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Article 4 – Warranty applications and assessments

In the instance where an a claim is made, Vendor 2 will first assess the claim in accordance with Article 1 of this Agreement and whereby the claim is deemed valid complete the claim application form and submit it to Oha.
On any claims received before the end of a given month, Oha will as a rule, assess the claim in accordance with Article 1, Article 2 and Article 3 of this Agreement, make a final decision and notify Vendor 2, before the last day of the following month.
However, in the instance where there is disagreement over the claim decision between Oha and Vendor 2, and or other extenuating circumstances, discussions and agreements will be conducted to deal with the claim.

Article 5 – Handling of faulty or damaged parts

1.        After a claim has been submitted by Vendor 2 to Ohas, should Ohashi request, Vendor 2 will also send the faulty or damaged parts to Oha so they may be inspected.
2.        Where information presented to Oha in a claim application and / or information regarding the procedures undertaken by Vendor 2 is unclear or incomplete, Oha may after discussions with Vendor 2 request a resubmission of the claim application.

Article 6 – Refunding for costs relating to valid claims and valid expenses

1.        Where a claim has been deemed valid and accepted by Oha, Oha will reimburse the costs of labor and costs for replacement parts.
2.        Costs of labor and parts will be reimbursed based on the rules decided by Oha regarding costs relating to claims.
3.        Where changes occur relating to the costs of labor for dealing with claims, discussions will be conducted between Oha and Vendor 2 and changes will be decided.

Article 7 – Public sector quality inspections of goods

In the instance where public sector initiated quality inspections of goods take place, they will require approval first by Oha before they are conducted.

Article 8 – Technical Training

1.        Where to ensure product safety, and / or improve after sales service, it is required that Vendor2 will participate in technical training conducted by Oha where necessary.
2.        Where it is necessary for Vendor 2 to learn technical knowledge or skills, Oha will conduct training.
3.        Where the above Clause 1 and 2 apply, as a rule, Vendor 2 will bear the costs of the training.
4.        Where required, Vendor 2 will conduct technical skills and knowledge training for its own dealers and / or service contractors and staff.

Article 9 – After sales service

1.        Vendor2 and its distributors are responsible for after sales service for the goods sold by Vendor2 to its customer.

2.        Any technical and quality information and parts provided by Ohashi to Vendor2, as a rule, are subject to fees. Regarding its costs and method of payment, discussions will be conducted between Oha and Vendor 2 and will be decided.

Article 10 – Handling defects in the products

        Where defects occur in the products manufactured by Oha, then at the earliest possible speed, Ohashi must take necessary steps to assure quality of the products afterward and take action to prevent a recurrence of such defects.

Article 11 – Product-liability issue

1.        Where product-liability claim for which Oha or Vendo2 is responsible, then Ohaand Vendor2, on their own responsibility, must work for solutions.

2.        Where difficult to judge who is responsible for the product-liability claim, discussions between Oha and Vendor2 will occur so as to reach smooth agreement on these matters.

Article 12 – Confidentiality information

        Details of the confidentiality conditions provided in relation to product assurance shall be detailed in Appendix 2 below, as the Confidentiality Agreement.

Article 13 – Separate agreements

        Whereby doubts arise over the Agreement way to proceed in relation to any matters not expressly agreed in this Agreement, further discussions between the relevant Parties will occur so as to reach agreement on these matters.
Article 14 – Term

The term of this Agreement shall be for one (1) year from the date of this Agreement. This Agreement shall be automatically renewed for additional one (1) year periods, unless any Parties to this Agreement notifies in writing the other Parties of its intention not to renew this Agreement not less than three (3) months before the expectation of the initial term or any of the subsequent terms. If any of the Parties express in writing to the other Parties that they wish to cancel the contract then ninety (90) days from the date of receipt of this written desire the contract shall be dissolved.

加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光 加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards .........................................
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