

This Week's Tip:
Do You Need an Attitude Bailout?


Lots of negativity going on right now.

The stock market tanked yesterday. Biggest drop ever.
The bailout plan was rejected. Listen to some people
in the media and you'd think life will cease to exist.

I'm a news junkie, but I actually quit watching, reading,
and listening for a while. I don't need the poisonous
thinking. My stock holdings are worth a LOT less today
than yesterday. Can't do anything about that. One thing
I do know: They always go back up.

And oh, the sun came up brilliantly here in Arizona this
morning. I noticed stores were still open. The gym was
too. So the first thing I did was control the one thing I
have total control over: My attitude. I suggest you do
the same.

As I have long preached, most everything you accomplish
in life and sales is due to how you feel.

Many people are in a perpetual negativity cycle. They
look at everything through a mud-covered filter, and their
actions and lives follow suit.

Others, probably the people you know who are the most
successful...the doers, the movers, the producers, the
people who make things happen...those are the ones who
control what they can and aren't affected by negative
thinking. Hopefully you are in that group.

I'm doing two things for you today to contribute to your
positive attitude, if you will allow it.

First, I'm sharing some ideas below from my friend,
Dr. Allan Zimmerman, about positive attitude.

And, I've also put together a special "Attitude Bailout
Incentive Package," which is an audio seminar Dr.
Zimmerman did with me for members of my Telesales
Success Inner Circle.

Here are a few of Alan Zimmerman's suggestions on
being enthusiastic, which is one component of a
positive attitude.

1. Do Not Catch the Other Person's Disease
This refers to the negative thoughts and words of others
around you, and the media. Stay away from the people
you know will pull you down with their whining and
complaining. Turn the TV. Read something inspirational,
or listen to motivational recordings.

2. Say Something Positive to Everyone
When you speak positively to others, you brighten
up their day, and you can't help but feel better about
yourself. (Of course, with some negative folks, you
will have to work at this.)

3. Practice Positive Expectations
If you are not getting what you want, perhaps your
expectations are too low. In Dr. Zimmerman's book,
"Pivot-How One Turn in Attitude Can Lead to Success,"
he quotes Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, who said,
"There is another kind of poverty-one most people
never think about-and it's the poverty of expectations."

When you expect good things to happen, they seem
to take place, not due to some cosmic magic, but
because you are LOOKING for the good things, and
you tend to MAKE them happen.

4.Use the Positive "But"
In Dr. Zimmerman's Peak Performance Boot Camps
he has participants to draw a line down the center of a
piece of paper. On the top left side they write Problems,
and on the right, Blessings. For every Problem,
he has them counter it with a Blessing. For example,
"I lost a big sale, BUT I learned why and will be able
to prevent that same thing from happening." "I am
overweight, BUT I am healthy enough to get on an
exercise program and do something about it."

5. Find a Reason to Celebrate
No matter how gloomy a situation is, if you look for
it, you can find a reason to celebrate. Dr. Ira Greenberg,
head of the Behavioral Studies Institute, urges people
to succeed at something every day. He said, "Each day,
do something you can be proud of. Each night take
pleasure in remembering it."

For those who have been through my training or books,
you know that we always have a Secondary Objective
on calls, something we can accomplish regardless of
whether or not we accomplish the Primary Objective.

6. Do it Now
It's tough to consistently feel good about yourself if
you let your ideas pass, or you put them on hold.
Conversely, it's difficult to feel down or depressed when
you are in action, working toward some goal. What is it
that you always wanted, but never have started moving
toward? What's stopping you other than you? Do it now!

Alan Zimmerman is truly one of the leaders today in
maximizing peak performance and attitude. I regularly
re-read his book, "Pivot," and listen to the audio
seminar he did for my members. I want you to enjoy
the benefits and results of his words as well.

Quote of the Week

"Things turn out best for the people who make the best
out of the way things turn out."  
Art Linkletter

Go and have your best week ever!





第一期,08-01-11:你想成为富翁吗?   (批改参考见23、24楼)
第二期,08-01-23:每天你都在应试找工作   (批改参考见6、7楼)
第三期,08-01-25:2008年开门红:轻松销售 (批改参考见12楼)
第四期:08-02-01:客户喜爱你,他们就会给你金钱   (批改参考见10、11楼)
第五期:08-02-07:名人也曾经失败过   (批改参考见10楼)
第六期:08-02-16:不要把利润白白送走 (批改参考见5楼)
第七期:08-02-21:真诚地说:你好吗?  (批改参考见8楼)
第八期:08-02-29:你以为你已经有确定的潜在客户了吗?  (批改参考见5楼)
第十期:08-03-14:了解了关于客户的这一点,他们就会对你刮目相看  (批改参考见9、10楼)
第十一期:08-03-24:没有这个,你的成功机会将是零  (批改参考见7楼)
第十二期:08-03-30:空想愿望不如这个简单技巧来得有效  (批改参考见10楼)
第十三期:08-04-07:超级推销明星的惊人技巧   (批改参考见6、7楼)
第十四期:08-04-13:比达成交易更重要的是。。。。。。  (批改参考见7楼)
第十五期:08-04-19:避免愚蠢电话推销员所犯的错误  (批改参考见10楼)
第十六期:08-04-26:我想你。。。  (批改参考见5楼)
第十七期:08-05-05:别人恰好喜欢你这样来展示成功  (批改参考见5、6楼)
第十九期:08-05-19:从政治报道中学习  (批改参考见6、7楼)
第二十期:08-05-26:如何真正确定你获得了订单?  (批改参考见7楼)
第二十五期:08-07-01:我们失去了一位传奇人物和好朋友  (批改参考见3楼)
第二十六期:08-07-14:你在针对高层推销吗?  (批改参考见4楼)
第二十七期:08-07-25:你要像海滩老墨小贩那样与众不同  (批改参考见14楼)
第二十八期:08-08-08:避免愚蠢的提问  (批改参考见5、6楼)
第二十九期:05-08-14:全价销售,避免利润溜走! (批改参考见6楼)
第三十期:05-08-21:迈克尔菲尔普斯和你 (批改参考见5楼)



