Although development of a tourism industry creates new employment opportunities, critics of the industry contend that tourism provides primarily low-paying,low-skilled jobs which are demeaning. Using Hawaii as a case example, this paper analyzes the quality of employment in the tourism industry.Direct employment in Hawaii's tourism industry encompasses approximately 126900 jobs and accounts for 24% of total civilian employment in Hawaii.With such a high dependency on tourism for job,the quality of tourism employment is an important issue.This paper investigates four commonly held be-fiefs regarding tourism employment. They are: (1)generates primarily low-skilled jots; (2)generates low-paying jobs; (3) tourism jobs offer high levels of job satisfaction; and (4)offers limited opportunities for advancement for local residents.Instead of looking at tourism employment in isolation. Comparisons with other industries in Hawaii arc made to provide a balanced picture of the situation..
The analysis focuses on three sectors of the tourism industry. i.e. air transpxortation. hotels/lodging places and cating/drinking places. these three sectots account for the majority, 67%. of total sales generated by tourist expenditure in Hawaii.' Several databases including a recent survey of tourism establishments and employees are used to each aspect of the quality of tourism employment.To minimize possible confusion over the dalahases used in each analysis, they are described in the respective sections of the paper rather than here.
Skill levels of tourism jobs
The skill levels of tourism jobs are assessed by analyzing the occupational staffing patterns of industries in Hawaii. Data on occupational staffing patterns arc collected periodically by the State of Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations (DLIR). Every three years. the agency conducts an Occupational Employment Statistics (OES).Survey in cooperation with the US Bureau of Statistics. The survey covers non-agricultural industries which are contacted on a staggered basis. i.e. the first year covers manufacturing and hospitals: the second year covers companies in construction, finance. insurance, real estate and services; and the third year surveys employers in the wholesale and retail trades, regulated industries education and government. The most recent data available from the OES survey are for 1987 and 1988.
Prior to analyzing the occupational staffing patterns for tourism sectors. it is useful to look first at the overall distribution of employment and occupations in Ilawaii. One can easily see that Hawaii's economy is essentially service-based through the distribution of employment in non-agricultural industries. According to the DLIR Occupational Emplayment Survey less than 10% of non-agricultural employment is generated by the construction and manufacturing industries. Service industries and wholesale and retail trades accounted for over half.55.4%, of the employees in 1988; and the government sector accounted for almost 20%. These three sectors together account for nearly 75% of nonagricultural employment.
Although total employment was projected to increase b广告een 1988 and 1993.the distribution of employment by industry was projected to remain about the same over this five-year period. Similarly,the distribution of employment by occupation was projected to remain roughly the same for the 1988-93 period. Thus, using the occupational data for 1997 and 1999 should still provide a relatively accurate picture of the current situation in regard to occupational staffing patterns for industries in Hawaii.
It should be noted that the occupational categories listed are arbitrary in that they do not necessarily reflect skill levels, educational levels or quality of employment. Airline pilots, for example, are categorized as machine operatives under the production.,operation and maintenance category. Within the service category, there are supervisory and management positions as well as other skilled positions.
Statewide. less than 4% of non-agricultural employment is categorized as managerial and management-related occupations. Approximately 18% of non-agricultural employment is concentrated in professional and technical occupations. 13% in sales. 20% in clerical. 25% in service occupations and 21% in production and maintenance.
In regard to which industries provide the largest number of positions within each of these categories.service industries have almost twice the number of managerial positions compared with the other industry sectors and they also account for 40% of professional/technical positions. Government accounts for almost half (45%) of professional/technical positions. Taken together, service industries and government account for 44% of managerial positions and 85% of professional/technical positions.
Sales positions. as might be expected. are primarily in wholesale and retail trades. The largest number of service ocupations are in wholesale and retail trades. 39% and service industries. 40%. The distribution of occupations among industries is due both to the nature of those industries. i.e. the industries staffing patterns, and the size of the industries as reflected in their total employment.The combined effects define the relative importance of the various industries in providing particular types of occupations.
In analyzing tourism sectors. the occupational staffing patterns for air transportation, hotels and eating/drinking places are given in Table 1. The industry category. eating/drinking places, encompasses all such establishments regardless of the type of customers served, i.e. tourists or residents. With the available OES data. it is not possible to identify establishments that serve tourists except hotel food service operations which are included under hotels. In terms of industry classification. eating/drinking places are grouped under wholesale and retail trades. The data on catingldrinking places have been shown in Table l to provide a more accurate picture of the respective staffing patterns. The separate distributions reveal that service occupations are a major characteristic, 87%. of employment in eating/drinking places compared with 6% for other wholesale and retail trades. Compared with the overall state, the staffing pattern for eating/drinking places shows a higher proportion in service occupations and lower proportions for all other occupational categories. This apparent disproportion in service occupations is to some extent due to the arbitrary classification of service positions which will be discussed later.
The staffing pattern for air transportation reveals a higher proportion of employment in clerical and production/operation/maintenance occupations than that for the state as a whole. The latter is due to the large number of airline personnel involved in the operations and maintenance of aircraft relative to other occupations in air transportation. It can also be noted that air transportation has lower proportions of manageria/professional/technical positions compared with other industries. This is probably due to the fact that most major airlines have their corporate staff on the US mainland or country of origin. With centralization or corporate functions such as marketing, accounting, finance and planning, the airline personnel based in Hawaii would primarily he in operational categories.
For the hotel and lodging industry, there exists a disproportion in service occupations compared with the overall state pattern. This will be examined in more detail later. On the other hand. hotels have a larger proportion of managers than the average for all industries but a substantially lower proportion of professional/technical positions. This situation reflects hotels' operating needs for managers on a full-time basis as compared with professional/technical services such as architects, engineers and lawyers who can he hired on a contract basis. There .are in fact, numerous firms in Hawaii that specialize in providing professional services to the tourism industry. Hotel architects. resort planners and financial consultants among others have provided professional services to resort developers and hotels here.and now have expanded their services throughout the Asia-Pacific region.
楼主找付费的去吧 这么黑。。。你当论坛里的都是免费好心劳动力噢。。。
The goods are ready.
And The earliest sailing date of bulk ship would be 10th DEC. because it is not fixed.
I would get a definite date after the departure of the vessel.
The goods are now all ready for shipment.The earliest shipping date available is on Dec 10,however,it's not
finalized since it's goods in bulk,I could only inform the actual shipping date after the vessel sails.
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