THIS WEEK'S TIP:Here's How To Stop Giving
Profits Away
At a home accessories and furniture store
I saw a couple of large metal wall pieces I
liked for my office. This place looked like a
family-run operation. The owner saw my
obvious interest in one, came over, and
asked if I liked it.
I tried not showing too much emotion and
asked how much better he could do. His reply
was brilliant:
“These are almost double this amount at Robb &
Stucky’s (a high-end furniture store in Scottsdale).
You can have it for only $295.”
Great answer!
I’m always prepared to pay full price, but I also
like to ask for the sport of it, and, well, because
it works. So I then said,
“How much better can you do if I also get that
one over there,” pointing to a similar piece on the
I expected something solid like, “Same thing with
that one. Together, you’ll double your savings from
anywhere else.”
Suddenly, though, he turned into a different person.
He caved in, saying,
“Ah, well, OK, I can give you $75 off if you get both.”
He gave away pure profit.
Here’s something that’s not too profound at first glance:
“A dollar in cash money or credit that you give away is
always a dollar of lost profit.”
However, this has enormous implications when you
put it in the context of price objections, negotiations,
and concessions, and also special offers, discounts, and
incentives to purchase.
And with that context in mind, here’s another piece of
“The perception of the value of what you give away—
in the mind of the receiver—can be greater than its price
OK, so what does all this mean?
Here's an example. A printer had missed a deadline
date for an order. It caused me inconvenience. In the past
I’ve had printers who knocked something off the price
when they screwed up. Instead, she apologized profusely,
and recovered with this:
“Here’s what I’m going to do for you. I’ve run 20% more
than what you ordered, no charge. And the next time you
do a black and white printing job like this, I’ll throw in a
second basic color at no charge.”
If she would have knocked $100 off the bill, that would have
cost her $100. I imagine she probably has to do at least $400
worth of business to make $100 net profit. Instead, she offered
to give me 20% more than what I ordered, which cost her very
little, since she probably ran 10% more than what I ordered
anyway and would have just wasted it, and her additional
cost was essentially just for the paper.
As for the second color on the next job, not only is
that a clever way to ensure future business (kind of like
having a gift certificate—who hasn’t made a shopping trip
to redeem it even if we didn’t need anything?) but it also
had a high perceived value to me because it’s something
I normally pay for.
Her only cost is to run the job through the press a second
time, and for the colored ink (which she’d likely have on the
press for another job anyway); again much less than the
perceived dollar value.
Think of how you might be able to use these ideas to avoid
giving away dollars in cash, and persuade people to
buy, or buy more quickly.
Here are some ideas.
Understand what’s important to them. Of course, all selling
gets back to this. Money often takes a back seat to other
priorities. For example, if you’re in a price negotiation
and you also know the buyer is under a time crunch,
you could offer quicker delivery instead.
Give product instead of dollars. Instead of dropping price,
throw in some additional products. Give them something
they’re not buying from you now. It gives them the opportunity
to test something out, which could lead to future sales of
that product. This also works great if they are a reseller. They
can then make a profit from what you give them. Also, the
actual retail price of the product could be much greater
than the concession or discount they want, but your actual
cost is lower.
Offer services. How many people do you know who buy
extended warranties, and then actually take advantage of all
the free services that come with them? Sounds valuable at
the time of purchase, but probably a very low redemption rate
by customers.
What can you offer that is high perceived value, high margin,
and low redemption?
Use cross-promotions. One of the discount stock
brokers offered 10,000 frequent flier miles from one of the
major airlines to open up a brokerage account with them.
Every party in the transaction wins there.
Get creative, and don’t give away those hard earned dollars.
A dollar given away is always a dollar of profit.
"Being busy does not always mean real work.
The object of all work is production or accomplishment
and to either of these ends there must be forethought,
system, planning, intelligence, and honest purpose,
as well as perspiration. Seeming to do is not doing."
Thomas Edison
Go and Have Your Best Week Ever!