国内首部外贸开发信写作的专著《小小开发信 订单滚滚来》,上市第一周即在当当网获得社科畅销书排行第55位。


[ 本帖最后由 bruce1 于 2008-10-5 01:28 编辑 ]

This Week's Tip: 本周主题
Do You Need an Attitude Bailout? 你是否需要一个态度救援?

Greetings, 大家好

Lots of negativity going on right now. 很多消极现象正在发生。

The stock market tanked yesterday. Biggest drop ever. 昨天股票市场还在浮动,有史

The bailout plan was rejected. Listen to some people in the media and you'd think

life will cease to exist.  救援计划被拒绝,媒体报道里面,你会认为生命消失会发生。
I'm a news junkie, but I actually quit watching, reading, and listening for a

I don't need the poisonous thinking. My stock holdins are worth a LOT less

todaythan yesterday. Can't do anything about that. One thing I do know: They

always go back up.


And oh, the sun came up brilliantly here in Arizona this morning.亚利桑那州今天阳

I noticed stores were still open. The gym was too. 我知道商店会依然开们,体育馆

So the first thing I did was control the one thing I have total control over: My

attitude. I suggest you do the same.所以我首先做事情就是控制我能够完全控制的一件


As I have long preached, most everything you accomplish in life and sales is due

to how you feel.正如我常常训诫的,你生命和销售中所成就的任何事情都归功于你是如何


Many people are in a perpetual negativity cycle. 很多人一直处于消极的循坏中 。

They look at everything through a mud-covered filter, 他们通过阴暗浑浊的过滤镜去

and their actions and lives follow suit.而你的行为以及生活也会跟着如此。

Others, probably the people you know who are the most successful...the doers, the

movers, the producers, the people who make things happen...those are the ones who

control what they can and aren't affected by negative thinking. Hopefully you are

in that group. 而另一些,可能你认识的非常成功的行为者,发起者,生产者

I'm doing two things for you today to contribute to your
positive attitude, if you will allow it.我今天正在为你两件可以为你带来积极态度的


First, I'm sharing some ideas below from my friend, Dr. Allan Zimmerman, about

positive attitude. 首先,我分享来自我一些朋友,艾伦.齐默曼博士,的关于积极态度的

And, I've also put together a special "Attitude Bailout
Incentive Package," which is an audio seminar Dr.
Zimmerman did with me for members of my Telesales
Success Inner Circle. 而且,我也会整理好一个特殊的“态度救援激励的口袋”,一个齐


Here are a few of Alan Zimmerman's suggestions on
being enthusiastic, which is one component of a
positive attitude.这里有一些艾伦.齐默曼的有关保持热情的一些建议,热情也是积极态度


1. Do Not Catch the Other Person's Disease不要感染到其他人的疾病
This refers to the negative thoughts and words of others
around you, and the media.就是说你周围的人以及媒体的消极的思想和语言。
Stay away from the people you know will pull you down with their whining and
complaining. 远离那些你认为他们的悄悄话和埋怨会使你萎靡的人。
Turn the TV. Read something inspirational, or listen to motivational recordings.


2. Say Something Positive to Everyone 对每个人讲积极的事情
When you speak positively to others, you brighten
up their day,当你积极的对其他人说话的时候,你会使他人愉快。                     

and you can't help but feel better about yourself. (Of course, with some negative

folks, you will have to work at this.)你自己也自然会很感觉很好,(当然,对于某些


3. Practice Positive Expectation   实现积极的期望
If you are not getting what you want, perhaps your
expectations are too low.如果你没有得到你想要的,可能是你的期盼太低了。
In Dr. Zimmerman's book, "Pivot-How One Turn in Attitude Can Lead to Success,"

在齐默曼博士的书里面写道:以态度为中心引向成功的。he quotes Dr. Norman Vincent

Peale, who said, "There is another kind of poverty-one most people never think

about-and it's the poverty of expectations." 他引用了诺曼第的文森特.皮尔所说的:


When you expect good things to happen, they seem
to take place, not due to some cosmic magic, but
because you are LOOKING for the good things, and
you tend to MAKE them happen.当你期盼好事发生的时候,他们象是真的发生了,不要以为


4.Use the Positive "But" 使用积极的“但是”
In Dr. Zimmerman's Peak Performance Boot Camps 在齐默曼的最佳表演的训练营里,
he has participants to draw a line down the center of a
piece of paper. On the top left side they write Problems,
and on the right, Blessings. 他让参与者,在一张纸的中间划一条线,在左上边写下他们

的难题,右边写下他们的期盼。For every Problem, 对于每个难题,
he has them counter it with a Blessing.他将它和期盼一起衡量。
For example, "I lost a big sale, BUT I learned why and will be able
to prevent that same thing from happening." "I am
overweight, BUT I am healthy enough to get on an
exercise program and do something about it."

