加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科FLAGDREAM Education Program Coordinator 招聘


EducationProgram Coordinator

FLAGDream is an education technology corporation founded by an eliteteam from top tech companies in Silicon Valley. Our mission is to help studentsjoin the world's leading companies, relying on our strong resources, networks,and mentor teams throughout Silicon Valley and Wall Street. FLAGDream providesstudents with career development, consulting, and vocational skill trainingservices. As a result, we send thousands of trainees to Silicon Valley and topcompanies in various industries around the world every year.

FLAGDream is an affiliate of one of the top human resourceconsultancies, IntelliPro Group, based in North America and founded in 2009.IntelliPro Group has provided career advice and opportunities to 100,000+talents to help them develop in all aspects of their career. IntelliPro hasbecome a top partner for technology companies in the United States and theAsia-Pacific region. With high-tech methods leveraging AI and big data,IntelliPro Group has established a large-scale talent database of over 160 million,which can quickly meet the needs of business for elite talent.

Job Duties:

Serve asprinciple contact and liaison for program instructor and students

Provideacademic advising and assess student’s academic needs

assistingin developing an appropriate academic program, course selection, internship andcareer planning

Monitorand document class progress and retention

Consultwith instructor on academic progress and issues.

Handlesand services all student questions and inquiries with care and a smile.

Followingup our students progressvia phone and emails

Providing students with advice on how to achieve personal and companylearning targets

Advisestudents regarding classes, programs, schedules, and academic goals

Researchand develop existing feedback systems and cycles

Identifydata collection points to help measure teacher engagement

Interpretfeedback and data gathered

Provide1:1 coaching sessions to support students in identifying target jobs andestablishing an action plan for achieving job success

Monitorcustomer feedback during the Program and provide support when required.


Bachelorsin Human Resources, Business Administration, or related field

A minimumof one year of recruitment experience needed.

Excellentwritten and verbal communication skills

Positiveattitude plus good teamwork

Fluent inboth Chinese and English

Experience successfully multi-taskingand working independently preferred

Experience successfully responding tomultiple, competing, and time-sensitive deadlines preferred + Experiencemanaging sensitive information and situations with discretion preferred

Please send your resume to [email protected]


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