第一期,08-01-11:你想成为富翁吗? (批改参考见23、24楼)
第二期,08-01-23:每天你都在应试找工作 (批改参考见6、7楼)
第三期,08-01-25:2008年开门红:轻松销售 (批改参考见12楼)
第四期:08-02-01:客户喜爱你,他们就会给你金钱 (批改参考见10、11楼)
第五期:08-02-07:名人也曾经失败过 (批改参考见10楼)
谢谢各位的参与。坚持实践,必有成效。若您有任何意见或建议,或者您需要进一步的英语学习资料和我的英语教学咨询,请发站内短信或直接进入我的QQ 416503427。
Here's How To Stop Giving
Profits Away
At a home accessories and furniture store
I saw a couple of large metal wall pieces I
liked for my office. This place looked like a
family-run operation. The owner saw my
obvious interest in one, came over, and
asked if I liked it.
I tried not showing too much emotion and
asked how much better he could do. His reply
was brilliant:
“These are almost double this amount at Robb &
Stucky’s (a high-end furniture store in Scottsdale).
You can have it for only $295.”
Great answer!
I’m always prepared to pay full price, but I also
like to ask for the sport of it, and, well, because
it works. So I then said,
“How much better can you do if I also get that
one over there,” pointing to a similar piece on the
I expected something solid like, “Same thing with
that one. Together, you’ll double your savings from
anywhere else.”
Suddenly, though, he turned into a different person.
He caved in, saying,
“Ah, well, OK, I can give you $75 off if you get both.”
He gave away pure profit.
Here’s something that’s not too profound at first glance:
“A dollar in cash money or credit that you give away is
always a dollar of lost profit.”
However, this has enormous implications when you
put it in the context of price objections, negotiations,
and concessions, and also special offers, discounts, and
incentives to purchase.
And with that context in mind, here’s another piece of
“The perception of the value of what you give away—
in the mind of the receiver—can be greater than its price
OK, so what does all this mean?
Here's an example. A printer had missed a deadline
date for an order. It caused me inconvenience. In the past
I’ve had printers who knocked something off the price
when they screwed up. Instead, she apologized profusely,
and recovered with this:
“Here’s what I’m going to do for you. I’ve run 20% more
than what you ordered, no charge. And the next time you
do a black and white printing job like this, I’ll throw in a
second basic color at no charge.”
If she would have knocked $100 off the bill, that would have
cost her $100. I imagine she probably has to do at least $400
worth of business to make $100 net profit. Instead, she offered
to give me 20% more than what I ordered, which cost her very
little, since she probably ran 10% more than what I ordered
anyway and would have just wasted it, and her additional
cost was essentially just for the paper.
As for the second color on the next job, not only is
that a clever way to ensure future business (kind of like
having a gift certificate—who hasn’t made a shopping trip
to redeem it even if we didn’t need anything?) but it also
had a high perceived value to me because it’s something
I normally pay for.
Her only cost is to run the job through the press a second
time, and for the colored ink (which she’d likely have on the
press for another job anyway); again much less than the
perceived dollar value.
Think of how you might be able to use these ideas to avoid
giving away dollars in cash, and persuade people to
buy, or buy more quickly.
Here are some ideas.
Understand what’s important to them. Of course, all selling
gets back to this. Money often takes a back seat to other
priorities. For example, if you’re in a price negotiation
and you also know the buyer is under a time crunch,
you could offer quicker delivery instead.
Give product instead of dollars. Instead of dropping price,
throw in some additional products. Give them something
they’re not buying from you now. It gives them the opportunity
to test something out, which could lead to future sales of
that product. This also works great if they are a reseller. They
can then make a profit from what you give them. Also, the
actual retail price of the product could be much greater
than the concession or discount they want, but your actual
cost is lower.
Offer services. How many people do you know who buy
extended warranties, and then actually take advantage of all
the free services that come with them? Sounds valuable at
the time of purchase, but probably a very low redemption rate
by customers.
What can you offer that is high perceived value, high margin,
and low redemption?
Use cross-promotions. One of the discount stock
brokers offered 10,000 frequent flier miles from one of the
major airlines to open up a brokerage account with them.