5. Find a Reason to Celebrate    找个祝贺的理由
No matter how gloomy a situation is, if you look for
it, you can find a reason to celebrate.无论形势多么让人巨商,如果你愿意去寻找,你

会找到一个值得祝贺的理由。 Dr. Ira Greenberg,
head of the Behavioral Studies Institute, urges people
to succeed at something every day. He said, "Each day,
do something you can be proud of. Each night take
pleasure in remembering it."艾拉.格林伯格,行为研究机构的首领,劝导人每天成功做一


For those who have been through my training or books,you know that we always have a Secondary Objective on calls, something we can accomplish regardless of
whether or not we accomplish the Primary Objective.

6. Do it Now 现在就开始做
It's tough to consistently feel good about yourself if
you let your ideas pass, or you put them on hold. 如果你忽略你的想法,或者压制他们,你很难一直保持感觉良好。
Conversely, it's difficult to feel down or depressed when
you are in action, working toward some goal. 相反地,如果你一直围绕着你的目标去行动,工作,要情绪低落或者沮丧都很难。
What is it that you always wanted, but never have started moving
toward? What's stopping you other than you? Do it now!哪些是你一直想做而没有开始着手做的事情?哪些一直是阻止你而不是。。。你的事情?现在开始行动吧。

Alan Zimmerman is truly one of the leaders today in maximizing peak performance and attitude.艾伦.齐默曼在当今最大限度发挥最佳表演和态度方面确实是一个领航者。
I regularly re-read his book, "Pivot," and listen to the audio seminar he did for my members. I want you to enjoy the benefits and results of his words as well. 我经常反复的阅读他的书籍《支点》,还有听他为我的会员录制的录音。我希望你也能够愉快的享受她的语言给你带来的益处和结果。

Quote of the Week 本周引句

"Things turn out best for the people who make the best
out of the way things turn out." 当你找出事情发生最好情况的方式时,事情就会如此发生。
Art Linkletter

Go and have your best week ever!去享受从未有过的美好一周吧!




This Week's Tip: 本周主题
Do You Need an Attitude Bailout? 你是否需要一个态度援助?

Greetings, 大家好

Lots of negativity going on right now. 很多消极现象正在发生。

   The stock market tanked yesterday. Biggest drop ever. 昨天股票市场还在浮动,有史以来最大的暴跌。

   The bailout plan was rejected. Listen to some people in the media and you'd think life will cease to exist.

   I'm a news junkie, but I actually quit watching, reading, and listening for a while

  I don't need the poisonous thinking. My stock holdins are worth a LOT less todaythan yesterday. Can't do anything about that. One  t hing I do know: Theyalways go back up.
我不需要有毒害的想法,我的股票价值今天比昨天少很多。而对于这个,我无能为力,我知 道一件事,就是它们总是会涨回去的。

And oh, the sun came up brilliantly here in Arizona this morning.亚利桑那州今天阳光灿烂高照。

I noticed stores were still open. The gym was too. 我知道商店会依然开业,体育馆也是。
So the first thing I did was control the one thing I have total control over: My attitude. I suggest you do the same
.所以我首先做事情就 是控制我能够完全控制的一件事情:我的态度。我建议你也这样做。

As I have long preached, most everything you accomplish in life and sales is due to how you feel.

Many people are in a perpetual negativity cycle. 很多人一直处于消极的循坏中 。

They look at everything through a mud-covered filter, 他们通过阴暗浑浊的过滤镜去看待每一件事情。

and their actions and lives follow suit.而你的行为以及生活也会跟着如此。

Others, probably the people you know who are the most successful...the doers, the movers, the producers, the people who make things happen...those are the ones who control what they can and aren't affected by negative thinking. Hopefully you are in that group. 而另一些,可能你认识的非常成功的行为者,发起者,生产者,这些使事情发生的人,这些人是那些可以控制他们自己并且不会被消极的思想所影响。希望你也这一组人员中。

I'm doing two things for you today to contribute to your positive attitude, if you will allow it.

First, I'm sharing some ideas below from my friend, Dr. Allan Zimmerman, about positive attitude.

And, I've also put together a special "Attitude Bailout Incentive Package," which is an audio seminar Dr. Zimmerman did with me for members of my Telesales Success Inner Circle.

Here are a few of Alan Zimmerman's suggestions on being enthusiastic, which is one component of a positive attitude.

1. Do Not Catch the Other Person's Disease不要感染到其他人的疾病

This refers to the negative thoughts and words of others around you, and the media

Stay away from the people you know will pull you down with their whining and complaining.

Turn the TV. Read something inspirational, or listen to motivational recordings.

2. Say Something Positive to Everyone 对每个人讲积极的事情
When you speak positively to others, you brighten

up their day,当你积极的对其他人说话的时候,你会使他人愉快。                     

and you can't help but feel better about yourself. (Of course, with some negative folks, you will have to work at this.)

