GLOSSARY OF PAINT TERMSABRASION RESISTANCE: Resistance to being worn away by rubbing or friction; related more to toughness than to hardness. A necessary quality for floor finishes, enamels and varnishes.
ABRASIVE: Used for wearing away a surface by rubbing. Examples are powdered pumice,
rottenstone, sandpaper, sandpaper, steel wool.
ADHESION: The ability of a coating to stick to a surface.
AEROSOL: A product feature that uses compressed gas to spray the product from its container.
AIRLESS SPRAY: A spray that increases the fluid pressure of paint by means of a pump that causes atomization with air, resulting in higher film build and little or no over-spray.
ALKALI: A substance such as lye, soda or lime that can be highly destructive to paint films.
ALKYD: Synthetic resin modified with oil for good adhesion to a clean surface and good gloss, color retention and flexibility. Slow drying.
ALLIGATORING: Condition of paint film where surface is cracked and develops an appearance
similar to alligator skin.
ALUMINUM PAINT: A paint that includes aluminum particles and gives a metallic finish when
ANCHORING: Mechanical bonding of a coating to a rough surface as contrasted with adhesion,
which is chemical bonding.
ANTI-CORROSIVE PAINT: Metal paint designed to inhibit corrosion. Applied directly to metal.
ANTIQUE FINISH: A finish usually applied to furniture or woodwork to give the appearance of age.
BACK PRIMED: When a coat of paint is applied to the back of woodwork and exterior siding to
prevent moisture from entering the wood and causing the grain to swell.
BENZENE: Powerful but highly toxic and flammable solvent, usually restricted to spray application.
BENZINE: Often used as a lacquer dilutent. Highly volatile and a fire hazard in shipping and storing.
BINDER: Film-forming ingredient in paint that binds the pigment particles together.
BLEACHING: The process of restoring discolored or stained wood to its normal color or making it
BLEEDING: Undercoat staining through the topcoat.
BLISTERING: The formation of bubbles or pimples on the painted surface caused by moisture in the wood by painting before the previous coat has dried thoroughly or by excessive heat or grease under the paint.
BLUSHING: A gloss film turning flat or a clear lacquer turning white, usually caused by moisture
condensation during the drying process.
COLORANT: Concentrated color that can be added to paints to make a specific color.
COLORFAST: Fade resistant.
COLOR UNIFORMITY: Ability of a coating to maintain a uniform or consistent color across its
entire surface, particularly during the weathering process.
CONTACT CEMENT: Completely non-staining cement. Ideal for applying wall paneling and for
covering counters, cabinets and table tops with both porous and non-porous surfacing materials
ranging from linoleum to plastic laminates.
COPPER STAINING: Usually caused by corrosion of copper screens, gutters or downspouts
washing down on painted surfaces. Can be prevented by painting or varnishing the copper.
COVERAGE: The area over which a given amount of paint will spread and hide the previous
surface. (Usually expressed in square feet per gallon).
CRACKING: The type of paint failure characterized by breaks in irregular lines wide enough to
expose the underlying surface.
CRAWLING: Varnish defect in which poor adhesion of varnish to surface in some spots causes it to
gather up in globs.
CRAZING: Small, interlacing cracks on surface of finish.
CREOSOTE: A type of liquid coating made from coal tar that is used as a wood preservative. It
should not be used on wood that will be painted later.
CURING: Final conversion or drying or a coating material.
BODY: The thickness or thinness of a liquid paint.
BOXING: Mixing paint by pouring from one container to another several times to ensure thorough
BREATHE: The ability of a paint film to permit the passage of moisture vapor without causing
blistering, cracking, or peeling.
BRIDGING: Ability of paint to span small gaps or cracks through its cohesion and elastic qualities.
BRISTLE: The working part of a brush containing natural bristles (usually hog hair) or artificial
bristles (nylon or polyester).
BRUSHABILITY: The ability or ease with which paint can be brushed.
BRUSH MARKS: Marks of brush that remain in the dried paint film.
BRUSH-OUT: A technique sometimes used to influence a large sale that consists of brushing out a sample of paint onto a slab of wood or other material so the customer can see how the finished job will look.
BUBBLES: Air bubbles in a drying paint film caused by excessive brushing during application or by over vigorous mixing that results in air trapment.
BUILD: Thickness or depth of a paint film.
BURNING IN: Repairing a finish by melting stick shellac into the damaged places by using a heated knife blade or iron.