Every party in the transaction wins there.
Get creative, and don’t give away those hard earned dollars.
A dollar given away is always a dollar of profit.
"Being busy does not always mean real work.
The object of all work is production or accomplishment
and to either of these ends there must be forethought,
system, planning, intelligence, and honest purpose,
as well as perspiration. Seeming to do is not doing."
Thomas Edison
汤姆 爱迪生
Go and Have Your Best Week Ever!
Here's How To Stop Giving Profits Away
At a home accessories and furniture store
I saw a couple of large metal wall pieces I
liked for my office. This place looked like a
family-run operation. The owner saw my
obvious interest in one, came over, and
asked if I liked it.
metal wall piece 装在墙上的金属制品(如把干之类)
I tried not showing too much emotion and
asked how much better he could do. His reply
was brilliant:
tried not showing too much emotion 尽量不露声色、尽量不显示自己的好感
“These are almost double this amount at Robb &
Stucky’s (a high-end furniture store in Scottsdale).
You can have it for only $295.”
Great answer!
I’m always prepared to pay full price, but I also
like to ask for the sport of it, and, well, because
it works. So I then said,
I also like to ask for the sport of it 我还是喜欢还个价,只是为了实践实践(或曰:为了多玩玩这个讨价还价的“运动”)
“How much better can you do if I also get that
one over there,” pointing to a similar piece on the
I expected something solid like, “Same thing with
that one. Together, you’ll double your savings from
anywhere else.”
Suddenly, though, he turned into a different person.
He caved in, saying,
“Ah, well, OK, I can give you $75 off if you get both.”
He gave away pure profit.
Here’s something that’s not too profound at first glance:
“A dollar in cash money or credit that you give away is
always a dollar of lost profit.”
However, this has enormous implications when you
put it in the context of price objections, negotiations,
and concessions, and also special offers, discounts, and
incentives to purchase.
And with that context in mind, here’s another piece of
“The perception of the value of what you give away—
in the mind of the receiver—can be greater than its price
the value 价值
OK, so what does all this mean?
Here's an example. A printer had missed a deadline
date for an order. It caused me inconvenience. In the past
I’ve had printers who knocked something off the price
when they screwed up. Instead, she apologized profusely,
and recovered with this:
I’ve had printers who knocked something off the price
when they screwed up. 过去我所遇到的是出错以后会减去一些费用的印刷商。
“Here’s what I’m going to do for you. I’ve run 20% more
than what you ordered, no charge. And the next time you
do a black and white printing job like this, I’ll throw in a
second basic color at no charge.”
If she would have knocked $100 off the bill, that would have
cost her $100. I imagine she probably has to do at least $400
worth of business to make $100 net profit. Instead, she offered
to give me 20% more than what I ordered, which cost her very
little, since she probably ran 10% more than what I ordered
anyway and would have just wasted it, and her additional
cost was essentially just for the paper.
As for the second color on the next job, not only is
that a clever way to ensure future business (kind of like
having a gift certificate—who hasn’t made a shopping trip
to redeem it even if we didn’t need anything?) but it also
had a high perceived value to me because it’s something
I normally pay for.
Her only cost is to run the job through the press a second
time, and for the colored ink (which she’d likely have on the
press for another job anyway); again much less than the
perceived dollar value.
Think of how you might be able to use these ideas to avoid
giving away dollars in cash, and persuade people to
buy, or buy more quickly.
Here are some ideas.
Understand what’s important to them. Of course, all selling
gets back to this. Money often takes a back seat to other
priorities. For example, if you’re in a price negotiation
and you also know the buyer is under a time crunch,
you could offer quicker delivery instead.
Give product instead of dollars. Instead of dropping price,
throw in some additional products. Give them something
they’re not buying from you now. It gives them the opportunity
to test something out, which could lead to future sales of
that product. This also works great if they are a reseller. They
can then make a profit from what you give them. Also, the
actual retail price of the product could be much greater
than the concession or discount they want, but your actual
cost is lower.
