

Spring Festival is coming, foodies, are you ready for the New Year food?! Do you know some kinds of food can bring good luck? Eat them and do not let the luck go. Do you have any other lucky food to introduce? Share them with us!


No matter how we did last year, all of us want to have good luck and make more fortune for the coming year. Instead of leaving everything up to fate, why not enjoy a meal to increase your good fortune? There are a variety of foods that are believed to be lucky and to improve the odds that next year will be a great one. “Lucky foods” are served throughout the 15-day-long celebration. It seems that “lucky food” may guarantee to make for a happy new year, or at the very least a happy belly.


"Lucky food" sometimes is based on appearance. For example, serving a whole chicken during the Chinese New Year season symbolizes family integrity. Noodles represent a long life (an old superstition says that it is bad luck to cut them). And spring rolls symbolize wealth because their shape is similar to gold bars.


On the other hand, food may be significant because of its name that sounds. For example, the Cantonese word for "lettuce" is similar to the word meaning "rising fortune", so it is very common to serve lettuce leaves filled with other "lucky foods". Tangerines and oranges are also having good meaning, which their names sound like “luck” and “wealth” respectively. Pomelo, the large ancestor of the grapefruit, signifies abundance because the Chinese word for it sounds like the verb "to have".


Fish also play a large role in the festive celebrations. The Chinese word for "fish" sounds like the words for both "wish" and "abundance". As a result, on Chinese New Year’s Eve it is customary to serve a fish at the end of the dinner, symbolizing a wish for abundance during the coming year. For added symbolism, the fish is served whole, with head and tail attached, symbolizing a good beginning and end for the coming year.


The Tray of Togetherness 全盒

Chinese New Year tradition calls for people to pay visits to family and friends. When visiting relatives, it’s customary for the host to offer guests tea, along with a round or octagonal tray filled with a variety of treats, from nuts to sweets. This is known as "chyuhn haap", or the Tray of Togetherness, representing peace and harmony. By the way, eight is a considered to be a lucky number because the Chinese word for eight sounds like "fortune".

根据中国新年传统,人们会拜访亲朋好友。在拜访亲友时,主人家通常都会给客人们献上热茶,还有一个圆的或者八角形的、装满多样的坚果和糖果等小吃的盒子。这就是我们所谓的“全盒”,代表着和睦与河 蟹。

Traditionally, the tray is made of wood, with eight interior dishes of porcelain, but nowadays many people opt for plastic. Inside, each compartment is filled with a special symbolic food.


So, what are in the tray of togetherness? In such a tray you might find:


Melon seeds (wealth and happiness) 瓜子(财富、幸福)

Lotus root seeds (have many children) 糖莲子 (年生贵子)

Candied melon (good health and growth) 糖冬瓜(健康成长)

Candied Coconut (friendship and unity) 糖椰子(友谊永固)

Peanuts (long life) 花生(长命百岁)

Jau gok (wealth) 油角(钱包饱胀)

Lychee nut (strong family ties) 荔枝干(家庭团结)

Longan (many good sons) 龙眼干(子孙满堂)

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