加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科BMO贷款专家Cynthia 夏向华 按揭贷款有问必答
联系人夏向华 Cynthia Xia国英粤地 址Toronto,发布人snowxia发私信E-mail加关注查看大图 | 地图不对,我要纠错服务特色详情介绍用户评价(1)相关推荐服务特色工薪人士和多套房新移民非居民详情介绍本人是多伦多贷款按揭专家,资深房贷专家,专门为新移民/回流居民、外籍非居民、自雇、工签及留学生提供房屋贷款服务。欢迎各界人士随时来电咨询! 个人小档案夏 向 华: 1983年毕业于上海财经大学,86年获硕士学位。 长期从事金融和会计领域的工作。BMO银行, 崇尚多元文化,有更多的贷款项目和产品,有更好的利率。新老客户朋友,如您需要贷款,不管是新贷款还是转贷款,请随时来电。“诚恳、快捷、专业”是她呈现给您的服务。业务范围:工薪人士:贷款额度高多套房出租房:经验丰富,大量案例 新移民 非居民:政策宽松自雇人士:不到3年,可贷75万联系方式:夏向华 Cynthia Xia欢迎新老客户朋友随时来电,416-858-1080微信号:cxia1080博客专栏“按揭贷款,有问必答,夏向华专栏”已开通7年。本博通俗易懂,大量案例,深受客户朋友的喜爱。最新博文 你准备帮助儿女买房吗? 如何选择和留住租客? 换房,如何安排首付款和贷款?请点击回 音 壁1. I got your professional service and I love this program, I recommended this program to two real estate investors today and will let more of my friends know and use it. Thanks for bring me such a good mortgage, and super high LTV , well done. Xia Xinde2 Hi Cynthia,Thanks so much for your great effort and kind help for our family. We very lucky to meet you. We will prepare these document as soon as possible and contact you shortly。Thanks again, have a nice day. Xuejun and Lianping3 Dear Cynthia, Thank you very much for your great service. Keep in touch!Thanks, Jenny Jiang4. Hi, Cynthia,Thank you very much! I am suprise it's so fast. Both of you two are veryefficient. I am luky have you two. Best Regards,Janet5. Hi Cynthia, Thank you for all your help. We moved in on the day before yesterday and will invite you to visit us after we settled down. All the best to your business. Li Junjie6. Hi, Cynthia, Thank you so much for your all assistance. Btw, my another friend maybe looking for a good mortgage, I will give your info to him and he will call you or contact you later.Thanks again, Andy7. It was really a pleasant experience getting the mortgage from your bank, especially via your professional handling of the case. We should have written to you earlier today to express our heartfelt gratitude. But I was in the meetings the whole morning and then have been busy with house reno. In short, we feel so lucky to come to know you and definitely we are looking forward to future services by the Scotiabank. Hulihua8. Hi Cynthia, We are all good with our mortgage, we just want to say “Thank You Cynthia! you saved us”. I guess the best way to say “thank you” is telling my friends that what a great job you have done for me, even I knew you already have more than enough business you can handle, but there are people like me who need your help. Michael Zhao
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