Offer services. How many people do you know who buy
extended warranties, and then actually take advantage of all
the free services that come with them? Sounds valuable at
the time of purchase, but probably a very low redemption rate
by customers.
What can you offer that is high perceived value, high margin,
and low redemption?
Use cross-promotions. One of the discount stock
brokers offered 10,000 frequent flier miles from one of the
major airlines to open up a brokerage account with them.
Every party in the transaction wins there.
Get creative, and don’t give away those hard earned dollars.
A dollar given away is always a dollar of profit.
"Being busy does not always mean real work.
The object of all work is production or accomplishment
and to either of these ends there must be forethought,
system, planning, intelligence, and honest purpose,
as well as perspiration. Seeming to do is not doing."
Thomas Edison
汤姆 爱迪生
Go and Have Your Best Week Ever!
[ 本帖最后由 bruce1 于 2008-3-11 17:22 编辑 ]
另,4楼的签名用的恰到好处"Stay hungry,stay foolish"
Always thank u ,Bruce!
thank you !you are very good,please go ahead!
郁闷!!!!! 这几天没看到翻译,没想到今天刚做完上来一看,老师已经修改了。。。。。 下次不能往后拖了。。。先传上再说吧。。。
Here's How To Stop Giving
Profits Away
At a home accessories and furniture store
I saw a couple of large metal wall pieces I
liked for my office. This place looked like a
family-run operation. The owner saw my
obvious interest in one, came over, and
asked if I liked it.
I tried not showing too much emotion and
asked how much better he could do. His reply
was brilliant:
“These are almost double this amount at Robb &
Stucky’s (a high-end furniture store in Scottsdale).
You can have it for only $295.”
Great answer!
I’m always prepared to pay full price, but I also
like to ask for the sport of it, and, well, because
it works. So I then said,
“How much better can you do if I also get that
one over there,” pointing to a similar piece on the
I expected something solid like, “Same thing with
that one. Together, you’ll double your savings from
anywhere else.”
Suddenly, though, he turned into a different person.
He caved in, saying,
“Ah, well, OK, I can give you $75 off if you get both.”
“这样的话,如果你购买两套的话, 我可以给你这个价格,75$”
He gave away pure profit.
Here’s something that’s not too profound at first glance:
“A dollar in cash money or credit that you give away is
always a dollar of lost profit.”
However, this has enormous implications when you
put it in the context of price objections, negotiations,
and concessions, and also special offers, discounts, and
incentives to purchase.
And with that context in mind, here’s another piece of
“The perception of the value of what you give away—
in the mind of the receiver—can be greater than its price
OK, so what does all this mean?
Here's an example. A printer had missed a deadline
date for an order. It caused me inconvenience. In the past
I’ve had printers who knocked something off the price
when they screwed up. Instead, she apologized profusely,
and recovered with this:
“Here’s what I’m going to do for you. I’ve run 20% more
than what you ordered, no charge. And the next time you
do a black and white printing job like this, I’ll throw in a
second basic color at no charge.”
If she would have knocked $100 off the bill, that would have
cost her $100. I imagine she probably has to do at least $400
worth of business to make $100 net profit. Instead, she offered
to give me 20% more than what I ordered, which cost her very
little, since she probably ran 10% more than what I ordered
anyway and would have just wasted it, and her additional
cost was essentially just for the paper.
As for the second color on the next job, not only is
that a clever way to ensure future business (kind of like
having a gift certificate—who hasn’t made a shopping trip
to redeem it even if we didn’t need anything?) but it also
had a high perceived value to me because it’s something
I normally pay for.
Her only cost is to run the job through the press a second
time, and for the colored ink (which she’d likely have on the
press for another job anyway); again much less than the
perceived dollar value.
Think of how you might be able to use these ideas to avoid
giving away dollars in cash, and persuade people to
buy, or buy more quickly.
Here are some ideas.
Understand what’s important to them. Of course, all selling
gets back to this. Money often takes a back seat to other
priorities. For example, if you’re in a price negotiation
and you also know the buyer is under a time crunch,
you could offer quicker delivery instead.