BURNISHING: Shiny or lustrous spots on a paint surface caused by rubbing.
CALCIMINE: A water-thinned paint composed essentially of calcium carbonate or clay glue.
CAMEL HAIR: Trade name for tail hair from various types of Russian squirrels. Used for signwriter, lacquering brushings and lettering quills.
CATALYST: An ingredient that speeds up a chemical reaction; sometimes used in two component
paint systems.
CAULKING COMPOUND: A semidrying or slow drying plastic material used to seal joints or fill crevices around windows, chimneys.
CHALKING: The formation of a loose powder or the surface of paint after exposure to the elements.
CHECKING: A kind of paint failure in which many small cracks appear in the surface of the paint.
CLEAR COATING: A transparent protective and/or decorative film.
COALESCING: The settling or drying of an emulsion paint as the water evaporates.
COATING: paint, varnish, lacquer or other finish used to create a protective and/or decorative layer.
COHESION: Attraction of molecules within a coating (how it holds together).
[ 本帖最后由 alvis_qu 于 2010-7-7 08:07 编辑 ]
DURABILITY: The ability of paint to last or hold up well against the destructive agents such as
weather, sunlight, detergents, air pollution, abrasion or marring.
DYE, DYESTUFF: A colored material used just to dye or change color with little or no hiding of the underlying surface.
EFFLORESCENCE: A deposit of salts that remain on the surface of masonry, brick or plaster when
water has evaporated.
EGGSHELL FINISH: The degree of gloss between a flat and gloss finish.
EMULSION PAINT: Paint in which particles are suspended in water or oil with the aid of an
emulsifier as in latex paint.
ENAMEL: Broad classification paints that dry to a hard finish. They may be flat, gloss or semi-gloss.
EPOXY: Clear finish having excellent adhesion qualities; extremely abrasion and chemical resistant. Epoxies are alcohol proof and very water-resistant.
EROSION: The wearing away of a paint film caused by exposure to the weather.
ETCH: Surface preparation by chemical means to improve the adhesion of coating.
EXTENDER: Inexpensive and inert pigment added to paint for bulk and to lower costs.
EXTERIOR: The outside surfaces of a structure.
COLOR: Special colors made by adding colorant to paint or by intermixing colors, which
permits the retailer to match a color selected by the consumer.
CUTTING IN: Careful painting of an edge such as wall color at the ceiling line or at the edge of
DISTRESSING: Treatment of furniture, usually in the process of being antiqued, in order to make it appear older than it is. Consists of marring the surface or applying specks of glaze before varnishing.
DRIER: A paint ingredient that aids the drying or hardening of the film.
DRY DUST FREE: That stage of drying when particles of dust that settle upon the surface do not
stick to the paint film.
DRY TACK FREE: That stage of drying when the paint no longer feels sticky or tacky when lightly touched.
DRY TO HANDLE: That stage of drying when a paint film has hardened sufficiently so the object or surface painted may be used without marring.
DRY TO RECOAT: That stage of drying when the next coat can be applied.
DRY TO SAND: That stage of drying when a paint film can be sanded without the sandpaper sticking or clogging.
FLAT APPLICATOR: A rectangular shaped flat pad with an attached handle that is used to paint
shingles, shakes and other special surfaces and areas.
FLEXIBILITY: Ability of a coating to expand and contract during temperature changes.
FLOATING: Separation of pigment colors on the surface of applied paint.
FLOW: The ability of a coating to level out and spread into a smooth film, paints that have a good
flow usually level out uniformly and exhibit few brush or roller marks.
FUNGICIDE: An agent the helps prevent mold or mildew growth on paint.
GALVANIZED: A thin coating of zinc that covers iron or steel to prevent rust.
GLAZE: A term used to describe several types of finishing materials. (1) Glazing putty is of a creamy
consistency and is applied to fill imperfections in the surface. (2) A glazing stain is a pigmented stain
applied over a stained, filled or painted surface to soften or blend the original color without obscuring
it. (3) A glaze coat is a clear finish applied over previously coated surfaces to create a gloss finish.
GLAZING COMPOUND: putty used to set glass in window frames and to fill nail holes and cracks.
GLOSS: The luster or shininess of paints and coatings are generally classified as flat, semi-gloss, or
gloss; the latter has the higher reflecting ability.
