加拿大华人论坛 多伦多 Toronto收到议员回信,大家都来签名


Dear Friend: Thank you for going on line and signing the petition against the unfair handling of your immigration application. I have read very carefully your comments and as an immigrant to Canada I agree with you fully. I am writing to ask that you please ask your friends and relatives in Canada to also sign the electronic petition that will help immensely. Also please ask other applicants around the world to also sign on. We will do what ever we can to stop this ill thought legislation. However we need your help to do this. Please forward the message below to as many people as you know. Conservative government’s announced that Citizenship and Immigration Canada would close the files of Foreign Skilled Worker applicants who had applied before February 27, 2008 and for whom an immigration officer has not made a decision by March 29, 2012. This decision was made so that the longstanding backlog could be eliminated. This decision dashed the hopes and dreams of 300,000 applicants and their families. Many have applied to immigrate to Canada , followed all the proper steps and waited your turn. Now they are being told that officials are refusing to even look at your application. Now Stephen Harper and Jason Kenney are refusing to even look at your application. It is time to tell Jason Kenney and Stephen Harper that this decision is unfair. Please visit http://jimkarygiannis.net/petition_and_action_requests/immigration_backlog and sign the on-line Petition. Please get your friends and family in Canada to sign the petition as well. I would also ask them to circulate the petition to their email lists. Sincerely, Hon. Jim Karygiannis P.C., M.P. Scarborough-Agincourt Liberal Critic of Multiculturalism Constituency Office 3850 Finch Ave East Suite 206 Scarborough Ontario M1T 3T6 Tel: (416) 321 5454 fax: (416) 321 5456 [email protected] www.karygiannismp.com

回复: 收到议员回信,大家都来签名签了,谢谢,我也让我的老公签名。

回复: 收到议员回信,大家都来签名还有我的朋友,我也要让他们签名。

回复: 收到议员回信,大家都来签名大力支持,顶起。

回复: 收到议员回信,大家都来签名签了,也收到同样回信,让我老公还有几个亲戚都签了

四月初登陆爱城! 超赞 赏 F flourish 0$(VIP 0) 1122012-04-25#6 回复: 收到议员回信,大家都来签名知道多伦多老移民很多,您们一定能理解我们这些被不公平地咔嚓掉的91申请人的心情,真的希望能帮我们呼吁一下我们所受到的不公平待遇。做为我个人用了七年的时间递申请等待,考雅思,收到补料申请,做各种公证材料,学历认证,又突然被告知我们的补料将不被审理,心血白费。自评分70完全符合申请时的移民政策所要求的分数。被这样单方面解除承诺这真的不应该是一个国家对承诺的解释。

Junia知道多伦多老移民很多,您们一定能理解我们这些被不公平地咔嚓掉的91申请人的心情,真的希望能帮我们呼吁一下我们所受到的不公平待遇。做为我个人用了七年的时间递申请等待,考雅思,收到补料申请,做各种公证材料,学历认证,又突然被告知我们的补料将不被审理,心血白费。自评分70完全符合申请时的移民政策所要求的分数。被这样单方面解除承诺这真的不应该是一个国家对承诺的解释。点击展开... 完全理解加万分同情。支持你们,为你们祈福

感谢生命中的一切人和事,无论好与坏,无论对与错,无论爱与恨,施予的都是收获 超赞 赏 北 北京范德彪 0$(VIP 0) 37,4402012-04-25#8 回复: 收到议员回信,大家都来签名支持楼上同学们! 不过承诺毕竟是承诺,西方国家不遵守承诺是有历史传承的,大家要做好心理准备

回复: 收到议员回信,大家都来签名签名支持!

团聚进程:5/9第一次寄出,5/28收到退料,5/29重新寄出,5/30CIC签收,7/5AR1,7/10DM1,11/20 AR2+补护信;11/26护照签收+网络'变态'为IP;12/18双地址+DM2;1/16大信封 超赞 赏 I ILIFE 0$(VIP 0) 7652012-04-26#10 回复: 收到议员回信,大家都来签名签了,很能理解准移民的这种心情。

回复: 收到议员回信,大家都来签名貌似没有我们这种老移民声援的地方

内事不决问老婆外事不决问Google​支持楼上同学们! 不过承诺毕竟是承诺,西方国家不遵守承诺是有历史传承的,大家要做好心理准备点击展开...同意,看他们每对夫妻结婚时的誓词就知道。说得多感人阿。


回复: 收到议员回信,大家都来签名签了,支持,加油。

青丝已白发一刀切这件事情,加拿大政府有点流氓像。点击展开... 村里的流氓

回复: 收到议员回信,大家都来签名这个不要脸的康胖子!!!大家一定要顶住,坚持到底!争取胜利!

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