Give product instead of dollars. Instead of dropping price,
throw in some additional products. Give them something
they’re not buying from you now. It gives them the opportunity
to test something out, which could lead to future sales of
that product. This also works great if they are a reseller. They
can then make a profit from what you give them. Also, the
actual retail price of the product could be much greater
than the concession or discount they want, but your actual
cost is lower.
Offer services. How many people do you know who buy
extended warranties, and then actually take advantage of all
the free services that come with them? Sounds valuable at
the time of purchase, but probably a very low redemption rate
by customers.
What can you offer that is high perceived value, high margin,
and low redemption?
Use cross-promotions. One of the discount stock
brokers offered 10,000 frequent flier miles from one of the
major airlines to open up a brokerage account with them.
Every party in the transaction wins there.
Get creative, and don’t give away those hard earned dollars.
A dollar given away is always a dollar of profit.
"Being busy does not always mean real work.
The object of all work is production or accomplishment
and to either of these ends there must be forethought,
system, planning, intelligence, and honest purpose,
as well as perspiration. Seeming to do is not doing."
Thomas Edison
Go and Have Your Best Week Ever!
Here's How To Stop Giving
Profits Away 如何避免失去利润
At a home accessories and furniture store
I saw a couple of large metal wall pieces I
liked for my office. This place looked like a
family-run operation. The owner saw my
obvious interest in one, came over, and
asked if I liked it. 在一家室内装修和家具商店看到两钟很大的金属色的墙砖,我想买过来装修我的办公室.这家店看起来是家族式经营的商店,老板看我对其中一款很感兴趣,就走过来问我是不是很喜欢.
I tried not showing too much emotion and
asked how much better he could do. His reply
was brilliant:我假装不是很感兴趣, 同时问他能不能给个更好的价钱. 他的回答很精明:
“These are almost double this amount at Robb &
Stucky’s (a high-end furniture store in Scottsdale).
You can have it for only $295.””这些在Robb & Stucky’s 商店,( Scottsdale一家很大的精品家具店),你要花两倍的价钱才能买到.”
Great answer! 多好的回答!
I’m always prepared to pay full price, but I also
like to ask for the sport of it, and, well, because
it works. So I then said, 我总是准备着原价买下来,但总是会再迂回一番,因为这种方法总是很可行.于是我说:
“How much better can you do if I also get that
one over there,” pointing to a similar piece on the
wall. “如果我再买这一块的话,价钱能不能再便宜点?”我指着墙上类似的另一块说.
I expected something solid like, “Same thing with
that one. Together, you’ll double your savings from
anywhere else.”
我期待得到坚决的回答.像 “那一块也一样, 你从其他地方买的话要花两倍的价钱.”
Suddenly, though, he turned into a different person.
He caved in, saying,
突然, 他好像变成另外一个人. 说:
“Ah, well, OK, I can give you $75 off if you get both.”
“ 好的, 如果你两件都买的花,我便宜75美元.”
He gave away pure profit. 他放弃了纯利润.
Here’s something that’s not too profound at first glance:
“A dollar in cash money or credit that you give away is
always a dollar of lost profit.”
“ 不管是现金还是信用卡,你放弃的一美元就是你损失了一美元的纯利润.”
However, this has enormous implications when you
put it in the context of price objections, negotiations,
and concessions, and also special offers, discounts, and
incentives to purchase. 但是,你把它放到价格异议、谈判, 让步,或者特殊服务、折扣或者购买动机中去考虑时, 它具有巨大的含义.
And with that context in mind, here’s another piece of
wisdom: 在这样的情景中去考虑的话,这里有一个充满智慧的例子:
“The perception of the value of what you give away—
in the mind of the receiver—can be greater than its price
OK, so what does all this mean?
好的, 这样的话,这句话是什么意思呢?
Here's an example. A printer had missed a deadline
date for an order. It caused me inconvenience. In the past
I’ve had printers who knocked something off the price
when they screwed up. Instead, she apologized profusely,
and recovered with this:
这里有一个例子: 一个打印工耽误了一个单子的货期. 它造成了我的不便. 如果像往常,我肯定是让打印工降低这票货的价格.但这次不一样,她真诚的道歉并给我这样的答复:
“Here’s what I’m going to do for you. I’ve run 20% more
than what you ordered, no charge. And the next time you
do a black and white printing job like this, I’ll throw in a
second basic color at no charge.”