GLOSS METER: A standard scale for measuring the shininess or light reflectance of paint. Different
brands with the same description such as semi-gloss or flat may have quite different ratings on the
gloss meter.
GRAIN RAISING: Swelling and standing up of the wood grain caused by absorbed water and
GRAINING: Simulating the grain of wood by means of specially prepared colors or stains and the
use of graining tools or special brushing techniques.
GROUND COAT: The base coat in an antiquing system that is applied before the graining colors,
glazing or other finish coat.
HARDBOARD: Reconstituted natural wood, fabricated by reducing natural wood to fibers and then
pressing the fibers together into panels of various thickness'.
HARDNESS: The ability of a paint film to resist denting, scratching or marring.
HIDING POWER: The ability of a paint to hide the previous surface or color.
HOLDOUT: The ability of a paint film to dry to its normal finish on a somewhat absorptive surface.
HOLIDAYS: Voids in the dried paint film.
HOT SPOTS: Lime spots, which are not completely cured and bleed through the coating on a
plastered wall.
FADING: The loss of color due to exposure to light, heat or weathering.
FEATHER SANDING: Tapering the edge of dried paint film with sandpaper.
FERRULE: The metal band that connects the handle and stock of a paintbrush.
FILLER: A product used to fill the pores of wood before applying a prime of finish coat.
FILLER STRIPS: Strips made from specially treated wood, metal. Fiber or plastic in the center of a
paintbrush, creating a reservoir of paint, thereby greatly increasing the paint carrying capacity.
FILM: Layer or coat of paint or other finish.
FINISH COAT: Last coat of paint or other finish.
FLAKING: A form of paint failure characterized by the detachment of small pieces of the film from
the surface of previous coat of paint. Cracking or blistering usually precedes it.
FLASH POINT: The temperature at which a coating or solvent will ignite.
FLAT: A paint surface that scatters or absorbs the light falling on it so as to be substantially free from
gloss or sheen.
INHIBITOR: Material such as primer used to retard rusting or corrosion.
INTERCOAT ADHESION: The adhesion between two coats of paint.
INTERIOR: The inside surfaces of a structure.
INTERMEDIATE COAT: The coating between the primer and finish often called a barrier coat.
JOINT CEMENT: Cement used for drywall construction; also used as a bedding compound for joint
tape and as a filler for nail holes.
JOINT TAPE: Special paper or paper-faced cotton tape used over joints between wallboard to
conceal the joint and provide a smooth surface for painting.
KALSOMINE: See Calcimine.
LACQUER: A fast-drying clear pigmented coating that dries by solvent evaporation.
LAP: To lay or place one coat so its edge extends over and covers the edge of a previous coat, causing
an increased film thickness.
LATEX: A water-thinned paint, such as a polyvinyl acetate, styrene butadiene or acrylic.
LEVELING: Ability of a film to flow out free from ripples, pockmarks and brush marks after
LIFTING: The softening and penetration of a previous film by solvents in the paint being applied
over it, resulting in raising and wrinkling.
LIGHTFASTNESS: No loss of color due to exposure to light, heat or weathering.
LINSEED OIL: A drying oil used in paint, varnish and lacquer.
MARINE VARNISH: Varnish specially designed for immersion in water and exposure to marine
MASKING: Temporary covering of areas not to be painted.
MASKING TAPE: A strip of paper or cloth similar to adhesive tape, which can be easily removed,
used to temporarily cover areas that are not to be painted.
MASTIC: A heavy-bodied paste like coating of high build often applied with a trowel.
METALLICS: A class of paints that include metal flakes in their composition.
MILDEW RESISTANCE: The ability of a coating to resist the growth of molds and mildew.
Mildew is particularly prevalent in moist, humid and warm climates.
MILDEWCIDE: An agent that helps prevent molds or mildew growth on paint.
file:///C|/My Documents/Glossary of paint terms.htm (2 of 4) [5/4/2001 1:56:32 PM]MINERAL SPIRITS: Paint thinners or solvents derived from petroleum.
NAILHEAD RUSTING: Rust from iron nails that penetrates or bleeds through the coating and stains
the surrounding areas.
NAP: The length of fibers in a paint roller cover.
NONVOLATILE: The portion of paint left after the solvent evaporates; sometimes called the solids
OIL STAINS: There are two types of oil stains, penetrating and non-penetrating. Penetrating oil
stains contain dyes and resins that penetrate the surface; non-penetrating oil stains contain larger
amounts of pigments and are usually opaque or transparent.
