1.we will give you a definite answer tomorrow. 我们明天会给您一个明确的答复。
2.We will hold a meeting to exchange our opinions 我们将会举办一场会议来交就彼此的意见。
3.We will try to arrange a mutually convenient time and place for our talks.我们尽量把会谈安排在双方都方便的时间和地点。
4.Please let us know whether our planned visit is convenient for you and what itinerary you would suggest 请告知我方访问计划对贵方是否方便或者贵方建议的行程计划。
5.The discussion is postponed till next week 该会谈延期到下周举行
6.Please allow me introduce the agenda 请允许我介绍一下议程安排
7.Everything will be arranged to your satisfaction 一切将会安排的会令贵方满意。
8.They would be very reluctant to cancel the meeting 他们不太愿意取消该次会议
9.Consultations can be arranged at other times by appointment 磋商可以通过预约安排在其他时间。
10.a scheme has been (roughed out 草拟) but it has yet to be discussed and amended.方案已经草拟出来了,但是还需要进行讨论和修正
11.It’s just a matter of the schedule, that is, if it is convenient for you right now.如果你们现在方便的话,我想讨论一下日程安排的问题。
12.This matter cannot be (dragged on 拖延). I am willing to fly to see you just to resolve this issue.这个问题不能再拖下去,我想坐飞机过去,与您见面来解决这一问题。
13.We must appoint a day for the next discussion 我们必须确定下次讨论的日期。
14.Is our arrangement of negotiation still (up in the air 悬而未决)?我们的谈判安排还没有定下来吗?
15.Would you like to clear the (calender 日程表)of the next few days for our following talks? 你愿意为了我们接下来的会谈把未来几天空出来吗?
16.I am afraid there’s been(是there has been的简写,是there be 的现在完成时,there has been+单数名词there have been+复数名词) a change in tomorrow’s program,i have just got a word that your appointment with our manager will have to be delayed.恐怕明天的计划有变,我刚听说您和我们经理的约会必须延迟了。
17.The idea would be to bring everything into readiness by a (target date 预定日期).这个想法是在一个预定日期之前将一切准备就绪。
谢谢 么么哒里个哒
Teacher: well what are your plans after high school since you are not going to college?
Student: i don’t know , Hanging out with my boyfriend, these whole modeling shit... Be my friends’ band
Teacher:i have your ten week grade report,do you know what they said? ...........fail,fail,fail F,FF
Student: F,F,F yah
Teacher:do you know what that means? Its mean you don’t care
Student: you are brilliant can i go now?
Teacher: oh god ,you are an shallow disgusting creature,you what to know the truth? One ,you are not gonna be in an band or an model missy ,because you have no ambition. With no skills ,you will competing with 80% of the US , workforce for minimum wages job. Which mean the way you living for the rest of your life until you are replaced by computers.
Student: i don’t care .....
Teacher: two,......the only talent you ever have is getting men to fuck you . Your life will basically become a carnaval of pain. Now why can’t you understand it ,not one more day ,not one more hour ,it will get worse, much worse!
Everyday i come in this office and i listened your kids to shit all over yourselves ,.....it’s so easy to be careless ...it takes courage and courage to care ,none of you have any of these qualities .......get out ,get out ,get out,fuck you ....
S:不知道。。。。也许和男朋友接着混,做个模特 ,加入朋友的乐队
T:我看了你近十周的成绩,你知道是什么结果吗?。。。不及格 不及格,不及格, 全都不及格。
S:你真聪明 我能走了吗
T:第二,你唯一的才能就是让男人上你,你的生活就是一出苦情戏,你怎么就不明白,过不了几天,弄不了多久,事情只会越变越糟,我每天到这间办公室,看着你们这群孩子如此糟蹋自己、、、、、不在乎谁不会啊,要有多大的勇气才能去在乎,你们都没有这样的勇气。滚出去 ,给我滚
电影名字(人间师格)或者叫 (超脱)、、、、、准备晚上看
加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards ......................................... 加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光
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