If she would have knocked $100 off the bill, that would have
cost her $100. I imagine she probably has to do at least $400
worth of business to make $100 net profit. Instead, she offered
to give me 20% more than what I ordered, which cost her very
little, since she probably ran 10% more than what I ordered
anyway and would have just wasted it, and her additional
cost was essentially just for the paper.
如果她答应从货款中扣掉100美元, 那她就实实在在的损失100美元.我想她要做至少400美元的生意才能赚得100美元的纯利润.然而,她要是多做20%,这样她的损失会很小.她可能会多做10%,其他的就当是损耗.这样她的损失只不过是一些纸的钱.
As for the second color on the next job, not only is
that a clever way to ensure future business (kind of like
having a gift certificate—who hasn’t made a shopping trip
to redeem it even if we didn’t need anything?) but it also
had a high perceived value to me because it’s something
I normally pay for.
Her only cost is to run the job through the press a second
time, and for the colored ink (which she’d likely have on the
press for another job anyway); again much less than the
perceived dollar value.
她的损失只不过是再去复印一次,至于彩印, 她做另一个工作的时候总是要用的, 她的损失还是比实际的少.
Think of how you might be able to use these ideas to avoid
giving away dollars in cash, and persuade people to
buy, or buy more quickly.
想想你自己是怎么用这些想法来避免现金的损失, 去说服客人去买,并更快的买更多的东西.
Here are some ideas.这里有一些想法.
Understand what’s important to them. Of course, all selling
gets back to this. Money often takes a back seat to other
priorities. For example, if you’re in a price negotiation
and you also know the buyer is under a time crunch,
you could offer quicker delivery instead.
要理解什么对他们来说是重要的. 当然,所有的销售策略都归于这一点. 钱常常让位于其他更优先的条件.比如, 你再谈判的时候知道这个客人更需要时间快点,你就提供较早的货期给他.
Give product instead of dollars. Instead of dropping price,
throw in some additional products. Give them something
they’re not buying from you now. It gives them the opportunity
to test something out, which could lead to future sales of
that product. This also works great if they are a reseller. They
can then make a profit from what you give them. Also, the
actual retail price of the product could be much greater
than the concession or discount they want, but your actual
cost is lower.
给他们产品而不是钱,比起降低价钱,更应该附送产品.给他们一些不是从你这边买来的东西.给他们一次机会去尝试,这也许会给你带来商机. 如果他们是卖价的话,这个方法也很管用. 因为他们能从你给的东西中获得好处. 同样,产品真正的零售价可能比他们要的让步或者折扣要多得多,但是你实际的损失就小了。
Offer services. How many people do you know who buy
extended warranties, and then actually take advantage of all
the free services that come with them? Sounds valuable at
the time of purchase, but probably a very low redemption rate
by customers.
What can you offer that is high perceived value, high margin,
and low redemption?
提供服务. 你知道有几个人会买额外的担保, 并从随之的免费服务中得到真正的好处?这些听起来在购物中比较有用, 但实际上带给顾客的利益很小.你可以提供很高的实际价值, 高的利润, 低的回报率?
Use cross-promotions. One of the discount stock
brokers offered 10,000 frequent flier miles from one of the
major airlines to open up a brokerage account with them.
Every party in the transaction wins there. 运用交叉促进。一个折扣库存经纪人在一个主要的航线附近提供10000个频繁的快车,和他们开了一个回扣帐户。
Get creative, and don’t give away those hard earned dollars.
A dollar given away is always a dollar of profit.
"Being busy does not always mean real work.
The object of all work is production or accomplishment
and to either of these ends there must be forethought,
system, planning, intelligence, and honest purpose,
as well as perspiration. Seeming to do is not doing."
