加拿大华人论坛 加拿大百科牙医梁文勇
联系人Ms. Yang国英粤地 址2330 Kennedy Rd, Suite 417 Scarborough, ON M1T 0A2(Agincourt Mall)网 址 www.liangdentistry.com/ 发布人WenyongLiangD.D.S发私信E-mail加关注查看大图 | 地图不对,我要纠错服务特色详情介绍用户评价(1)相关推荐服务特色牙齿矫正牙齿美容修复镶牙拔牙种植牙口腔疾病治疗洗牙假牙详情介绍牙医梁文勇是前华西医大正畸硕士、加拿大西安大略牙学院毕业,拥有20余年临床经验。该诊所位于Sheppard/Kennedy附近,专业提供牙齿矫正、牙齿美容修复、镶牙、拔牙、种植牙、洗牙、安装假牙等口腔疾病治疗服务。Dental Services Oral Examination & DiagnosisComplete oral examination includes x-rays, diagnosis and treatment planning. These are usually necessary for new patients.Limited oral examination and diagnosis are usually reserved for returning or emergency patients.Preventive DentistryRegular dental checkup and teeth cleaning are recommended every 6 months.Tooth pit and fissure sealants, removable or fixed appliances forcontrol of oral habits like thumb sucking, space maintainer for youngkids and mouth guards for adults are provided.FillingsComposite resin is a tooth-coloured filling material to repair decayed, worn or damaged teeth.Root CanalsA root canal is the space within the root of a tooth. Sometimes toothdecay or damage can lead to tooth pulp infection, which is beyond whatis treatable by filling. In This case, root canal treatment is the onlyway to preserve the tooth. It is a procedure that extracts infected pulpfrom the central part of the tooth and reshapes the canal and replacesit with filler.ExtractionTeeth with serious decay, damage or periodontal disease and impacted wisdom teeth should be considered for extraction.Gum TreatmentProper oral hygiene, daily dental care and regular dental checkupswill minimize the risk of gum disease. Gum disease ranges frommild(gingivitis) to moderate or severe periodontitis which can cause aloss of teeth. Gum treatments include teeth scaling, root planning andperiodontal surgery.Cosmetic DentistryWe provide composite or ceramic veneers and full ceramic crowns toclose gaps in teeth, reshape teeth and to whiten dark, yellow, stainedor discoloured teeth. We also offer teeth whitening.OrthodonticsThere is no age limit for orthodontic treatment. Early orthodontictreatments like anterior cross-bite correction may help a patient avoidserious orthodontic problems or surgery in the future. We offertraditional orthodontic appliances(braces) and removable appliances. Wealso offer Invisalign(no braces)as an alternative to traditional braces.Invisalign creates custom fitted removable trays, which are clear andvisually not noticeable, to progressively straighten, align and improveyour smile.Crowns & BridgesA crown is a permanent covering that fits over an original tooth thatis decayed or damaged and can not be repaired with regular fillingmaterial.There are various types of crowns made from different materials:CeramicPorcelainPorcelain Fused MetalFull Cast Metal CrownA bridge is a dental device that fills a space that a tooth or teeth previously occupied.DenturesPeriodontal disease, tooth decay and injury can cause a loss of yournatural teeth. We can bring back the smile on your face with dentures torestore your missing teeth.There are two types of dentures:Complete denture, which covers your entire jaw.Partial denture, which replace your one or multiple missing teeth.It may take some time to adjust to your new dentures.Emergency TreatmentPain relief and necessary treatment for toothache due to decay,trauma and soft tissue injury are usually looked after the same day.
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