OPACITY: The ability of a paint to hide the previous surface or color.
OPAQUE COATING: A coating that hides the previous surface coating.
ORANGE PEEL: Film having the roughness of an orange due to poor roller or spray application.
PAINT GAUGE: Instrument for measuring the thickness of paint film.
PAINT REMOVER: A compound that softens old paint or varnish and permits scraping off the
loosened material.
PATCHING PLASTER: A special plaster made for repairing plaster walls.
PEELING: Detachment of a dried paint film in relatively large pieces, usually caused by moisture or
grease under the painted surface.
PIGMENTS: Paint ingredients mainly used to impart color and hiding power.
PIHNOLE: Very small holes in paint film, usually not deep enough to show undercoat.
PLASTER OF PARIS: A quick setting, pure white powder, used to set bathroom wall fixtures such
as towel racks or used by craft groups for pouring molds and making plaster objects.
POLYURETHANE: Wide range of coatings, ranging from hard gloss enamels to soft flexible
coatings. Good to very good adhesion, hardness, flexibility and resistance. Surface preparation
POLYVINYL ACETATE: A synthetic resin largely used as a vehicle for many latex paints. Often
referred to as PVA.
POT LIFE: Amount of time after mixing a two-part paint system during which it can be applied.
PRIME COAT OR PRIMER: The first coat or undercoat that helps bind the topcoat to the substrate.
PROPELLANT: The gas used to expel materials from aerosol containers.
PUTTY: Doughlike mixture of pigment and oil used to set glass in window frames and to fill nail
holes and cracks.
SHELLAC: Derived from a resinous substance called Lac. Used as a sealer and finish for floors, for
sealing knots and other purposes. A natural resin, usually in the form of thin flakes.
SILICONE: See Resin.
SKIN: Tough covering that forms on paints if container is not tightly sealed.
SOLIDS: See Nonvolatile.
SOLVENT: The volatile part of paint composition that evaporates during drying.
SPACKLING COMPOUND: A material used as crack filler for preparing surfaces before painting.
SPAR VARNISH: A very durable varnish designed for service on exterior surfaces.
SPATTER: Small particles or drips of liquid paint thrown or expelled when applying paint.
SPOT PRIMING: A method of protecting localized spots. The only areas primed are those that
require additional protection due to rusting or peeling of the former coat.
SPRAYING: A method of application in which the coating material is broken up into a fine mist that
is directed onto the surface to be coated.
SPREADING RATE: The area to which paint can be spread; usually expressed as square feet per
STAIN: A solution or suspension of coloring matter in a vehicle designed primarily to be applied to
create color effects rather than to form a protective coating. A transparent or semi-opaque coating that
colors without completely obscuring the grain of the surface.
REMOVERS: Substances used to soften old varnish or paint so they may be removed easily.
RESIN: A natural or synthetic material that is the main ingredient of paint and that binds ingredients
together. It also aids adhesion to the surface.
ROLLER: A paint application tool having a revolving cylinder covered with lambs-wool, fabric,
foamed plastic or other material.
ROPINESS: Paint dries with a stringy look because it did not flow evenly onto the surface.
RUNS: Blemished film caused by excessive flow of coating.
RUST PREVENTATIVE PAINT OR PRIMER: The first coat of paint applied directly to iron or
steel structures to slow down or prevent rust.
SAGS: Excessive flow, causing runs or sagging in paint film during application. Usually caused by
applying too heavy a coat of paint or thinning too much.
SAL SODA: Crystallized sodium carbonate. It is used for making cleaning solutions to remove grease
and grime from old painted surfaces.
SAND FINISH: Rough finish plaster wall.
SANDING SURFACES: A heavily pigmented finishing material used for building the surface to a
smooth condition. It is sanded after drying.
SATIN FINISH: See Semi-Gloss
SCRUBBABILITY: The ability of a paint film to withstand scrubbing and cleaning with water, soap
and other household cleaning agents.
SEALER: A thin liquid applied to seal a surface, to prevent previous paint from bleeding through
from the surface or to prevent undue absorption of the topcoat into the substrate.
SEEDS: Small, undesirable particles or granules other than dust found in paint, varnish or lacquer.
SELF-CLEANING: Controlled chalking of a paint film so dirt does not adhere to the surface.
SEMI-GLOSS: Having a luster between full and flat.
