

   Delivery add:
Vor dem Kirchforst 3 D-65232 Taunusstein
Comm:Fishing gear packages
Total: 4PKGS/600KGS/4.375CBM

Our DDU offer as below:
O/F fm Qingdao to ANTWERP: –USD50/RT(价格有效期至1月底)

POD charges as below:Subject to 6.83 % tax

non haz : commercial cargo
D-65232 Taunusstein Germany
From Antwerp CFS ex full consol box consigned to VLS Antwerp till FOT commercial loading dock only (no taillift / nor private residence delivery) / not customs cleared
LCL : EUR 31.05 W/M minimum EUR 31.05
stripping/reloading : EUR 93.15 / MT of EUR 31.05 / M3 minimum EUR 93.15 ( loose ctns /harmless)
ISPS : EUR 10 / zending
D/O : EUR 20 / BL
Intervention : EUR 85 / BL
Import contribution fee : EUR 8 / BL
Fesios : EUR 20 W/M minimum EUR 85
ERS (exchange rate surcharge : EUR 10 W/M Min 10 euro

Trucking till door FOT commercial loading dock only D-65232 Taunusstein , Germany : EUR 365 lumpsum (base 600 KG / 4.375 cbm )
Customs clearance / duties / taxes for cnees account.

No tailgate lift / 45ft truck / only during office hours and working week/the street must be accessible and allowed for 12.5 m trucks/cnees must have all gear to offload and authorised parking space available. No stop at border or other for clearance . Cnees must have a VAT in Germany . We do not cut bonded customs document T1 for direct customers or non forwarders.

Important notice

.- since terms are ddu/ddp all charges for shipper's account.
- rates are not valid in case that:
a. any local charges are to be collected from consignee
b. the shipment is on collect basis
c. in case of disputes b广告een shipper and consignee in respect with the agreed delivery terms
all additional charges such as warehouserent etc will be for account of the cargo whether for
shipper's whether for consignee's account.
cargo will not be released without payment to vanguard logistics services belgium of all above charges

No private residence delivery /no inhouse delivery: delivery to commercial dock only
no haz cargo
quote valid for 30 days


德国的 就是想了解下相关的费用有哪些
加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光 加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards .........................................
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