3. Practice Positive Expectation   实现积极的期望

If you are not getting what you want, perhaps your xpectations are too low.

In Dr. Zimmerman's book, "Pivot-How One Turn in Attitude Can Lead to Success,"

he quotes Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, who said, "There is another kind of poverty-one most people never think about-and it's the poverty of expectations."

When you expect good things to happen, they seem to take place, not due to some cosmic magic, but because you are LOOKING for the good things, and you tend to MAKE them happen.

4.Use the Positive "But" 使用积极的“但是”

In Dr. Zimmerman's Peak Performance Boot Camps

he has participants to draw a line down the center of a piece of paper. On the top left side they write Problems,
and on the right, Blessings.

For every Problem, 对于每个难题,

he has them counter it with a Blessing.他将它和期盼一起衡量。

For example, "I lost a big sale, BUT I learned why and will be able to prevent that same thing from happening." "I am overweight, But I am healthy enough to get on an exercise program and do something about it."

5. Find a Reason to Celebrate    找个祝贺的理由

No matter how gloomy a situation is, if you look for it, you can find a reason to celebrate.

Dr. Ira Greenberg, head of the Behavioral Studies Institute, urges people to succeed at something every day. He said, "Each day, do something you can be proud of. Each night take pleasure in remembering it."

For those who have been through my training or books,you know that we always have a Secondary Objective on calls, something we can accomplish regardless of whether or not we accomplish the Primary Objective.

6. Do it Now 现在就开始做

It's tough to consistently feel good about yourself if you let your ideas pass, or you put them on hold.

Conversely, it's difficult to feel down or depressed when you are in action, working toward some goal.

What is it that you always wanted, but never have started moving toward? What's stopping you other than you? Do it now!

Alan Zimmerman is truly one of the leaders today in maximizing peak performance and attitude.

I regularly re-read his book, "Pivot," and listen to the audio seminar he did for my members. I want you to enjoy the benefits and results of his words as well.

Quote of the Week 本周引句

"Things turn out best for the people who make the best
out of the way things turn out." 当你找出事情发生最好情况的方式时,事情就会如此发生。
Art Linkletter

Go and have your best week ever!去享受从未有过的美好一周吧!




This Week's Tip:
Do You Need an Attitude Bailout?

Lots of negativity going on right now.

The stock market tanked yesterday. Biggest drop ever.
The bailout plan was rejected. Listen to some people
in the media and you'd think life will cease to exist.

I'm a news junkie, but I actually quit watching, reading,
and listening for a while. I don't need the poisonous
thinking. My stock holdings are worth a LOT less today
than yesterday. Can't do anything about that. One thing
I do know: They always go back up.

And oh, the sun came up brilliantly here in Arizona this
morning. I noticed stores were still open. The gym was
too. So the first thing I did was control the one thing I
have total control over: My attitude. I suggest you do
the same.

As I have long preached, most everything you accomplish
in life and sales is due to how you feel.

Many people are in a perpetual negativity cycle. They
look at everything through a mud-covered filter, and their
actions and lives follow suit.

Others, probably the people you know who are the most
successful...the doers, the movers, the producers, the
people who make things happen...those are the ones who
control what they can and aren't affected by negative
thinking. Hopefully you are in that group.

I'm doing two things for you today to contribute to your
positive attitude, if you will allow it.

First, I'm sharing some ideas below from my friend,
Dr. Allan Zimmerman, about positive attitude.
第一,我将分享一些观点,来自我朋友Allan Zimmerman博士的正面态度。

And, I've also put together a special "Attitude Bailout
Incentive Package," which is an audio seminar Dr.
Zimmerman did with me for members of my Telesales
Success Inner Circle.
同时,我也分享Attitude Bailout Incentive Package,来自一个音频研讨会,Zimmerman博士为我的成功电话营销内训

Here are a few of Alan Zimmerman's suggestions on
being enthusiastic, which is one component of a
positive attitude.
这里有一些Alan Zimmerman关于热情的建议,它也是正面态度的一部分。

1. Do Not Catch the Other Person's Disease
This refers to the negative thoughts and words of others
around you, and the media. Stay away from the people
you know will pull you down with their whining and
complaining. Turn the TV. Read something inspirational,
or listen to motivational recordings.
1. 不要紧跟别人的疾病

2. Say Something Positive to Everyone
When you speak positively to others, you brighten
up their day, and you can't help but feel better about
yourself. (Of course, with some negative folks, you
will have to work at this.)
2. 向每一个讲述一些积极的事情

3. Practice Positive Expectations
If you are not getting what you want, perhaps your
expectations are too low. In Dr. Zimmerman's book,
"Pivot-How One Turn in Attitude Can Lead to Success,"
he quotes Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, who said,
"There is another kind of poverty-one most people
never think about-and it's the poverty of expectations."
3. 练习正面的期望

When you expect good things to happen, they seem
to take place, not due to some cosmic magic, but
because you are LOOKING for the good things, and
you tend to MAKE them happen.