SEMI-TRANSPARENT: A degree of hiding greater than transparent but less than opaque.
SETTLING: Paint separation in which pigments accumulate at the bottom of the container.
SET UP: A film that has dried so that it is firm is said to have "set up".
SHAKE PAINTER: A rectangular-shaped flat pad with an attached handle that is used to paint
shingles, shakes and other special surfaces and areas.
SHEEN: The degree of luster of a dried paint film.
SHEEN UNIFORMITY: The even distribution of luster over the entire surface of an applied finish.
TEXTURE PAINT: Paint that can be manipulated by brush, roller, trowel or other tool to produce
various effects.
THINNERS: Solvents used to thin coatings.
THIXOTROPY: The property of a material that causes it to change from a thick, pasty consistency to
a fluid consistency upon agitation, brushing or rolling.
TINT BASE: The basic paint in a custom color system to which colorants are added.
TONER: Pigmented lacquer sealer that is applied by spray. Toners provide color and make the
surface appear more even.
TOUCH UP: The ability of a coating film to be spot repaired (usually within a few months of initial
painting) without showing color or gloss differences.
TURPENTINE: A colorless liquid, which is used as a thinner for oil paints and varnishes, distilled
from the products of the pine tree.
UNDERCOAT: A primer or intermediate coating before the finish coating.
VARNISH: Transparent liquid that dries on exposure to air to give a decorative and protective and
protective coating when applied as a thin film.
VARNISH STAIN: Varnishes colored with a dye and without the same power of penetrations as the
true stains, leaving a colored coating on the surface.
VEHICLE: The liquid portion of paint composed mainly of solvents, resins or oils.
VINYL: A resin with poor adhesion but good hardness, flexibility and resistance. Used for swimming
pools, tank linings and marine equipment.
file:///C|/My Documents/Glossary of paint terms.htm (3 of 4) [5/4/2001 1:56:32 PM]STIPPLING: A finish made by using a stippling brush or roller stippler or a newly painted surface
before the paint is dry.
STREAKING: The irregular occurrence of lines or streaks of various lengths and colors in an applied
film; usually caused by some form of contamination.
STRIP: Removal of old finishes with paint removers.
SUBSTRATE: Surface to be painted.
SURFACE TENSION: The property of a coating that makes it tend to shrink when applied.
TACK RAG: A piece of loosely woven cloth that has been dipped into varnish oil and wrung out.
When it becomes tacky or sticky, it is used to wipe a surface to remove particles of dust.
TACKY: Sticky condition of coating during drying, between wet and dry-to-touch stage.
TEXTURE: The roughness or irregularity of a surface.
WRINKLING: Development of ridges and furrows in a paint film when the paint dries.
YELLOWING: Development of a yellow color or cast in white, a pastel, colored or clear finishes.
ZINC CHROMATE: Rust-inhibiting pigment, greenish-yellow in color that is used with a
high-hiding pigment.
ZINC OXIDE: Substance used as a white pigment for high-hiding power hardness and gloss.
Reduces yellowing, increases drying; provides resistance to sulfur fumes and mildew. Used with
linseed oil for self-cleaning exterior paints.
VISCOSITY: The thickness of a coating as related to its ability to flow as a liquid.
WASHABILITY: The ability of a paint to be easily cleaned without wearing away during cleaning.
WATER EMULSIONS: Mixture of pigment and synthetic resin in water with low solvent emission,
low fire hazard and toxicity and good durability and chemical resistance.
WATER SPOTTING: A paint appearance defect caused by water droplets.
WEATHERING: The effect of exposure to weather on paint films.
WET EDGE: Length of time a wall paint can stand and be brushed back in to the next stretch without
showing a lap.
WITHERING: Withering a loss of gloss is sometimes caused by varnishing open-pore woods
without filling pores, use of improper undercoating or applying top coat before undercoat has dried.
