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Topic~ 年轻人是否应该接受全日制教育至18岁?
11月 21号 雅思考试大作文如何拿到7?首先紧扣字眼 all 以及 at least 18 years old.
评分标准的 完整回应问题,TR 分数拿到7。
其次请注意范文的精彩表达和词汇词组,提升自己的 表达准确性 和地道性。
Some people think that all young people should be requireed to stay in full-time education until at least the age of 18. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Discord arises when it comes to the school leaving age. The majority of people hold the view that it should be mandatory for young people under 18 to receive full-time education. My view is that receiving more years of education brings ample benefits and every young person should comply with this.
Ensuring everyone gets educated for the same amount of time at school promotes equality. In many areas with socio-economic disadvantages, some teenagers are often leaving school at an earlier age in an attempt to find odd jobs. Making staying in school at the age of 18 compulsory for all youngsters would hopefully break this vicious circle. This also benefits the society as a whole since an educational system that practices equity is a strong foundation of a society that is fair and thriving.
As well as ensuring equality, this initiative would also bring a wide range of benefits to youngsters in many aspects. If everyone was required to leave school no sooner than 18, teenagers are more likely to be employed with higher wages in the future and have less tendency towards criminal activities. The longer a young person remains at school the better their prospects are. This is because more years of education means more skills are acquired and therefore more options are available.
In addition, this approach would largely ensure all young people are prepared for the adult world. The age of 18 is considered by most countries to be an age when young people turn into an adult. Before they embrace the adult world, it would be best from them to stay in school and learn as much as they can, which prepares them for either future jobs or academic endeavor.
Overall, based on the reasons mentioned above, children receiving full-time education until the age of 18 not just benefit themselves but also the society they live in. Therefore, it is fully justified to pass laws to make 18 as a school-leaving age.
Vocabulary and collocations:
Discord arises when it comes to the school leaving age.
discord 不⼀致,纷争
arise 发⽣,产⽣,引起
promote equality 促进平等
socio-economic disadvantages 社会经济劣势
in an attempt to 企图,希望(做某事)
odd jobs 零⼯(指不稳定的,低收⼊的⼯作)
ample 充⾜的,⼤量的
comply with 照做,遵守(命令,规则)
break this vicious circle 打破恶性循环
the society as a whole 整个社会
fair and thriving 公平,繁荣的
be employed with higher wages 受雇做更高薪水的工作
tendency 倾向
The longer a young person remains at school the better their prospects are.
be prepared for the adult world 为成人世界做好准备
academic endeavor 学术事业
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