4.Use the Positive "But"
In Dr. Zimmerman's Peak Performance Boot Camps
he has participants to draw a line down the center of a
piece of paper. On the top left side they write Problems,
and on the right, Blessings. For every Problem,
he has them counter it with a Blessing. For example,
"I lost a big sale, BUT I learned why and will be able
to prevent that same thing from happening." "I am
overweight, BUT I am healthy enough to get on an
exercise program and do something about it."
4. 使用正面的“但是”

5. Find a Reason to Celebrate
No matter how gloomy a situation is, if you look for
it, you can find a reason to celebrate. Dr. Ira Greenberg,
head of the Behavioral Studies Institute, urges people
to succeed at something every day. He said, "Each day,
do something you can be proud of. Each night take
pleasure in remembering it."
5. 找出庆祝的理由
无论情况多么糟糕,如果你努力去寻找一个庆祝的理由,你一定会找到。Ira Greenberg博士,行为研究员的主任,激励人们每天从某些事情获得成功的感觉。。“每天做一些令自己感到自豪的事,然后每晚带着喜悦并牢记住进入梦乡。”

For those who have been through my training or books,
you know that we always have a Secondary Objective
on calls, something we can accomplish regardless of
whether or not we accomplish the Primary Objective.
6. Do it Now
It's tough to consistently feel good about yourself if
you let your ideas pass, or you put them on hold.
Conversely, it's difficult to feel down or depressed when
you are in action, working toward some goal. What is it
that you always wanted, but never have started moving
toward? What's stopping you other than you? Do it now!
6. 立刻行动

Alan Zimmerman is truly one of the leaders today in
maximizing peak performance and attitude. I regularly
re-read his book, "Pivot," and listen to the audio
seminar he did for my members. I want you to enjoy
the benefits and results of his words as well.
在最大化顶峰营销中Alan Zimmerman一位名副其实领导者,我经常反复研读的书籍,“中枢”,聆听他为我的会员制作的音频研讨会,我希望你也能从中享受到益处。
Quote of the Week

"Things turn out best for the people who make the best
out of the way things turn out."  
Art Linkletter

Go and have your best week ever!

This Week's Tip:
Do You Need an Attitude Bailout?


Lots of negativity going on right now.

The stock market tanked yesterday. Biggest drop ever.
The bailout plan was rejected. Listen to some people
in the media and you'd think life will cease to exist.

I'm a news junkie, but I actually quit watching, reading,
and listening for a while. I don't need the poisonous
thinking. My stock holdings are worth a LOT less today
than yesterday. Can't do anything about that. One thing
I do know: They always go back up.

And oh, the sun came up brilliantly here in Arizona this
morning. I noticed stores were still open. The gym was
too. So the first thing I did was control the one thing I
have total control over: My attitude. I suggest you do
the same.

As I have long preached, most everything you accomplish
in life and sales is due to how you feel.

Many people are in a perpetual negativity cycle. They
look at everything through a mud-covered filter, and their
actions and lives follow suit.

Others, probably the people you know who are the most
successful...the doers, the movers, the producers, the
people who make things happen...those are the ones who
control what they can and aren't affected by negative
thinking. Hopefully you are in that group.

I'm doing two things for you today to contribute to your
positive attitude, if you will allow it.

First, I'm sharing some ideas below from my friend,
Dr. Allan Zimmerman, about positive attitude.
第一,我在下面会和大家分享我朋友Allan Zimmerman博士关于积极态度的一些想法.

And, I've also put together a special "Attitude Bailout
Incentive Package," which is an audio seminar Dr.
Zimmerman did with me for members of my Telesales
Success Inner Circle.

Here are a few of Alan Zimmerman's suggestions on
being enthusiastic, which is one component of a
positive attitude.
以下是Allan Zimmerman博士关于保持热情的几点建议,其中热情是积极态度的组成部分之一.

1. Do Not Catch the Other Person's Disease
1. 不要被其他人的病传染了
This refers to the negative thoughts and words of others
around you, and the media. Stay away from the people
you know will pull you down with their whining and
complaining. Turn the TV. Read something inspirational,
or listen to motivational recordings.

2. Say Something Positive to Everyone
2. 跟每个人都说一点积极的事情
When you speak positively to others, you brighten
up their day, and you can't help but feel better about
yourself. (Of course, with some negative folks, you
will have to work at this.)

3. Practice Positive Expectations
3. 训练积极的期望
If you are not getting what you want, perhaps your
expectations are too low. In Dr. Zimmerman's book,
"Pivot-How One Turn in Attitude Can Lead to Success,"
he quotes Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, who said,
"There is another kind of poverty-one most people
never think about-and it's the poverty of expectations."
如果你不能得到你所想得到的,可能是你的期望太低了.在Zimmerman博士的书:支点—如何在态度上转变可导致成功,该书中,他引用了解Norman Vincent Peale博士的话:”有另外一种意义上的贫穷—大多数人并不曾意识到这种意义的贫穷—那就是期望值上的贫穷.

When you expect good things to happen, they seem
to take place, not due to some cosmic magic, but
because you are LOOKING for the good things, and
you tend to MAKE them happen.

