧 跟我是同行 我是聊城的 滨州的方言跟我们差不多 说的慢点 应该能听懂 加油
加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光 加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards .........................................
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