

A Japanese company and SINOCHEM have entered into a new contract.中国化工进出口总公司已经和日本一家公司签订了一份新合同。
It was because of you that we landed the contract.因为有了你,我们才签了那份合同。
We offered a much lower price, so they got the contract.由于我们报价低,他们和我们签了合同。
Are we anywhere near a contract yet?我们可以(接近于)签合同了吗?
We’ll have the contract ready for signature.我们应准备好合同待签字。
We signed a contract for medicines.我们签订了一份药品合同。
Mr. Zhang sings the contract on behalf of the China National Silk Import &Export Corporation.张先生代表中国丝绸进出口总公司在合同上签了字。
We sign a contract when we are acting as principals.("principals" refers to the "seller" and the "buyer")当我们作为货主时都要签订合同。(这里的“货主”指合同中的卖方和买方)
I know we (the seller) should draw up a contract and the buyer has to sign it.我们知道我们(卖方)应该拟出一份合同,买方必须签署合同。
We should simultaneously sign two contracts, one sales contract for beef and mutton, and the other contract of equal value for the purchase of cotton.我们同时签两个合同,一是牛羊肉的销售(出口)合同,另一个是等额的棉花购买(进口)合同。
We both want to sign a contract, and we have to make some concessions to do it.我们都想签合同,因此双方都要做些让步。
We are here to discuss a new contract with you.我们来这里和您谈谈订一份新合同的问题。
Our current contract is about to expire, and we’ll need to discuss a new one.欧文们现有合同快要期满了,需要再谈一个新合同。
We can repeat the contract on the same terms.我们可以按同样条件再订一个合同。
A few problems with supply under the old contract must be quickly resolved.老合同中的一些供货问题必须尽快解决。
We ought to clear up problems arising from the old contract.我们应该清理一下老合同中出现的问题。
Do you always make out a contract for every deal?每笔交易都需要订一份合同吗?
As per the contract, the construction of factory is now under way.根据合同规定,工厂的建设正在进行中。
外贸合同写作精彩英文 词汇
a nice fat contract 一个很有利的合同
originals of the contract 合同正本
copies of the contract 合同副本
a written contract 书面合同
Words and Phrases
contract 合同,订立合同
contractor 订约人,承包人
contractual 合同的,契约的
to make a contract 签订合同
to place a contract 订合同
to enter into a contract 订合同
to sign a contract 签合同
to draw up a contract 拟订合同
to draft a contract 起草合同
to get a contract 得到合同
to land a contract 得到(拥有)合同
to countersign a contract 会签合同
to repeat a contract 重复合同
an executory contract 尚待执行的合同

[ 本帖最后由 patty-chu 于 2013-11-22 09:54 编辑 ]




谢谢分享 受教了~
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