now i am working in a factory.i can only get the basic salary which means that i do not have commission.while i am doing a job like sales.it is around 300hundred people.i have a friend here,she introduced me to work here.there are 8 sales including me.another company,much smaller,with 150 workers invited me to work there as a sales too.the basic salary is a little lowerbut he can offer me commision.there is only one sales there.
now i have to make a choice between the two company.
i have been in my current company for one week,but the supervisor and the boss do not introduce me to other workers and do not give me any task and tell me what i shall do.the surpervisor is strange,i do not like her to some degree.i am a little bored over here.
can anyone give me any advice?
the reasonw i want to leave current company are that :
they give me no task and noone guide me.the supervisor is not kind.the roomates are not kind too.but i have a friend here.
since i was introduced by my friend,i am wondeing if i leave for other company in such a short time,the thing may affect my friend.or the boss may have bad idea on my friend.i do not want to get my friend into trouble.i appreciated what she did for me.
my jobre will be easy.
i have learned some professional information very hard during the past 7 days.i think it is a pity to discard it.the other company deals with a lanyard field while current one deals with leather cases
the reason i want to go to the other company are that:
there might be more opportunities to aproach client.they have platform on alibaba,they only have one sales.
the people are kind over there,i visited the factory yesterday.the boss,production manager,buyer are nice.
they can offer me commision.it is also very important.
then i must admit that work there means i will work overtime often as the boss told me already.
it means more pressure.
anyone can give me some advice.thanks so much
decided by your heart.
Frankly speaking, I don't think leave this company is the best choice for you. Let's make deep analysis about it.
First, you worked at the current company just one week. Nobody give you any instruction that told you what should you do. Everyone in a new company should suffer this preliminary stage. Cause the older workr in this company havn't make fully understand with you. They don't know what you can do. You shoud have some concept that what you can do. You know nothing about the current company. You don't think the superior is kind enough to you. Could you please tell me what's your working attitude. And what's your suprior attitue for others. Don't judge it just for one side.
Second, have you investigated the replaced company and make the fully understand about it yet? If yes, please tell us what you have done? In this company, they can give you the plantform like ALIBABA. As far as i know, the company can get very limit benefit from that. I could be the typical example for you. Cause my previous company have used alibaba. But we got nothing from that. And you are only the sales in this company. It's not nice. Cause you are young and not professional enough to operate all the business affairs . There are someone to give you instruction about your work. Always, we need to teach lessons from others and and recognize ourselves.
Don't get lost. I persuade you to work at this company for a longer time. Then make the further consideration.
both of you are good writers
as a newcomer,what i did is learned from the public information.the boss and the supervisor shall at least introduced me to the othert colleagues at least and tell me what i shall do.they just give no attention to me.they do not ever think that i exist and come to their company.we already hve two meetings.noone introduce me.you think what i can do.how to show my work attitude?if they give me nothing to do,how can they can know my work attitude?the supervisor is not kind at all.they donot act like a supervisor at all.they just do their things.even when i meet them in the street,i say hello to them.one of them do not give me any feedback.isnot that weird?
as to the second company,it is a small factory,at least he can let me to approach the customers directly not just waiting.they will give me on-job training as the boss promised to me.my friend introduced me to work there.that company has done good business.the sales work there has already get many orders from alibaba.that is why they need to recruit another sales to help the business.there is one sales there already.if i go there,i will be the second one.it means that i am not the first one and not the last one to do the job.i can learn from the other sales.the boss will give me enough attention and will assist me with the business directly.i can learn more from the boss.i guess so.
fankly speaking ,i feel that u have gotten your idea in ur heart,if i was you ,i would leave.
the enviroment situation is important,when you stay in this company,live with the current roomates you feel unhappy,so why not leave,you just stayed here 1 week,i think it is better to leave ASAP,if u work here for a longer time,you still don't like it you will find it is difficult to leave.
in fact we are on the same boat,at first my company recruited 5 graduates ,but 4of them left one by one in short time,and the only peoson who still stay here is me,i always torture myself at leisure why am i still here,sometimes i wanna leave,but there are some things trapped me,i have no idea,and the economic crisis ,so i hesitate to do it,now my plan is that ,i will try to find another job next year
you have gotten the company's invitation,so why not try?
it sounds good.i like money,i like commision,which instimulate me to leave here.thanks.by the way,i like hangzhou.
wish you good luck.
updated.the boss do not let me go.i shall talk to him again.
i thought he will just let me go, i never imagine that he will not ...
i read all words above,and i know you don't need any advice on stay or leave any more. as you know exactly that you don't like your current company,no matter how perfect it is,that is not your place, yes just leave, you are right.
and try your best be the right person in your new company.good luck!
Just leave.
Is it a rule or something that everyone shall post replies in English? Alright...
1. 7 days is not enough to judge a company, or a person (your supervisor/roommate).
2. Why they are not kind to you? And what's your definition of "kind"? Think about it.
3. Are you a greenhand in foreign trade field? Are you aware that some companies just don't do any payment platform?
4. Not every factory/company would notice the whole group every time there's a new staff. They may simply don't have such a culture, or only hold a 'Welcome' party every season, or six months. You don't know.
5. You are nobody before you make your contribution. This probably will be the case throughout your career life. Don't be upset or paranoid.
6. They offer you commission doesn't necessarily mean you WILL get any if you know what I mean.
7. Be careful to avoid subjective and one-sided attitude.
when he asked me why i wanted to leave,i told him that i have nothing to do here.
and another company offer me another job.
now he assigned me some tast to do now.
i hesitated now
it is not a rule,just because i can not type chinese here,my computer has a problem.
in my opnion,commison instimulate me to work hard.
yes,i know before i make contribution,i am nothing.
but in another company,i do nothing but they will give me much attention./
as i told you,i have a friend here,when she came ,the boss introduced her to others.
now,it seems that i can not leave now.the boss acts so fast,he assigns me some customer to follow up already.
7. Don't do the work if you can't do the pressure. (borrowed and extended from 'Don't do the crime if you can't do the time')
8. It won't hurt your friend less if you stay but give horrible performance than you quit now.
9. Prepare a Question List, make another appointment with the second company, and go to have further discussions/info.
10. Alway think twice before you act.
Good luck!
[ 本帖最后由 行走的鱼 于 2008-12-1 15:33 编辑 ]
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