加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto大家收到这封“Get your money File your tax return”的信了吗?该怎么申请?
Get your money File Your Tax Return @ Up to $1,000 for families or $300 for single people from the Ontario Sales Tax Transition Benefit, made in three separate instalments. - To qualify for the 2011 payment, you must file a 2010 tax return by April 30, 2012. You can still qualify for the two payments made in 2010 if you file a 2009 tax return by April 30, 2011. @ Up to $900 per family or single person, from the Ontario Energy and Property Tax Credit, or up to $1,025 if you are a senior. @ Up to $260 for each member of your family from the Ontario Sales Tax Credit. @ Up to $1,100 per child under the age of 18 from the Ontario Child Benefit. @ Up to $50 per child under 16 years of age or up to $100 for a child with a disability under age 18, from the Children's Activity Tax Credit. @ Up to $500 from the Ontario Senior Homeowners' Property Tax Grant. 谁知道该怎么申请?需要提交的“2010 tax return ”是指什么?
回复: 大家收到这封“Get your money File your tax return”的信了吗?该怎么申请?俺怎么觉得那个红字应该是must file a 2010 tax return by April 30, 2011.
回复: 大家收到这封“Get your money File your tax return”的信了吗?该怎么申请?就是要报税。报税了就可以有以上的各种补贴了。
回复: 大家收到这封“Get your money File your tax return”的信了吗?该怎么申请?应该指2011年报税吧
回复: 大家收到这封“Get your money File your tax return”的信了吗?该怎么申请?就是要报税。报税了就可以有以上的各种补贴了。点击展开... 你的意思是说报完税,这些补贴自动给?
回复: 大家收到这封“Get your money File your tax return”的信了吗?该怎么申请?你的意思是说报完税,这些补贴自动给?点击展开...对啊.红字的部分是我理解错了.应该是2012, 即最晚的报税日期,有的人其实不是当年报的,我有个同事连续四年都没报税,因为他觉得他没欠税.
回复: 大家收到这封“Get your money File your tax return”的信了吗?该怎么申请?你的意思是说报完税,这些补贴自动给?点击展开...是啊@ Up to $1,000 for families or $300 for single people from the Ontario Sales Tax Transition Benefit, made in three separate instalments.这个就是从去年6月和12月发的gsthst合并后的补贴,报了2009年税家庭收入不超过16万个人不超过8万的都会收到到支票。今年6月还有一次。 - To qualify for the 2011 payment, you must file a 2010 tax return by April 30, 2012. You can still qualify for the two payments made in 2010 if you file a 2009 tax return by April 30, 2011. @ Up to $900 per family or single person, from the Ontario Energy and Property Tax Credit, or up to $1,025 if you are a senior. 这个报税的时候就可以得到,多少看收入@ Up to $260 for each member of your family from the Ontario Sales Tax Credit. 这个也是去年6月才有的,有报税的才有,每3个月派发,多少看收入,最多就是260元每年。@ Up to $1,100 per child under the age of 18 from the Ontario Child Benefit. @ Up to $50 per child under 16 years of age or up to $100 for a child with a disability under age 18, from the Children's Activity Tax Credit. 上面两个是小孩福利,也需要家长报税了才能拿到@ Up to $500 from the Ontario Senior Homeowners' Property Tax Grant.这个也是报税时就可以拿到的。上面的这些东西都和家庭和个人收入有关系,收入很高基本就没什么福利了。
回复: 大家收到这封“Get your money File your tax return”的信了吗?该怎么申请?学习了.
回复: 大家收到这封“Get your money File your tax return”的信了吗?该怎么申请?其实就是提醒你报税
回复: 大家收到这封“Get your money File your tax return”的信了吗?该怎么申请?谢谢bbjj,你解释得太好了!我现在明白了!
回复: 大家收到这封“Get your money File your tax return”的信了吗?该怎么申请?多谢大家!
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