4.Use the Positive "But"
4. 使用积极的”但是”
In Dr. Zimmerman's Peak Performance Boot Camps
he has participants to draw a line down the center of a
piece of paper. On the top left side they write Problems,
and on the right, Blessings. For every Problem,
he has them counter it with a Blessing. For example,
"I lost a big sale, BUT I learned why and will be able
to prevent that same thing from happening." "I am
overweight, BUT I am healthy enough to get on an
exercise program and do something about it."
在Zimmerman博士的峰值性能新兵训练营中,他在一张纸的中间画下一条长线.在纸的左边,他们写下的是遇到的问题,而在右边,写下祝福. 对于每一个问题,他让他们用祝福去对付.举例来说: 我失去了一笔大买卖,但是,我明白了我失去它的原因并能在以后防止类似的事情发生; 我超重了,但是,我还很健康,我可以做一些运动以及其它来对付超重.

5. Find a Reason to Celebrate
5. 找一个理由来庆祝一下
No matter how gloomy a situation is, if you look for
it, you can find a reason to celebrate. Dr. Ira Greenberg,
head of the Behavioral Studies Institute, urges people
to succeed at something every day. He said, "Each day,
do something you can be proud of. Each night take
pleasure in remembering it."
不管一种情况有多么的糟糕,如果你愿意找的话,你还是可以找出一个值得庆祝的理由的. Ira Greenberg博士,他是行为研究院的院长,他力劝人们每天一定要完成点什么. 他说:”每天,做一点会让你感到自豪的事儿,每个晚上,从回忆这些事儿中获得乐趣.”

For those who have been through my training or books,
you know that we always have a Secondary Objective
on calls, something we can accomplish regardless of
whether or not we accomplish the Primary Objective.
对于那些参加完我的训练或都读完我的书的人,你知道的,每次我们都会有一个次要目标,不管我们最终能否达到我们的首要目标,在这个过程中, 我们已经完成了一些事情.

6. Do it Now
6. 现在就行动
It's tough to consistently feel good about yourself if
you let your ideas pass, or you put them on hold.
Conversely, it's difficult to feel down or depressed when
you are in action, working toward some goal. What is it
that you always wanted, but never have started moving
toward? What's stopping you other than you? Do it now!
如果你总是忽略你的想法,或总是处于想的阶段,这就很难让你持续地保持有良好的感觉. 相反的,如果你在行动,你在努力靠近某个目标,这也很难会让你情绪低落或感觉沮丧的.什么是你一直想拥有但又一直没有行动起来去做的?是什么阻止了你,而使你不是你?现在就行动起来!

Alan Zimmerman is truly one of the leaders today in
maximizing peak performance and attitude. I regularly
re-read his book, "Pivot," and listen to the audio
seminar he did for my members. I want you to enjoy
the benefits and results of his words as well.
当今,Alan Zimmerman博士在最大化行动力及态度方面确实是领导者.我会规律性地多次阅读他的书籍”支点”,听他为我的会员们做的声讯演讲. 我希望你们也能从他所得出的结论中受益.

Quote of the Week

"Things turn out best for the people who make the best
out of the way things turn out."  
Art Linkletter

Go and have your best week ever!


This Week's Tip:
Do You Need an Attitude Bailout?


Lots of negativity going on right now.

The stock market tanked yesterday. Biggest drop ever.
The bailout plan was rejected. Listen to some people
in the media and you'd think life will cease to exist.

I'm a news junkie, but I actually quit watching, reading,
and listening for a while. I don't need the poisonous
thinking. My stock holdings are worth a LOT less today
than yesterday. Can't do anything about that. One thing
I do know: They always go back up.

And oh, the sun came up brilliantly here in Arizona this
morning. I noticed stores were still open. The gym was
too. So the first thing I did was control the one thing I
have total control over: My attitude. I suggest you do
the same.

As I have long preached, most everything you accomplish
in life and sales is due to how you feel.

Many people are in a perpetual negativity cycle. They
look at everything through a mud-covered filter, and their
actions and lives follow suit.

Others, probably the people you know who are the most
successful...the doers, the movers, the producers, the
people who make things happen...those are the ones who
control what they can and aren't affected by negative
thinking. Hopefully you are in that group.

I'm doing two things for you today to contribute to your
positive attitude, if you will allow it.

First, I'm sharing some ideas below from my friend,
Dr. Allan Zimmerman, about positive attitude.
第一,我在下面会和大家分享我朋友Allan Zimmerman博士关于积极态度的一些想法.

And, I've also put together a special "Attitude Bailout
Incentive Package," which is an audio seminar Dr.
Zimmerman did with me for members of my Telesales
Success Inner Circle.

Here are a few of Alan Zimmerman's suggestions on
being enthusiastic, which is one component of a
positive attitude.
以下是Allan Zimmerman博士关于保持热情的几点建议,其中热情是积极态度的组成部分之一.

1. Do Not Catch the Other Person's Disease
1. 不要被其他人的病传染了
This refers to the negative thoughts and words of others
around you, and the media. Stay away from the people
you know will pull you down with their whining and
complaining. Turn the TV. Read something inspirational,
or listen to motivational recordings.