WOOD FILLER: There are two kinds of fillers-paste and liquid. Paste fillers are something like a
very thick paint and are composed of some solid powdered substance, usually silica or powdered
quartz, mixed with linseed oil or varnish thinned with turpentine or benzine.
file:///C|/My Documents/Glossary of paint terms.htm (4 of 4) [5/4/2001 1:56:32 PM]
耐黄变试验箱冲击性 impact resistance 涂膜抵抗突然冲击而不开裂或剥离的能力。
碘值 iodine value 油或树脂的不饱和度的量度。试样在规定条件下吸收磺的 质量,以每100g试样吸收磺的克数表示。
小气候 microclimate 在试验涂料时的小气候条件。小气候的温度、湿度和光照条件具有任何特定天然气候的特性。为了便于试验,这些气候条件已居特定的房间或较小的箱中再现。
吸油量 oil absorption value 在规定试验条件下,用于粘结给定质量的颜料或体质颜料所用油(通常为酸漂亚核酸仁油)的毫升数或克数。吸油量的数值与测定的方法有关。
铅笔硬度试验 pencil hardness test 评定干涂膜硬度的一种方法。评定时使硬度自4B增至6H的铅笔依次推划过涂膜表面,直至出现划痕为止。
抗印痕性 print resistance 在实际正常使用条件下,涂膜抵抗放在其上而呈现另一个表面印记的能力。抗印痕性可在规定条件下通过无印痕试验进行评定。
消色力 reducing power 在规定试验条件下,白色颜料冲淡着色颜料产生的色彩强度的能力。
贮存期;搁置寿命 shelf-life 在正常贮存条件下,贮存在密封的原装容器中的涂料能保持良好状态的时间。
固体含量;固体分 solids content; solids; total solids 在规定条件下,涂料形成干涂膜的质量,以占原涂料质量的百分数表示。
可溶性金属含量 soluble metal content 在规定的条件和试验方法下,测得的用酸萃取的重金属(例如铅)的数量,通常以百万分份中的份数表示。
比电阻;电阻率 specific resistivity 论及材料的导体在单位长度和单位横截住面积时具有的电阻。
涂布率 spreading rate; spreading capacity 当涂料以适宜的方式施涂于正常底材上时的平均涂布率,以每单位体积涂料的涂覆面积表示。涂布率随操作者、施涂方法和被涂底材的特性而变化。
着色力 tinting strength; staining power 在规定试验条件下,着色颜料赋予白色颜料颜色的程度。
挥发物 volatile matter 在规定条件下,涂料通过挥发而释放出的物质。
可洗净性 washability 通过洗刷可使污物从涂漆表面上除去的难易程度。
耐黄变试验箱洗刷性 washability 涂层经受洗刷而不会被除去或实质性损坏的能力。
大气老化;天然老化 weathering; natural weathering 太阳光、雨、霜和大气污染对涂膜的影响。天然户外大气老化试验通常在选定的曝晒场进行。
似近色 advancing color 当某颜色和其补色相邻放在同一平面上时,人眼看起来感觉比其补色距离更近。从黄绿色到鲜红色变化的各颜色是具有这个特点的颜色。
鲜明色;醒目色 assertive colour 由于其比较鲜亮或高饱和度而引起或激起注意的一种颜色。
加蓝提白 blueing 通过加入微量的蓝色来抵消某些白颜料或折漆的黄色色调,由此增大它们的表观白度。
多彩色 broken colour 由各种颜色的湿漆自行溶合,或者通过有技巧的产生不规则效果的处理而导致综合的多色效果。
色度;色品 chromaticity 由其色度坐标或者由其主波长或补色波长和其刺激纯度综合起来可确定的颜色刺激值的颜色品质。
国际照明委员会体系 CIE system 由国际照明委员会制订的色度体系,是用匹配该颜色所需的代表3个确定参照原色数量的三刺激值X、Y和Z来确定颜色。
色度计 colorimeter 测量颜色用的装置。现有的色度计包括采用滤色片来模拟三元可见参照色的三刺激值色度计,以及测量整个可见光谱范围的颜色反射率的光
颜色 colour 可以用其色调、饱和度和明度来表征表面的外观品质。