Thomas Edison
汤姆 爱迪生
Go and Have Your Best Week Ever!
one stone, two birds.
Here's How To Stop Giving
Profits Away
At a home accessories and furniture store
I saw a couple of large metal wall pieces I
liked for my office. This place looked like a
family-run operation. The owner saw my
obvious interest in one, came over, and
asked if I liked it.
I tried not showing too much emotion and
asked how much better he could do. His reply
was brilliant:
“These are almost double this amount at Robb &
Stucky’s (a high-end furniture store in Scottsdale).
You can have it for only $295.”
Great answer!
I’m always prepared to pay full price, but I also
like to ask for the sport of it, and, well, because
it works. So I then said,
“How much better can you do if I also get that
one over there,” pointing to a similar piece on the
I expected something solid like, “Same thing with
that one. Together, you’ll double your savings from
anywhere else.”
Suddenly, though, he turned into a different person.
He caved in, saying, 突然,他转向另一个人,他投降,说
“Ah, well, OK, I can give you $75 off if you get both.”
He gave away pure profit.
Here’s something that’s not too profound at first glance:
“A dollar in cash money or credit that you give away is
always a dollar of lost profit.”
However, this has enormous implications when you
put it in the context of price objections, negotiations,
and concessions, and also special offers, discounts, and
incentives to purchase.
And with that context in mind, here’s another piece of
“The perception of the value of what you give away—
in the mind of the receiver—can be greater than its price
OK, so what does all this mean?
Here's an example. A printer had missed a deadline
date for an order. It caused me inconvenience. In the past
I’ve had printers who knocked something off the price
when they screwed up. Instead, she apologized profusely,
and recovered with this:这里有一个例子。
“Here’s what I’m going to do for you. I’ve run 20% more
than what you ordered, no charge. And the next time you
do a black and white printing job like this, I’ll throw in a
second basic color at no charge.”
If she would have knocked $100 off the bill, that would have
cost her $100. I imagine she probably has to do at least $400
worth of business to make $100 net profit. Instead, she offered
to give me 20% more than what I ordered, which cost her very
little, since she probably ran 10% more than what I ordered
anyway and would have just wasted it, and her additional
cost was essentially just for the paper.
As for the second color on the next job, not only is
that a clever way to ensure future business (kind of like
having a gift certificate—who hasn’t made a shopping trip
to redeem it even if we didn’t need anything?) but it also
had a high perceived value to me because it’s something
I normally pay for.
Her only cost is to run the job through the press a second
time, and for the colored ink (which she’d likely have on the
press for another job anyway); again much less than the
perceived dollar value.
Think of how you might be able to use these ideas to avoid
giving away dollars in cash, and persuade people to
buy, or buy more quickly.
Here are some ideas.
Understand what’s important to them. Of course, all selling
gets back to this. Money often takes a back seat to other
priorities. For example, if you’re in a price negotiation
and you also know the buyer is under a time crunch,
you could offer quicker delivery instead.
Give product instead of dollars. Instead of dropping price,
throw in some additional products. Give them something
they’re not buying from you now. It gives them the opportunity
to test something out, which could lead to future sales of
that product. This also works great if they are a reseller. They
can then make a profit from what you give them. Also, the
actual retail price of the product could be much greater
than the concession or discount they want, but your actual
cost is lower.
Offer services. How many people do you know who buy
extended warranties, and then actually take advantage of all
the free services that come with them? Sounds valuable at
the time of purchase, but probably a very low redemption rate
by customers.
What can you offer that is high perceived value, high margin,
and low redemption?
Use cross-promotions. One of the discount stock
brokers offered 10,000 frequent flier miles from one of the
major airlines to open up a brokerage account with them.
Every party in the transaction wins there.
Get creative, and don’t give away those hard earned dollars.
A dollar given away is always a dollar of profit.
"Being busy does not always mean real work.
The object of all work is production or accomplishment
and to either of these ends there must be forethought,
system, planning, intelligence, and honest purpose,
as well as perspiration. Seeming to do is not doing."
Thomas Edison
Go and Have Your Best Week Ever!
read carefully later.........
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