2. Say Something Positive to Everyone
2. 跟每个人都说一点积极的事情
When you speak positively to others, you brighten
up their day, and you can't help but feel better about
yourself. (Of course, with some negative folks, you
will have to work at this.)
folks 家伙们

3. Practice Positive Expectations
3. 训练积极的期望
If you are not getting what you want, perhaps your
expectations are too low. In Dr. Zimmerman's book,
"Pivot-How One Turn in Attitude Can Lead to Success,"
he quotes Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, who said,
"There is another kind of poverty-one most people
never think about-and it's the poverty of expectations."
如果你不能得到你所想得到的,可能是你的期望太低了.在Zimmerman博士的书:支点—如何在态度上转变可导致成功,该书中,他引用了解Norman Vincent Peale博士的话:”有另外一种意义上的贫穷—大多数人并不曾意识到这种意义的贫穷—那就是期望值上的贫穷.

When you expect good things to happen, they seem
to take place, not due to some cosmic magic, but
because you are LOOKING for the good things, and
you tend to MAKE them happen.

4.Use the Positive "But"
4. 使用积极的”但是”
In Dr. Zimmerman's Peak Performance Boot Camps
he has participants to draw a line down the center of a
piece of paper. On the top left side they write Problems,
and on the right, Blessings. For every Problem,
he has them counter it with a Blessing. For example,
"I lost a big sale, BUT I learned why and will be able
to prevent that same thing from happening." "I am
overweight, BUT I am healthy enough to get on an
exercise program and do something about it."
在Zimmerman博士的峰值性能新兵训练营中,他在一张纸的中间画下一条长线.在纸的左边,他们写下的是遇到的问题,而在右边,写下祝福. 对于每一个问题,他让他们用祝福去对付.举例来说: 我失去了一笔大买卖,但是,我明白了我失去它的原因并能在以后防止类似的事情发生; 我超重了,但是,我还很健康,我可以做一些运动以及其它来对付超重.

5. Find a Reason to Celebrate
5. 找一个理由来庆祝一下
No matter how gloomy a situation is, if you look for
it, you can find a reason to celebrate. Dr. Ira Greenberg,
head of the Behavioral Studies Institute, urges people
to succeed at something every day. He said, "Each day,
do something you can be proud of. Each night take
pleasure in remembering it."
不管一种情况有多么的糟糕,如果你愿意找的话,你还是可以找出一个值得庆祝的理由的. Ira Greenberg博士,他是行为研究院的院长,他力劝人们每天一定要完成点什么. 他说:”每天,做一点会让你感到自豪的事儿,每个晚上,从回忆这些事儿中获得乐趣.”

For those who have been through my training or books,
you know that we always have a Secondary Objective
on calls, something we can accomplish regardless of
whether or not we accomplish the Primary Objective.
对于那些参加完我的训练或都读完我的书的人,你知道的,每次我们都会有一个次要目标,不管我们最终能否达到我们的首要目标,在这个过程中, 我们已经完成了一些事情.

6. Do it Now
6. 现在就行动
It's tough to consistently feel good about yourself if
you let your ideas pass, or you put them on hold.
Conversely, it's difficult to feel down or depressed when
you are in action, working toward some goal. What is it
that you always wanted, but never have started moving
toward? What's stopping you other than you? Do it now!
如果你总是忽略你的想法,或总是处于想的阶段,这就很难让你持续地保持有良好的感觉. 相反的,如果你在行动,你在努力靠近某个目标,这也很难会让你情绪低落或感觉沮丧的.什么是你一直想拥有但又一直没有行动起来去做的?是什么阻止了你,而使你不是你?现在就行动起来!

Alan Zimmerman is truly one of the leaders today in
maximizing peak performance and attitude. I regularly
re-read his book, "Pivot," and listen to the audio
seminar he did for my members. I want you to enjoy
the benefits and results of his words as well.
当今,Alan Zimmerman博士在最大化行动力及态度方面确实是领导者.我会规律性地多次阅读他的书籍”支点”,听他为我的会员们做的声讯演讲. 我希望你们也能从他所得出的结论中受益.

Quote of the Week

"Things turn out best for the people who make the best
out of the way things turn out."  
Art Linkletter

Go and have your best week ever!




This Week's Tip: 本周话题
Do You Need an Attitude Bailout?你是否需要态度援助?

Greetings, 大家好

Lots of negativity going on right now. 目前太多的消极现象正在发生

The stock market tanked yesterday. Biggest drop ever. The bailout plan was rejected. Listen to some people in the media and you'd think life will cease to exist.股票市场昨天遭遇史上暴跌,振荡不定的.听媒体报道,救援计划被拒绝,你可能会觉得生命从此将停止

I'm a news junkie, but I actually quit watching, reading, and listening for a while. I don't need the poisonous thinking. My stock holdings are worth a LOT less today than yesterday. Can't do anything about that. One thing I do know: They always go back up.我是一个新闻爱好者,但实际上我已经不看,不读,不听有一段时间了.我不需要那些毒恶的想法.我所持有的股票今天比昨天跌得更惨.除了想一件事情之外我什么事都不能做:那就是我觉得这股票一定会涨起来.

And oh, the sun came up brilliantly here in Arizona this morning. I noticed stores were still open. The gym was too. So the first thing I did was control the one thing I have total control over: My attitude. I suggest you do the same.今天早晨亚利桑那州的太阳灿烂地升起,我看到这些商店和健身房照常营业,我要做的第一件事情就是控制我所能控制的东西:我的态度.我建议你今天和我一样做.

As I have long preached, most everything you accomplish in life and sales is due to how you feel.我一直以来都告诫所有你生活中完成的事情都决于你是怎么想的.

