As I am sure you are well aware, with the recent weakening of the Chinese Rmb against the USD we are experiencing more and more pressures internally and also from our customers to pass on the savings which are now being realised on current and new orders going through your supply chain.It has also been widely published in the media and proven within the world markets about the reduction in some of the major raw material costs used in the lighting industry and so the pressures from our customers to pass on savings for some of these key factors are building considerably to a level now by which we must discuss them further with yourself.
At the start of 2014, the Exchange rate was at a level of 6.05 and today the rate is around 6.38 as at the time of writing this email. Although there is still some volatility within the exchange rate, we believe at the moment a rate for comparison of 6.365 would be a fair and reflective figure (without factoring in any raw material reductions). This would equate to a variance of 5.2% over this time, however we also want you to benefit from some of this gain and so we would request that you support our requirement of a reduction to all product pricing of 3.50%.
In exchange for this support, we would apply the reductions from Monday 19th October to new orders that we place onto you. So in reality you will still continue to gain fully from this situation until the end of 2015.
We appreciate that this will always be difficult topic of conversation, however we hope that by passing on this support to our retailers, they will also be able to pass on some of the savings to the end customer to help improve sales on the lines.
The support you can offer to ours on this topic and that we can offer to our customers will also provide a positive position for future business development. 请各位大神帮忙翻译一下,我只是理解了一般,有一部分句子不理解啊。
As I am sure you are well aware, with the recent weakening of the Chinese Rmb against the USD we are experiencing more and more pressures internally and also from our customers to pass on the savings which are now being realised on current and new orders going through your supply chain.我确信你完全了解最近人民币兑美元贬值。我们内部的压力越来越大,同时我们的客户也向我们施压要求享受汇率变动带来的收益,这一汇率变动要体现在现来和将来下给你们的定单。
It has also been widely published in the media and proven within the world markets about the reduction in some of the major raw material costs used in the lighting industry and so the pressures from our customers to pass on savings for some of these key factors are building considerably to a level now by which we must discuss them further with yourself.
At the start of 2014, the Exchange rate was at a level of 6.05 and today the rate is around 6.38 as at the time of writing this email. Although there is still some volatility within the exchange rate, we believe at the moment a rate for comparison of 6.365 would be a fair and reflective figure (without factoring in any raw material reductions). This would equate to a variance of 5.2% over this time, however we also want you to benefit from some of this gain and so we would request that you support our requirement of a reduction to all product pricing of 3.50%.
In exchange for this support, we would apply the reductions from Monday 19th October to new orders that we place onto you. So in reality you will still continue to gain fully from this situation until the end of 2015.
We appreciate that this will always be difficult topic of conversation, however we hope that by passing on this support to our retailers, they will also be able to pass on some of the savings to the end customer to help improve sales on the lines.
The support you can offer to ours on this topic and that we can offer to our customers will also provide a positive position for future business development.
tks very much.但是我们的价格已经是很久没有涨价了,非常困难啊,汇率变化都不及物价和人工的工资上涨快啊,唉。
加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光 加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards .........................................
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