1,Andrea, were my expressions correct ?(let me repeat it.) 我的表达方式正确吗? "Did I say it right?"2, How to express it ? Please type it out. 怎么表达,请打出来。"How do I say it? Please type it"
3,I can't hear you due to the bad line .由于线路关系, 我听不清你。"I can't hear you because of the noise"
4,I can't follow you. I can't catch your meaning. 我跟不上你说的。我不明白你的话。 "I'm not following, I can't understand what you said"
5,Have I made myself understood? 我说的,你听懂了吗?(我表达清楚了吗?)"Do you understand?"
6,I don't understand your word ----- ,can you explain it ?我不理解你说的那个词---,能解释一下吗?(或把他打出来?or type it out?)
7,In this situation, how should I say? 在这种情况下,我该如何说?
8,If I made mistakes in the last sentence, please correct them,Ok?Andrea?如果我们刚才的句子有错误,请为我矫正下好吗?Andrea?
9,Sorry,I have no idea. 对不起,我不清楚,(没概念)。
10,I don't know how to express.  lease ask others.我不知道如何表达。请问别人。
11, I can't express the word ------(汉语), let me look it up in dictionary then go on talking. 我不会表达---这个词,让我查下字典再继续。
12,请再说一遍好吗?我听不清。 pardon? I can't hear you clearly.
13, 请慢点说,并重复你的问题。Please speak slowly and repeat your question .
要说: pardon?i can‘t hear you clearly
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