Many people are in a perpetual negativity cycle. They look at everything through a mud-covered filter, and their actions and lives follow suit.Others, probably the people you know who are the most successful...the doers, the movers, the producers, the people who make things happen...those are the ones who control what they can and aren't affected by negative thinking. Hopefully you are in that group. 很多人都生活在一个永久消极的周期里.他们看任何事情都是通过泥土过滤器来看的,他们的行动和生活都是随波逐流的.另外一些人,或许是你知道的一些最成功的人:实干家、提议人,制片人以及那些让事件发生的人…这些人他们能控制住自己要做什么,不会被那些消极的想法所影响。希望你也在那类人之列。

I'm doing two things for you today to contribute to your positive attitude, if you will allow it.如果你允许的话,奉献出你积极的态度我将为你做两件事情。

First, I'm sharing some ideas below from my friend, Dr. Allan Zimmerman, about positive attitude. 首先,我将在下面分享从我朋友Dr. Allan Zimmerman那得到的一些关于积极的态度的建议。

And, I've also put together a special "Attitude Bailout Incentive Package," which is an audio seminar Dr. Zimmerman did with me for members of my Telesales Success Inner Circle. 其次,我将提出一个特殊的“态度一揽子援助”,这是一个Dr. Zimmerman和我为我的成功电话销售核心集团的成员打造的音频研讨班。

Here are a few of Alan Zimmerman's suggestions on being enthusiastic, which is one component of a positive attitude.这是一些有关如何变得热情—积极态度的组成部分之一的一些建议。

1. Do Not Catch the Other Person's Disease
This refers to the negative thoughts and words of others around you, and the media. Stay away from the people you know will pull you down with their whining and complaining. Turn the TV. Read something inspirational, or listen to motivational recordings.

2. Say Something Positive to Everyone
When you speak positively to others, you brighten up their day, and you can't help but feel better about yourself. (Of course, with some negative folks, you will have to work at this.)
3. Practice Positive Expectations
If you are not getting what you want, perhaps your expectations are too low. In Dr. Zimmerman's book, "Pivot-How One Turn in Attitude Can Lead to Success," he quotes Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, who said, "There is another kind of poverty-one most people
never think about-and it's the poverty of expectations."
如果你想要的东西得不到,或许你的期望值太低。在Dr. Zimmerman's的书中“Pivot-怎样改变态度奔向成功,”他引用Dr. Norman Vincent Peale的话“有另外一种贫困—很多人从从来没有想过的—就是他们的期望值太低。”
When you expect good things to happen, they seem to take place, not due to some cosmic magic, but because you are LOOKING for the good things, and you tend to MAKE them happen.

4.Use the Positive "But"
In Dr. Zimmerman's Peak Performance Boot Camps he has participants to draw a line down the center of a piece of paper. On the top left side they write Problems,
and on the right, Blessings. For every Problem, he has them counter it with a Blessing. For example, "I lost a big sale, BUT I learned why and will be able to prevent that same thing from happening." "I am overweight, BUT I am healthy enough to get on an
exercise program and do something about it."
在Dr. Zimmerman的巅峰性能培训营中,他让参与者在一张纸的中间画一条线,在左上角写上问题,右上角写上祝福。对每一个问题,他都让参与者寄予祝福。例如:“我失去了一笔大买卖,但是我知道了为什么会失去以及在以后如何避免相同的事情发生”“我胖了,但是我很健康,我要制定一个减肥计划或者做一些其他的事情。”

5. Find a Reason to Celebrate
No matter how gloomy a situation is, if you look for it, you can find a reason to celebrate. Dr. Ira Greenberg, head of the Behavioral Studies Institute, urges people
to succeed at something every day. He said, "Each day, do something you can be proud of. Each night take pleasure in remembering it."
不管局势有多么令人沮丧,如果你努力去找一个庆祝的理由,你一定会找到. Dr. Ira Greenberg,行动研究学院的院长,极力主张人们每天做一些成功的事情.他说:“每天,做一些你值得自豪的事情,每天晚上高兴地记住它。”
For those who have been through my training or books, you know that we always have a Secondary Objective on calls, something we can accomplish regardless ofwhether or not we accomplish the Primary Objective.

6. Do it Now
It's tough to consistently feel good about yourself if you let your ideas pass, or you put them on hold. Conversely, it's difficult to feel down or depressed when
you are in action, working toward some goal. What is it that you always wanted, but never have started moving oward? What's stopping you other than you? Do it now!

Alan Zimmerman is truly one of the leaders today in maximizing peak performance and attitude. I regularly re-read his book, "Pivot," and listen to the audio seminar he did for my members. I want you to enjoy the benefits and results of his words as well.
在最大化巅峰性能和态度训练中Alan Zimmmerman是一名符其实的领导者.我经常读他的书”Pivot”,也会去听他为学员准备的音频研讨班.我希望你也能从中受益.

Quote of the Week本周引言

"Things turn out best for the people who make the best out of the way things turn out."  Art Linkletter
“当你努力去做好这些事情时结果就会如你所愿.”  Art Linkletter
Go and have your best week ever!


[ 本帖最后由 txy2008 于 2008-10-14 15:20 编辑 ]




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