

1  Force-majeure
Neither of the Parties is liable before the other Party for the failure to carry out its obligations under the present Contract such as declared or actual war, military operation, epidemics, epizootic, blockade, embargo, fire, earthquakes, floods, and some other natural disasters, as well as the acts of government authorities.

   The certificate issued by corresponding relevant authority shall be a sufficient proof of the force majeure conditions and duration.

   The Party for which obligations performance according to the Contract becomes impossible due to the force majeure, shall immediately inform the other Parties of such circumstances and their influence on Contract.

   In case these circumstances last more than 3 (three) consecutive months, the present Contract may be annulled by either of the Parties after forwarding a written notice to the other Parties.

  2 Other conditions
   All taxes, customs duties and other charges in accordance with the present Contract which must be paid in the Seller’s country are at the Seller’s responsibility. All taxes, customs duties and other charges in accordance with the present Contract which must be paid in the Buyer’s country are at the Buyer’s responsibility.

  Payment of commissions intermediary bank is charged to the Buyer.
   The present Contract is made up of, signed and stamped in two copies in two languages: English and Russian. both texts being authentic and considered to be original.

   It is each side right to change any condition of the present contract by way of signing additional agreements.
  In case, if a side is interested to change the current Contract conditions or to add something, it must send an inquiry to another side. It is another side responsibility to give a reply within 10 days from the date of getting an inquiry.
  In case of point 9.4. of the present Contract all amendments and additions of its content are to be decided at mutual consent and in a written form. This means they are to be signed by authorizes representatives of both parties and sealed.
  The Parties has agreed that all documents pertaining to the present Contract, including the Contract itself, transmitted by fax and by e-mail, shall be in force until the exchange of the originals.

[ 本帖最后由 海里鱼 于 2014-3-26 13:53 编辑 ]

因为战争宣布或实际发生、军事行动、传染病、动物流行病、封锁、禁运、火灾、地震、洪涝或其他自然灾害以及政府权威法令等不可抗力因素造成的合同失约,合同任意一方将免于担责。 FYI


The certificate issued by corresponding relevant authority shall be a sufficient proof of the force majeure conditions and duration.  有关权威部门发布的不可抗力证据(包括情况说明和持续时间)应充分有力;

   The Party for which obligations performance according to the Contract becomes impossible due to the force majeure, shall immediately inform the other Parties of such circumstances and their influence on Contract.  受影响方应立即通知另一方关于不可抗力的情况以及影响;

   In case these circumstances last more than 3 (three) consecutive months, the present Contract may be annulled by either of the Parties after forwarding a written notice to the other Parties.  假若不可抗力影响持续超3个月,任何一方可书面通知另一方要求终止合同。

2 Other conditions 其他条件
   All taxes, customs duties and other charges in accordance with the present Contract which must be paid in the Seller’s country are at the Seller’s responsibility. All taxes, customs duties and other charges in accordance with the present Contract which must be paid in the Buyer’s country are at the Buyer’s responsibility.   卖方所在国的合同应收税项,关税和其它费用将由卖方承担。反之,对买方亦一样。

  Payment of commissions intermediary bank is charged to the Buyer.
   The present Contract is made up of, signed and stamped in two copies in two languages: English and Russian. both texts being authentic and considered to be original. 中间行的佣金支付费用由买方承担。  本合同用英俄语制订,一式两份,具有相同法律效力;

   It is each side right to change any condition of the present contract by way of signing additional agreements.
  In case, if a side is interested to change the current Contract conditions or to add something, it must send an inquiry to another side. It is another side responsibility to give a reply within 10 days from the date of getting an inquiry.
  In case of point 9.4. of the present Contract all amendments and additions of its content are to be decided at mutual consent and in a written form. This means they are to be signed by authorizes representatives of both parties and sealed.  双方可通过签定补充协议方式来修补合同。任何一方在收到另一方修补合同要求后10天内给予回复。修补内容将由双方授权代表签定并盖章。 
  The Parties has agreed that all documents pertaining to the present Contract, including the Contract itself, transmitted by fax and by e-mail, shall be in force until the exchange of the originals.


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