

《carter coach》is my favorite film ­


      First of all , I’d like to say I love films , especially films from America . The exact time that I fell in love with American films is in my senior two , when I watched 《face off and《true lies》.They are so wonderful that I still remember them clearly as if I had watched them yesterday. And , yesterday , I did watch a film , it is called 《carter coach 》 , it has impressed me so much that I can't help writing something about it , maybe not correctly , but it is my own personal view . ­


       Firstly , I want to share you with the content of the film . Yes , just as the tittle says , it is about coach carter , a basketball coach who leads a team consists of senior students . In fact , these students are bad guys , that is to say , they are “problem students “ , they abandon books , lack discipline , and they are all with rebellious behavior . The former coach is not fit to handle it well , so carter is there to take over the coaching job at Richmond high school , where their basketball team are struggling . Apparently , he take the job not for the $1200 yearly pay but regard it as a challenge and a favor to the previous coach .  Maybe you’ve got it , things that follows are far from perfect . But he stick to the end . ­

At the very beginning , when carter first meet these rebellious guys , he call one of these students as “sir”. He wants to show respect to them , and he wants them to respect him as well as themselves . But they all laugh , so strange , they think , and they just take his words for granted. At the first day , one of these guys left because of disobey . Carter is very strict with them , he gives penalty to them when his “sirs “ are not punctual to the stadium or disobey to his words . And he do it in a humorous way , for example , carter says “、、 sir” , you again five minutes late , so do two handred push ups.” “wait , wait ,wait, how could you? Sir ,this is not a match , ok ? this is just regular training”. So carter replied , ok ! very good words ! you are so lucky to be added two handred more push ups “ . as far as I'm concerned , the lines spoken by him is so very classic. I find him a man full of wits and humor . And also , he is a hero with responsibility , discipline and companion. Just as anybody can imagine , his “students” dislike him and even more hatred him . However, no matter what happens , he never change his teaching style. He persists his own principle even when the world became the enemy to him , still struggling to the truth ! I was totally moved when the plot reaches to the peak . With his sole leadership , the team does well and win all the games they played so far . But when coach carter gets the academic reports for the team , he is absolutely disappointed , since many of the players have not lived up to their contract which is signed at the outset of their cooperation. Carter made them to sign the contract so that they agree to maintain a 2.3 GPA(which stands for the academic achievement and the required is 2.0 ) and sit in the front row of classes they attend, and wear a suit and tie on game day . Now they failed in academy , so he puts a lock on the gym and refuses to have practice or allow the players to play ball until everyone has at least 2.3 GPA . “I can't teach you to play a ball game until your conditions allow me to ".he says . Naturally, all his team  member disappoveof it , the students' parents as well as the school staff including the principal were all scheduled to go against , even the citizens of Richmon shrug on it . They can't understand why he cancelled all the competition when their team is so superb . Carter stick with his plan in spite of intense media pressure . The parents point out that basketball is everything for some kind of kids , so does other people. Carter responds that their goals should be higher , and that high school basketball isn't an end unto itself . he argues that there is and should be more for these students to live for . ­


        Eventually ,the principal supports him but the school decides whether or not to remove the lock from the gym . Carter says he will resign if they remove the lock. At last ,the school does decide to remove the lock from the gym. Just as carter is about to clean out his office , he see his players in the gym , incredibly , but studying. He is moved by these children. Then the team's grades meet Carter's standards virtually .And thanks to Carter’s focus on their academic careers, they eventually realize that they can do more with their lives. They study their school work and then get to play basketball. At last , the team is to have a match with the state championship, and it ended with failure. But , actually, they win as champions. They overcome themselves , they've learned a lot from the process, so we all know they win mentally. ­


      I’m very satisfied with this result. The dialogue in the end is very profound, especially Carter's words, they prompt us to deep thought. After I finish watching this 136 minutes film, the sentence came on my mind again, my most favorite principle :when you discover you stand by the side that most people stand, you must reconsider, because the truth is often grasped by the minority . ­


       So the above is a short introduction of the film , now I’d like to list several reasons why I like tit: ­

Firstly , the music. The music matches the film perfectly. And the music is so various that it make people feel refreshing, different musics match different plots.Generally speaking, the music in this film is encouraging and active . ­

Secondly, it's the basketball. The film is tightly connected with basketball. There are many matches in the film, some of them are even wonderful than the matches played by NBA players. I enjoy them very much. I think they are as cool as cucumber . So heated so charming! Yes ! In a word ,fascinating . ­


       And  last but not the least. Certainly, as to carter coach , I can’t speak too highly of him. Thanks to coach carter, I've learned more about life. His words are so profound that I will remember it forever. In the future, I'll put more passion into my life, and make progress everyday. I will put his words that “it is the brightness that you scared not blackness” into my mind. ­


Life is tough, but tomorrow is bright. ­

        Life is a typically film and film is a life. ­

        My life is also a film, I am the heroin . it is up to me to decide who I will be tomorrow. ­

your english is excellent,we can learn from you

That's right. I will go back to watch this movie tonight.

BTW,I also like movies,could you please recommend some good movies to me,whose topics are about the thoughts on life.



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