继续分享:常用俗语的表达。1.中国可以超越西方国家。China can leapfrog western societies
2.袖手旁观stand idly by
3.繁文缛节;官样文章red tape
4.行尸走肉 The walking dead
5.退伍军人Miliraty veterans
6.家政人员 Domestic workers
7.后退back off
8.差一点发生came close
9.叫停call it quits
10.不是轻而易举的no trivial accomplishment
11.马桶堵塞了toilet clogged
12.打信号截下救护车flag down the ambulance
13.放下…感觉,不再纠结于 let go of..
14.分而治之策略divide and rule strategy
15.动机不纯 Ulterior motive
16.不怀好意。Up to no good.
17.一劳永逸 Once and for all
18.为..担保 Vouch for sb.
19.无心之过Innocent mistake
20.保质期Shelf life
21.亚军Runner up
22.善待某人 do right by sb.
23.有危险,有风险be at stake
24.唾手可得 within our grasp.
25.急需用钱need quick cash
26.有困难,出于困境困境in dire strait
27.与别人攀比,奥慕虚荣keep up with the Joneses
28.vacillate between 在两个角色之间之间摇摆不定
29.振作起来 get your shit together。/buck up.
30.某人抢在了我前面。Sb. beat me to it。
31.合伙对付某人gang up on sb.
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