加拿大进出口外贸The confused me, who can drag me out


When I  came to this crowed city-Shenzhen, at first I feel so excited because I'm close to the most prosperous city . However , I  survial   so awful,

because my job is not confirmed, I alwalys no money ,even more ,I have no more best friends who I can trust(except my colleague), no lover,my classmate development

in my hometown, just leave me alone to strive in this city.  So many people in this city, however we are not familliar with  each other ,and don't know how to know

more about friends. I missing my best friends and my dear father and my mother.When I meet happens, I have to  fix it out by myself, I always felt helplessness here.

What should I do ? should I keep on going here ,why I don't know anything about for this city .

What doesn't kill you make you stronger .You are the only one that help yourself.Just be stronger !

This is a necessary process of growing up, during which you will be much stronger and accustomed of them, Just keep persistence ! one day you will find, It is no need to worry about those make you blank any more. Come on ! you are the best !

dont be that upset . I found a new job in Guangzhou, the same situation like yours. But I find new friends here, all my collegues are quite kind. I feel warmful and happy here. Dont push yourself to be someone, just walk step by step, oneday ,all those efforts will make you successuful. Trust yourself, and live happy life. Best wishes, dear friend.


The life is too short, we never know what's going to hanppen.
No rose without a thorn. And always, life brings us so many troubles and dismay. But, it must not be a reason why we say give up.
All of them just the stepping-stone.
Be strong and keep going and smile.
You will be successful !

hey, there. hope things getting better today, people should learn to be independence

Thank you for your kind suggests, thanks for you caring about me ,thanks for you all the time .Your words make me feel warm in my heart,  it sems like  thatI have lot of feiesds who I can trust.   

Everyone know the stronger, however, only  by understand this sense will light up temporary hope,how to start will be  a big question.Should I continue to do foreign trade ? Does this line have the

promising road?
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