色坐标值 colour coordinates 表征某颜色在所有颜色的三维图中位置的数字值。在1931年的CIE体系中,色坐标值是X、Y、Z三刺激值或Y值和色品坐标值x和y。以后的体系(CIE 1976)利用不同的坐标值给出了更均匀的色空间。
色差 colour difference 在规定色空间中,以2个试样色坐标值之间的距离来确定两者颜色差异的客观量度。
色料索引号;染料索引号 colour index number(缩写CI number) 由染料技师和色料技师协会出版的色料一览表中的色料参照代号,一览表中包括了对各种色料的叙述、类属名称和它们的成分。
颜色匹配 colour match 如果在规定的照明和观察条件下,不能觉察色漆间的颜色有明显的差异时,则可认为它们的颜色相匹配。
色质 colour quality 包括色调和饱和度,但不包括明度的颜色规格。
消色 colour reduction 当某色料与冲淡色浆混合时,色料分散体的色调、亮度和饱和度的评定。这是一个与标准色料相对照的比较试验。
色彩浓度 depth of shade 以色调和饱和度,但不以明度表示的色质。当所有其他条件(观察等)保持相同时,这种色质的增值与现有色料数量的增值有关。
主波长 dominant wavelength 当与白光混合来匹配某涂层颜色时的纯光谱光的波长。对于黄色光而言,需要负量补色波长的绿光。
色调;色相 hue 确定其是红、黄、绿、蓝、紫的颜色属性。
照明体 illuminant 由某光源发射出的光或照射到表面上的光。其色质是由光谱能量分布确定的。
明度 lightness 与色调和饱和度无关的表面反射光的比率。
主色;本色 mass tone 单一着色颜料在合适漆料中的分散体的颜色。
条件等色;条件配色 metameric match 在同一照明体下而不在其它照明体下的色漆颜色匹配。该现象称为同色异谱,是由光谱反射率分布不同百引起的。
receding colour 当某颜色和其补色相邻近放在同一平面上时,人眼看起来感觉它比其补色距离更远。在这类颜色中有蓝色和绿色。冲淡色浆 redution paste 白色颜料在如同受试着色颜料一样漆料中的分散体。其中漆料可以是气干醇酸、醇酸/氨基烘烤体系或者热固性或热塑性丙烯酸树脂,通常使用精制亚麻油漆料。
冲淡比 reduction ratio 为得到一特定的浅色调所需的着色颜料对白颜料的比率。
饱和度 saturation 某颜色与有关的光谱色纯度的近似程度。与其概念类似的术语有彩度和色强度。
明暗调整色 shade 加入黑色或白色颜料而导致的颜色变化。
光谱匹配 spectral match 色漆颜色在可见光谱的每个波长的匹配,即相匹配色漆的反射率是相同的。光谱匹配适用于所有照明体和观察者。
标准色浓度 standard depth of shade 对所有色调随意选定的一种色浓度,由此可确定均匀色浓度,以便进行比较。色浓度可以表示为标准色浓度的倍数或百分
标准照明体 standard illuminant 规定光谱能量分布的一种基准光。
(冲)淡色;浅色 tint 将小比例量的色浆或调色浆加至白色涂料中而形成的 颜色。
底色;薄层色 undertone 当颜料分散体以很薄的膜层使用时所得的颜色,或用大量白色颜料冲淡时所得的颜色。底色色调常不同于主色色调。
回粘(性) after-tack 曾达到不发粘干阶段的涂漆表面,随后又呈现发粘状态的漆膜缺陷。该现象是由于聚合不足的油或氧化产物的脱液收缩作用(即液体从胶体中排出)引起的。
贝纳尔旋窝 Benard cells 涂膜干燥过程中,其表面形成许多六角形小蜂窝的现象。由于颜料的浮色,小蜂窝的边缘可呈现不同的颜色外观。小蜂窝形成的机理归因于溶剂的快速挥发而产生涂膜的涡旋作用。
起(粗)粒 bittiness 在涂料中存在凝胶、絮凝物或外来物的颗粒,或这些粒子从漆膜表面上凸出。
褪色;脱色 bleaching 通常由于气候作用或化学品侵蚀而使涂料的颜色完全褪去。
渗色 bleeding 来自下层的可溶着色物质进入或透过上层涂膜而扩散的过程,因而产生了不希望有的染色或褪色。可引起这种涂膜缺陷的物质包括沥青漆、木材防腐剂、木节中的油性树脂、有机颜料和染色剂。
起泡 blistering 由于干涂膜局部失去附着力而脱离其下底面,形成圆拱形凸起物或泡。这样的泡可以含有液体、蒸气、气体或结晶物。
粘连 blocking 当涂漆工件相接触时,在工件邻近表面之间出现不希望有的粘附。涂漆工件堆积存放时常遇到粘连。
起霜 bloom 有时在有光涂膜上形成一种似葡萄上霜的沉积物,造成其失光和颜色变黯淡。
发白 blushing 当喷漆膜干燥时,有时由于空气中的湿气附着和/或喷漆中的一种或多种固体组分沉淀析出而出现的似乳白光。通常只限于单靠溶剂挥发而干燥的喷漆。
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